Study level
BAC +4
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The first part of the course introduces the fundamentals of transition metal organometallic chemistry. It begins with a description of the Metal-C bond, enabling us to understand its stability and chemical reactivity. Secondly, the power of this synthesis tool for the formation of C-H, C-C, etc. bonds will be demonstrated. Examples of their applications in various fields will enable the acquisition of these reactions and their fields of application: fine chemistry, catalytic transformations of industrial importance, synthesis of natural products, preparation of materials.
The second part of this course is dedicated to hetero-element chemistry, focusing on the elements Silicon, Tin and Boron. The aim of this part is to present the various methods for preparing boron-, tin- and silicon-based reagents, as well as the main transformations carried out with these compounds, with applications in organic synthesis and materials synthesis.
CM: 13 H
TD: 7 H
Organometallic and hetero-element chemistry offers unique synthesis tools, which are used in a wide range of fields: active ingredient synthesis, total synthesis, catalysis, molecular and macromolecular materials. The aim of the course is to provide the initial knowledge needed to understand and acquire the basic concepts of this chemistry.
Teaching hours
- Organometallic and hetero-element chemistry - TDTutorial7h
- Organometallic and hetero-element chemistry - CMLecture13h
Mandatory prerequisites
Knowledge of molecular chemistry at Licence L3 level: good knowledge of organic chemistry, the structure of matter, the nature of bonds and their reactivity.
Knowledge control
Final written exam, 2 hours:
- Authorized documents: no
- Non-graphic calculator allowed: yes
- Internet allowed: no
Classes: 1 p.m.
Organometallic chemistry:
Structure/reactivity relationships of catalysts for metal-catalyzed reactions ;
Influence of the nature of ligands on catalytic reaction processes ;
Metallocatalyzed reactions as tools in synthesis and synthesis strategy ;
Sustainable development chemistry
Plan :
I - Introduction
II - Metal-ligand bonds
III - Counting valence electrons (16/18 electron rule)
IV - Elementary reactions
V - Attack on ligands
VI - Catalysis
Hydrogenation of alkenes
Alkene polymerization
Olefin metathesis
Coupling reaction
Hetero-element chemistry :
- Tin compounds
Reactivity in organic synthesis
- Silicon compounds
Reactivity in organic synthesis
- Boron compounds
Reactivity in organic synthesis
TD: 7H
Individual work, exercises to prepare before and during the session.
On both parts, application exercises (and their correction) will be drawn from recent literature and past exam subjects.
Further information
Knowledge of coordination chemistry at Licence L3 level: knowledge of complex structure, complexation reactions, nature and properties of ligands.