• Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


The electronic and optical properties of solids are at the heart of numerous applications in the fields of energy (photovoltaic panels, passive coolants, etc.), light production (white diodes, lasers, etc.) and electronics (components, microprocessors, etc.). After an introduction to these different fields of application, this course aims to define the different concepts needed to master both the electronic and optical properties of materials, which are essential for understanding the most modern technologies.

Hourly volumes* :

            CM: 11H

            TD : 9H

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The aim is to provide a solid skills base for :

1) understanding the various phenomena governing electronic and optical properties

2) knowledge of the electronic structure of solids (insulators, semiconductors and metals)

3) basic operation of semiconductors.

4) the link between structure and optical properties of materials

5) the link between electronic structure and transport coefficients

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Teaching hours

  • Electronic and optical properties - TDTutorial9h
  • Electronic and optical properties - CMLecture11h

Mandatory prerequisites

Differential calculus. Knowledge of crystallography, basic quantum mechanics.

Classical thermodynamics

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Knowledge control

Final inspection (1)

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1) Electronic properties (5.5 CM - 4.5 TD)

A )Introduction/Drude's semi-classical model

  1. B) The electron quantum particle: electronic structure

-A reminder of Schrödinger's equation and the free electron

-Electronic description of metals (Fermi gas)

-Reciprocal space

-Fermi-Dirac statistics (introduction of temperature)

-Electronic structure/transport properties

  1. C) Extension to the electronic structure of semiconductors

-Intrinsic semiconductors: densities of electronic states

-n" and "p" doped semiconductors: law of mass action

-Influence of temperature on the electronic properties of semiconductors


2) Optical properties (5.5 CM - 4.5 TD)

  1. A) The electromagnetic spectrum; concept of color; black body
  2. B) Light-matter interaction: dispersion, refraction, scattering


-Physical color/nanomaterials: coherent light scattering

-Cooling pigments

-Polarization and liquid crystals (application to displays)

  1. C) Light-matter interaction: electronic excitation

-Fermi's golden rule

-Electron in a box: application to F centers

-Atomic excitation (e.g. sodium lamp)

-The field of ligands (e.g. pigment color in art history)

-Rare earths and spin/orbit


-Luminescence: application to LEDs


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Further information

Administrative contact(s) :


Secretariat Master Chemistry


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