Physiology and practice of sensory analysis

  • Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


Course: Study of gustation and olfaction (reception and transmission of messages, coding of information, psychophysiological importance), notions of sensory analysis.

Practical work: Learning referents used in perfumery and aromatics. Description, comparison, memorization, determination of recognition thresholds, application of the notion of olfactory power and volatility to the search for agreements.

Hourly volumes* :

CM: 12h

Practical work: 8h

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Know the basics of the physiology of olfactory and gustatory perception and apply them to the sensory analysis of molecules of importance in Perfumery and Aromatics.

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Knowledge control

Assessment: 60% final exam (2 sessions), 40% practical work

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study of taste and olfaction

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