• Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


The aim of the medicinal chemistry course is to introduce students to the key stages in the process of developing molecules with biological activity. In particular, a description of the interactions involved, the notion of pharmocophores, bio-isosteria, etc., as well as structure-activity relationship studies will be covered, enabling students to envisage appropriate strategies and structural modifications.

Hourly volumes* :

WC: 3 p.m.

TD: 5 h

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The aim of this course is to understand the issues involved in medicinal chemistry research.

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Necessary prerequisites

Organic chemistry L3

Biomolecule Chemistry, M1 level:

Knowledge of the various families (structures, properties)

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Knowledge control

Final written exam, 2 hours:

  • Authorized documents: no
  • Internet allowed: no
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Course : Inductive (problem-based) and deductive pedagogy. Support(s) available on ENT (Moodle): Course documents, TD documents, exam annals and reference publications.


  1. Molecular interactions of biomolecules with their targets (1.5 h)
  2. Pharmacophore and pharmacophore analogues (3 h)
  3. Notions of bio-isostery/homologation/inversion of functions (4.5 h)
  4. Structure-activity relationships (4.5 h)
  5. Physico-chemical properties (1.5 h)


TD (5h): Individual work, exercises to prepare before and during the session.

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Further information

Teaching team :


Christophe Mathé


Administrative contact(s) :

Secretariat Master Chemistry


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