Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Knowledge of the latest mass spectrometry techniques for the detection, identification and structural characterization of organic molecules and biomolecules.
Applications in chemistry (pharmaceutical industry) and biology (omic approaches).
1) Structural elucidation (Ion characterization technologies) :
- LC/MS/MS and exact mass measurements
- Isotope marking, H/D exchange
- Ion mobility
2) Surface analysis and imaging (molecular mapping)
3) Applications in chemistry and biology: characterization of small organic molecules and biomolecules.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 15 H
TD: 5 H
Be able to determine the structure of small organic molecules and biomolecules by mass spectrometry.
Understand and analyze the strategy used to characterize an organic compound and a biomolecule in a complex sample.
Understand the implementation and fields of application of analysis in imaging mode.
Teaching hours
- Mass spectrometry - CMLecture15h
- Mass spectrometry - TDTutorial5h
Mandatory prerequisites
Mass spectrometry, level M1 :
Advanced concepts (gas-phase ion production/measurement, ionization, analyzer and activation)
Knowledge control
Final written exam, 2 hours:
- Authorized documents: no
- Non-graphic calculator allowed: yes
- Internet allowed: no
Course: Inductive (problem-based) and deductive pedagogy, Support(s) available on ENT (Moodle): Course documents, TD documents, exam annals and reference publications.
- Identification methodology : (3 H)
- Complex media analysis (LC/MS),
- High resolution and exact mass measurement (HR-MS),
- Analysis of discrete molecules and polymers.
- Structural characterization methodology: (6 H)
- Fragmentations (MS/MS) and low- and high-energy dissociation (activation methods),
- Isotope marking and H/D exchange,
- Principle of ion mobility (IM/MS).
- Imaging mode analysis (MSI): (3 H)
- Principle of surface analysis,
- Imaging principles and instrumentation.
- Applications in chemistry and biology: (3 H)
- Spectral interpretation (software tools and databases),
- Analysis of biomolecules (peptides, proteins, lipids, DNA, sugars, etc.),
- Polymer analysis (polydisperse samples, PEG),
- Omics analysis (context and applications).
Tutorials (5 hours): Individual work, exercises to be prepared before and during the session.
Case studies :
- Control/monitoring of organic synthesis,
- Chemical library screening,
- Targeted detection of compounds of interest,
- Structural determination of a small organic molecule,
- Examples of biomolecule and polymer analysis,
- Spectral interpretation in IM-MS and MSI modes.
Further information
Administrative contact(s) :
Secretariat Master Chemistry