• Study level

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


The most common sensory tests are described and applied to different matrices (comparative, descriptive, hedonic). The approach used in sensory analysis is examined, focusing on the choice of tests appropriate to the type of results expected and the material conditions of the study. Protocols are drawn up, highlighting the critical points in carrying out analyses. Interpretation of test results is covered in practical exercises.

Hourly volumes* :

            CM: 8h

            Practical work: 12h

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Acquire sensory analysis methods for different agri-food products and apply these decision-making tools in production, quality control and R&D.

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Necessary prerequisites

Master 1 ICAP A&P or equivalent training

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Knowledge control

70% Final exam (2 sessions), 30% Practical (written)

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The role of biological and physico-chemical transformations on the organoleptic component of the product will be presented in order to better interpret sensory evaluations. Acquisition of sensory analysis methodologies applicable to various food and non-food products, with a view to making decisions in production, quality control and R&D.

Knowledge and complexity of wine aroma
Varietal, fermentative and post-fermentative origins, impact compounds, aroma defects.
Through various examples related to wine aroma chemistry and winemaking techniques, sensory analysis protocols used in oenology will be presented.


Practical work: Sensory evaluation tests on different products (wines, tropical products, etc.), interpretation of test results using statistical processing.

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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :

Secretariat Master Chemistry


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