Thermal and mechanical properties of materials

  • Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



The mechanical and thermal properties of materials are at the heart of many applications in the field of materials for energy. After an introduction to these different fields of application, this course aims to define the different concepts needed to master both the mechanical and thermal properties of materials, with a focus on bulk materials.

Hourly volumes* :

            CM: 11H

            TD : 9H

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The aim is to provide a solid skills base for :

1) understanding the various phenomena governing mechanical and thermal properties

2) knowledge of the different classes of materials

3) determination of elastic constants

4) determination of thermal conductivity


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Teaching hours

  • Thermal and mechanical properties of materials - TDTutorial9h
  • Thermal and mechanical properties of materials - CMLecture11h

Mandatory prerequisites

Differential calculus. Matrix algebra. Knowledge of crystallography.

Classical thermodynamics

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Knowledge control

Final inspection (1)

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1) Thermal properties (5.5 CM - 4.5 TD)

-Microscopic macroscopic link; temperature electrons and phonons; heat capacity (thermal energy storage application)

-Thermal conductivity; heat diffusion law (building insulation application)

-Thermal expansion; microscopic aspects and bonding anharmonicity; atypical effects (negative, massive expansion, etc.) (technological applications)

-Melting and heat resistance (thermal shock)

-Diffusivity in materials



2) Mechanical properties (5.5 CM - 4.5 TD)

- Introduction/definitions: what are mechanical properties?
- Stress-strain relationships:

stresses: normal, tangential
strains: tension, shear, expansion
stress-strain curve: elastic range (Hooke), plastic, striction
definition of different types of material
- Elastic range:
definition of different elastic moduli (Bulk, shear, Young, Poisson)
introduction of elastic constants Cij
elastic energy density
expression of elastic moduli as a function of Cij
application to cubic, quadratic, orthorhombic crystals


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Further information

Administrative contact(s):

Secretariat Master Chemistry

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