Training structure
Faculty of Science, Faculty of Pharmacy
Select a program
L3 - Biotechnology-Biotraceability-Bioresources
The Biotechnology and Traceability pathway in the Life Sciences bachelor's degree is a multi-disciplinary course with a strong focus on biotechnologies and nano-biotechnologies dedicated to traceability: detection and diagnosis. The last few decades, with their series of viral pandemics, have demonstrated the importance to health of rapid, reliable diagnosis. Fundamental biology has provided an arsenal of biomarkers. Biotechnologies ranging from genetic engineering to immunotechnology have brought a host of concrete applications in the field of traceability. Today, a multi-disciplinary convergence is leading to the development of new microdevices, the biosensors that will be able to meet the needs of future generations.
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
Structural Biochemistry
4 creditsRegulations / Legislation
3 creditsImmunology (from response to infect° to autoim diseases)
4 creditsEnglish S5
2 creditsInnovative approaches to metabolic engineering
3 creditsMolecular Biology
5 creditsIntroduction to Nano-biotechnologies
5 creditsBiotechnology S5
4 credits
L3 - Biochemistry
The Biochemistry pathway of the Life Sciences B.Sc. is a training program at the interface of Biology and Chemistry. The various courses offered over the three years of the Bachelor's degree are designed to prepare students for professional careers, but above all for further study in Master's programs or engineering schools.
At the University of Montpellier, the Biochemistry pathway enables students to pursue their studies mainly in the Biology-Health or Pharmaceutical Sciences Masters programs. This demanding training is both generalist, integrating many disciplines of biology (biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, genetics, microbiology, etc.) and more specific (structural biology, enzymology, chemistry of biomolecules or mathematics for biology).
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
Structural Biochemistry
4 creditsEnzymology
5 creditsCommunication techniques and scientific English
4 creditsEnglish S5
2 creditsMolecular Biology
5 creditsFunctional genetics
5 creditsIntegrated Cellular Metabolism
5 credits
L3 - Plant Biology for the Agro-Environment
The Biologie des Plantes pour l'Agro-Environnement (BiPAgro) (Biology of Plants for the Agro-Environment) course of the Licence Sciences de la Vie (L-SV) provides initial multi-disciplinary training in the concepts and methods of biology in the fields of biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, genetics, physiology and biotechnology, with progressive specialization in plant sciences. This program aims to understand how plants function, and how they adapt to their environment. It enables students to acquire fundamental knowledge of model species and species of agronomic interest, in order to grasp current issues in plant production, input management and the design of tomorrow's plant agroscience. One of the special features of the program is its strong link with the Montpellier plant biology scientific community, enabling a teaching approach that integrates training through research. Training through fundamental or applied research is ensured by a long compulsory internship at the end of L3 - rare in a Bachelor's degree course -, which equips students to prepare for their post-Licence future. The presence on the Montpellier site of major plant biology research organizations (INRAE, CNRS, IRD, CIRAD), plant experimentation stations and companies in the Agrosciences field provides a large pool of potential internships that are well suited to the career plans of most students. The Montpellier site also boasts a large network of Master's and PhD students in the Agrosciences field.
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Plant development
7 creditsCommunication techniques and scientific English
4 creditsEnglish S5
2 creditsMolecular Biology
5 creditsBiotechnology S5
4 creditsFunctional genetics
5 credits
Basics of agroecology
3 creditsAutotrophy
8 creditsGreen course
Plant genetic engineering
6 creditsProject or internship
3 credits
L3 - Biology-Ecology
The Biology-Ecology (BE) course of the Life Sciences (SV) bachelor's degree is a multi-disciplinary scientific program focused on knowledge of organisms (of all types: animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, etc.), their evolution and their ecology, in the scientific sense of the term: animals, plants, fungi, bacteria...), their evolution and their ecology, in the scientific sense of the term, i.e. the scientific study of the relationship between organisms and their environment, as well as the interactions they develop between themselves (societal or political ecology, ecologism, is not at the heart of the training, although it is sometimes addressed in the courses). The fourth major discipline is the acquisition and mastery of the mathematical and statistical tools essential to ecology and evolutionary biology. Finally, the choice of specific teaching units can enable you to specialize in paleontology or paleoecology through the study of earth sciences.
NB: the L3 BE relies very heavily on the teachings of L2, both for the theoretical and methodological aspects, and extends them. It also involves a great deal of autonomy and a lot of group work in addition to face-to-face classes.
Tutored projects S5
4 creditsEvolutionary ecology
4 creditsGenetic bases of evolution
4 creditsCHOIX1
4 creditsYour choice: 1 of 6
Geology of sedimentary basins
4 creditsOrganization, development and diversity of spermatophytes
4 creditsNaturalist Specialization 2
4 creditsBiology of animal behavior
4 creditsEcotoxicology
4 creditsComparative animal physiology of integrated systems
4 credits
4 creditsDiversity and evolution of past and present metazoans N3
4 creditsModeling biological data
4 creditsEnglish S5
2 credits
Evolutionary Ecology and its applications
1 creditsTutored projects S6
4 creditsAngiosperm diversity and phylogeny
4 creditsEvolutionary ecology and its applications
5 creditsSpecies assemblages from local to global
4 creditsCHOIX1
4 creditsYour choice: 1 of 5
Field methods in ecology
4 creditsBiodiversity conservation: ethics, threats, restoration
4 creditsModelling life: applications
4 creditsNaturalist project
4 creditsPaleoecology and biostratigraphy
4 credits
4 creditsChoice of: 1 to 6 of 6
Architecture and morphogenesis of the whole plant
4 creditsAquatic ecology
4 creditsIntroduction to molecular ecology
4 creditsMammalian phylogeny
4 creditsAdaptations to parasitism
4 creditsTools and methods for reconstructing paleoenvironments
4 credits
4 creditsYour choice: 1 of 5
4 creditsMeteorology, climatology and the water cycle
2 creditsMeteorology/climatology/environment
2 credits16,5h
Science communication
4 creditsSetting up an educational project with UniverlaCité
4 creditsHealth, environment and global change
4 creditsScience and Society: history of science, ethics, critical thinking
4 credits
L3 - Biotechnology-Teaching Professions
The Biotechnology Teaching Professions (Bio-ME) course is a multi-disciplinary scientific training program designed for students intending to enter the Master MEEF2nd degré Biotechnologies option Biochimie Génie Biologique to become certified teachers of Biotechnology - Biochemistry - Biological Engineering in high schools.
This program is based on existing Life Sciences degree programs, and is reinforced by specific courses in teaching, didactics and pedagogy in biotechnologies. The course culminates in an internship in a secondary school, bringing students into contact with the professional world of education.
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
Immunology (from response to infect° to autoim diseases)
4 creditsEnglish S5
2 creditsMolecular Biology
5 creditsBiotechnology S5
4 creditsMicrobiology 3
5 creditsIntegrated Cellular Metabolism
5 creditsPedagogy and Didactics of Biotechnologies
5 credits
Infection & Immunity
3 creditsPractical work in molecular biology
6 creditsMolecular Engineering
Molecular tools for detection and diagnosis
4 creditsGenetics & Epigenetics
4 creditsObservation internship in a technological high school
5 creditsVirology
4 credits
L3- Molecular and Cellular Biology
The Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) pathway in the Life Sciences bachelor's degree is a scientific undergraduate program providing a broad vision of the life sciences, with a particular focus on the inner workings of the eukaryotic cell. The transition to specialization is gradual over the three years of the course.
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
Structural Biochemistry
4 creditsCommunication techniques and scientific English
4 creditsEnglish S5
2 creditsMolecular Biology
5 creditsFunctional genetics
5 creditsIntegrated Cellular Metabolism
5 creditsAdvanced cell biology 1: Experimental approaches
5 credits
Development biology
Practical work in molecular biology
6 creditsMolecular Engineering
Advanced Cell Biology 2: Key concepts
5 creditsGenetics & Epigenetics
4 creditsProject or internship
3 creditsVirology
4 credits
L3 - Microbiology
The Microbiology course in the Life Sciences bachelor's degree is a multi-disciplinary scientific program focusing on microorganisms in the broadest sense (prokaryotes, viruses, eukaryotic microorganisms). Their structures and functions will be studied in depth, as will their mode of multiplication. Genetics, the molecular mechanisms involved and their regulation will be examined for the different microorganisms.
Their role in the environment and the different modes of interaction between microorganisms and their hosts will be discussed. Their use in biotechnology, their impact on animal and plant pathology and their interactions with immune defense mechanisms will be studied.
Pathogen control methods are also described in detail.
This "Microbiology" pathway is designed to show the great diversity of the microbial world and the many applications of this discipline, particularly in the fields of health and the environment.
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
A practical approach to bacterial biodiversity
6 creditsCommunication techniques and scientific English
4 creditsImmunology (from response to infect° to autoim diseases)
4 creditsEnglish S5
2 creditsMolecular Biology
5 creditsBiotechnology S5
4 creditsMicrobiology 3
5 credits
Infection & Immunity
3 creditsHistory of biology and bioethics
Practical work in molecular biology
6 creditsMicrobial ecology
4 creditsMolecular Engineering
Microbiology of eukaryotes
4 creditsProject or internship
3 creditsVirology
4 credits
L3 - Animal physiology and neuroscience
The Animal Physiology/Neurosciences pathway of the Life Sciences bachelor's degree is a multidisciplinary scientific program that tackles the physiological functioning of animals, including humans, with a strong focus on three disciplines: neuroscience, muscular and cardiac physiology, and nutrition.
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
Communication techniques and scientific English
4 creditsPractical work in animal physiology
4 creditsImmunology (from response to infect° to autoim diseases)
4 creditsOlfactory and Gustatory Physiology
4 creditsEnglish S5
2 creditsIntegrated Neurobiology and Cognition
4 creditsNeurobiology and Cellular Neurophysiology
4 creditsCardiac Physiology
4 credits
Cellular Communication and Pharmacology
4 creditsNeuropathology
Muscular and cardiac pathologies
5 creditsPhysiology and Pathology of Nutrition
4 creditsSensory and motor neurophysiology
4 creditsEndocrine physiology
5 creditsProject or internship
3 credits
L3 - SVSE APP-Bio menu
The APP-Bio pathway in the Life Science Bachelor's degree is entirely based on Problem and Project-Based Learning from L1 to L3. This student-centered, active pedagogy emphasizes cross-disciplinary skills as much as disciplinary skills in Biology. These skills are developed through team activities and independent personal work. Based on cross-disciplinary case studies in each Biology unit, students are expected to formulate and verify hypotheses, drawing on scientifically reliable references. Progressive autonomy in sorting information sources will be acquired over the course of 3 years.
Teaching is mainly in the form of tutorials and practical work, with scientific lectures and consolidation courses limited to 3 hours a week. Three times a week, the group is supervised by a tutor who reviews learning achievements and guides students in their learning. Assessments are aligned with learning outcomes. Numerous self-assessments will be available each week. Biology courses are organized sequentially, integrating elements of complementary disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, English, etc.): You have only one Biology UE at any one time, so as soon as it's finished, you finish the assessments and move on to the next one. Each year, a professionalization or pre-professionalization unit validates your progress in cross-disciplinary skills, as well as your knowledge of the year's disciplines. The course concludes with a multidisciplinary team project in science popularization and a 2-month personal project or internship.
APP General Culture
2 creditsCHOICE
24 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Environmental Methodology
10 creditsMethodology in Life Mechanism Biology
10 credits
Specialization 1 in Environment
14 creditsSpecialization 1 in Mechanical Biology of Life
14 credits
Professionalization SV APP
2 creditsEnglish S5 in APP
2 credits
APP multidisciplinary project
6 creditsEnglish S6 in APP
2 creditsCHOICE
22 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Specialization II in Environment
6 creditsEnvironmental internship/project
16 credits
L3 Health Engineering
Teaching fields : Health
Type of diploma : Bachelor's degree
Description :
This year's Bachelor's degree will equip students with the knowledge in Physicochemical, Pharmacological, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Sciences needed to pursue a specialized Master's degree in the Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Biotechnological Industries, and in Environmental Health.
License 3 is part of a preparatory course for the "Health Engineering" program, "Engineering and Health Professions Specialization", "Biology and Health" specialization.
The L2 and L3 courses are gateways to the Health Biology Research Masters or other health Masters offered by other universities.
Coherent Grouping 1 Semester 5
20 creditsCoherent grouping 2 UE Transversale linguistique Sem.5
10 creditsCommunication techniques - PEC
3 creditsEnvnmt technico-régle des industries de santé - La doc scien
3 creditsModern languages Semes. 5
4 creditsModern languages Semester 5
Choice: 1 of 3
Modern languages II Spanish
2 creditsModern languages II German
2 creditsModern languages II Other language
2 credits
2 credits
2 creditsCoherent Grouping of 3 Scientific UE Semester 6
21.5 creditsGalenic pharmacy
5 creditsSurface phenomena
3 creditsEnvironmental engineering - Radiobiology - Nutrition
5 creditsBiological & Cellular Engineering
5 creditsMethods for statistical analysis of pharmaceutical data
3.5 credits
Coherent grouping 4 UE Transersales linguistiques Sem. 6
6.5 creditsQuality management-Marketing-Statistical quality control
2.5 creditsLiving diapers Semester 6
2 creditsLiving languages Choice Semester 6
Choice: 1 of 3
Modern languages II Other language
2 creditsModern languages II Spanish
2 creditsModern languages II German
2 credits
L3 - BIOproduction and BIOtechnologies for Health (BIO²S)
The BIOproduction and BIOtechnologies for Health (BIO²S) program in the Life Sciences specialization responds specifically to the need in the healthcare biotechnology sector to train senior technicians specializing in bioproduction and biotechnologies for the healthcare sector. The BIO²S License 3 trains technicians in bioproduction and biotechnologies for healthcare, in response to the growing need for biomedicines. These products derived from living organisms account for more than half of all therapeutic molecules under development, requiring new biomanufacturing plants.
This course will provide theoretical instruction (knowledge of drugs, immunotechnology, quality control, molecular engineering, technical English, biomanufacturing, cell biology and microbiology) as well as practical instruction through experimental projects. Project-based learning will cut across several teaching units, enabling students to establish interactions and connections between the different disciplines taught. This Life Sciences program will be open to apprenticeships for the entire student body. The emphasis is on professionalization, with a focus on recent industrial applications and associated biotechnology tools, a large number of practical assignments and the involvement of external experts.
Structural Biochemistry
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course offers an in-depth look at the structural biochemistry of biomolecules, with a particular focus on proteins and nucleic acids.
The basic concepts and nomenclature used to analyze 3D protein structures are briefly reviewed (Ramachandran diagram, structural motif and domain, folding, family, superfamily, etc......). These notions are complemented by a study of the stability and dynamics of biomolecules.
The structural classification of proteins is detailed according to the 4 main types of folding. Structure-function relationships are illustrated using examples of proteins. Specificities of membrane protein structures (integral proteins, membrane-bound proteins) are discussed.
The main tools for modeling and predicting secondary and tertiary structures are presented.
The different structures and functions of nucleic acids are studied. Protein-nucleic acid complexes are described from a structural point of view (main recognition motifs, ...) and the notions of recognition specificity are detailed.
This course is illustrated by tutorials. These involve familiarizing students with the main databases used in structural biology, as well as with PyMol software for 3D structure analysis.
Regulations / Legislation
Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to help students understand the tripartite relationship between safety - legislation - detection tools. Human activity to meet the needs of growth, well-being and health of populations requires the monitoring of industrial practices. Rules governing limit levels for pollutants and other substances imply acceptable limits that must be quantified.
This course covers European food safety legislation, which requires a pragmatic approach to compliance with industry standards. Biology students working in a wide range of sectors, from agronomy to healthcare, need to be familiar with the fundamentals of quality management.
Immunology (from response to infect° to autoim diseases)
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This EU is the logical continuation of the S4 EU (Basics of physiology and immunology) and aims to deepen knowledge of fundamental, applied and clinical immunology. We will also cover "unconventional" immunology and develop innovative immunotherapy strategies. The course will cover all aspects of modern immunology, with a strong emphasis on clinical aspects.
Key words
Fundamental immunology, Anti-infectious immunity, Immunotherapy, vaccination, Autoimmunity, Immune deficiencies, Anti-cancer immunity, Non-conventional immunity
Innovative approaches to metabolic engineering
Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In this course, students work in groups to carry out bibliographical research on a selection of medicinal plants during tutorials, in order to identify plant biomolecules with potential biological or pharmacological properties. Using the documents provided, each group identifies, proposes and implements an extraction protocol and a simple biological activity test protocol to test the biostatic, antibiotic or antioxidant activity of the targeted molecules. The bibliographic monitoring approach and the results obtained during the practical work, together with their analysis and interpretation, will be discussed during a poster presentation session, which will lead to an assessment.
Molecular Biology
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Molecular biology is a fascinating subject of study in its own right, but it also provides other disciplines in biology (cell biology, genetics, physiology...) with fantastic tools for modifying and quantifying genes and their products.
The EU provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of organization, maintenance, replication and expression (transcription, post-transcriptional modifications, translation) of eukaryotic genomes.
In particular, we'll be exploring the properties of information-carrying macromolecules (DNA, RNA, proteins), and how transactions between them explain how eukaryotic cells function and adapt to the environment and to the development of organisms.
At the same time, the main techniques for monitoring or modifying gene expression, or for studying the mechanisms of this expression, will be explained in class and analyzed in greater depth in practical sessions.
TDs will address these topics in the form of (1) exercises enabling students to check their understanding of the knowledge described above, and (2) experiments extracted from scientific articles to be analyzed. In this way, the fundamentals of scientific reasoning and the critical analysis of results are acquired and/or deepened.
Introduction to Nano-biotechnologies
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course introduces the basics of nano-biotechnologies for diagnostics and detection.
1- Introduction to biosensors and embedded systems
The different types of electrochemical sensors (conductimetry, potentiometry and amperometry): - Biosensors from the Clark electrode to the amperometric glucometer. - The potentiostat: a simple standardized measurement system
- Transistors: semiconductors
- nanotubes or wires made of carbon, silicon, graphene, etc.
- Impedance measurement
2- Introduction to biomimicry
- Self-assembly of spherical structures: viruses, ferritin, dendrimers
- Self-assembly of monolayers
3- Functional organic chemistry
- L1 organic chemistry reminder
- Biomolecules (functions involved, carbonyl, amines, alcohols, thiols)
- Structures
- Functionalization basics
- Redox reaction
Biotechnology S5
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers the different categories of biotechnologies according to their field of application:
- Plant biotechnologies concern the agri-food industry and encompass a range of technologies that use plant organisms and their cells to produce and transform food products, biomaterials and energy, as well as recombinant proteins for therapeutic purposes.
- Animal biotechnology covers the fields of health, drugs, diagnostics and tissue engineering, as well as the development of genetic or molecular processes for therapeutic purposes.
- Microbial biotechnologies involve the use of micro-organisms (viruses or bacteria) and their cultivation in the agri-food/pharmaceutical industry, as well as their use in environmental protection.
The teaching offered to students in the Licence 3 Life Sciences is designed to enable them to discover or deepen their theoretical knowledge of the various biotechnologies, and to master the associated tools/applications.
History of biology and bioethics
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The main aim of this module is to provide a better understanding of the major concepts of modern biology, through the history of their development. In other words, to analyze the intellectual path and the experimental and theoretical approaches that led to their construction. For example, we'll look at how the search for a "natural" classification led Jean-Baptiste Monet de Lamarck and Charles Darwin to lay the foundations of evolutionary biology, or how Etienne Geoffroy Saint Hilaire's concept of "unity of organization plan" is at the origin of evolutionary paleontology, developmental biology and evolution/development (Evo/Devo).
In the context of bioethics, we'll look at the problems of conceptual drift (from craniology to eugenics), or the cases of "Georges Cuvier" and "Trophim Lyssenko" when religious or political ideology interferes with science.
Finally, biological philosophy will lead us to discuss the value of models in biology, and the "end of the all-genetic" (from Lamarck through epigenesis to epigenetics).
The entire module will be taught in lectures, during which some of the founding texts of modern biology will be analyzed and discussed.
Practical work in molecular biology
Study level
BAC +3
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Molecular Biology practical course is designed to give students autonomy when faced with a molecular biology protocol, and to introduce them to hypothesis-driven research. Students will have 6 days to respond to a biological problem proposed to them. In this way, they will be able to put into practice, under laboratory conditions, some of the techniques they have learnt in their theoretical courses, and gain a better understanding of them.
Molecular Engineering
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In this course, students will learn experimental principles based on the manipulation of nucleic acids. The lectures will be structured around two major themes:
- Introduction of molecular tools (cloning, nucleic acid analysis, vectorology) ii. Their applications (expression of recombinant proteins, genomic banking, transgenesis, CRISPR/CAS9 system, etc.) and reflection on the notion of ethics in biology.
The TDs will consist of :
- Analysis of articles presenting problems to be solved with the knowledge acquired in the course. As far as possible, the themes chosen will refer to the parallel UEs of L3. These articles will be presented by students in the form of oral presentations in groups of 3 or 4 to the whole class.
- Sessions reserved for the use of basic bioinformatics tools in the computer room.
Molecular tools for detection and diagnosis
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of the course is to review molecular identification techniques, with particular emphasis on biomarkers, advances in the latest generations of biomarkers and selective membranes, and new instrumentation.
Molecular diagnostic techniques / mass approaches.
Ag receptor biosynthesis in B and T lymphocytes
Antigen-antibody reactions
Immunological techniques
FACS principle
Proteomics, 2D, LC-MS, MS-MS. Degradome...
Biosensors and instrumentation
Study level
BAC +3
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The course takes a more in-depth look at biosensor design. It begins with general notions of graft chemistry for the functionalization of supports. Finally, an introduction to microfluidics will enable students to design instrumentation. This course is essentially a hands-on experience, with a real bibliographical search designed to enable students to work on their own instrumental development projects.
Project or internship
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The modalities of this UE are specifically adapted to the different L3 courses. Nevertheless, the objectives are the same: to give students an insight into the professional world of life science research.
Students will be offered a short internship in a laboratory/company or a tutored project with a tutor working in a laboratory or company associated with biology.
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to acquire knowledge of fundamental and applied virology, with an emphasis on an integrative vision of the discipline. It will present the specific features of host-virus interactions and the pathophysiology of viral infections in different host types (vertebrates/insects/plants). It will cover aspects of viral ecology, emergence and associated risks for human and animal health. Finally, the course will present the study methods used in research, virological detection and diagnosis tools, and the applications of viruses in biotechnology.
The course will include lectures, tutorials (analysis of current scientific articles and oral presentations) and practical work illustrating the lectures and tutorials (virus amplification and purification, and quantification using reference techniques).
Structural Biochemistry
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course offers an in-depth look at the structural biochemistry of biomolecules, with a particular focus on proteins and nucleic acids.
The basic concepts and nomenclature used to analyze 3D protein structures are briefly reviewed (Ramachandran diagram, structural motif and domain, folding, family, superfamily, etc......). These notions are complemented by a study of the stability and dynamics of biomolecules.
The structural classification of proteins is detailed according to the 4 main types of folding. Structure-function relationships are illustrated using examples of proteins. Specificities of membrane protein structures (integral proteins, membrane-bound proteins) are discussed.
The main tools for modeling and predicting secondary and tertiary structures are presented.
The different structures and functions of nucleic acids are studied. Protein-nucleic acid complexes are described from a structural point of view (main recognition motifs, ...) and the notions of recognition specificity are detailed.
This course is illustrated by tutorials. These involve familiarizing students with the main databases used in structural biology, as well as with PyMol software for 3D structure analysis.
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course provides fundamental knowledge of formal and structural enzymology.
- The first part of this course deals with formal kinetics (study of reaction rates, determining the order of a reaction, equilibrium and kinetics, reversible and balanced reactions). Experimental aspects are presented in parallel (determination of kinetic constants by spectrophotometry, fluorescence, radioactivity, immunoassays, etc.).
- The second part of the course concerns the study of single-substrate enzyme kinetics.
Definition of an enzyme, catalyst. Enzyme nomenclature (E.C)
Michaelian kinetics. Michaelis-Menten equation. Definition of enzymatic parameters,KM, maximum speed, catalytic constant, turn-over. Various graphical representations (Lineweaer-Burk, Eadie-Hofstee).
The different types of inhibition (competitive, incompetent, non-competitive, mixed) and their graphical representation are also studied.
Determining inhibition constancy. Irreversible inhibitors.
Reaction speed. Arrhenius' law.
- The third section describes multi-substrate enzymatic kinetics from a formal point of view. With ternary complex. Random or ordered mechanism.
No ternary complex. Ping-Pong, Theorell-Chance mechanism. Cleland representation.
Graphical determination.
- The fourth part deals with equilibrium bonding and allostery.
Receptor-Ligand / Enzyme-Substrate binding. Determination of dissociation (or association) constant. Specific and non-specific binding.
Scatchard demonstration and graphical representation. Allosteric receptors (or enzymes). Non-Michaelian enzyme. Notion of cooperativity. Positive and negative cooperativity. Hill number, Hill graph.
Models of allosteric regulation are presented. Allostery. Cooperative models, concerted (Monod-Wyman-Changeux), sequential (Koshland-Nemethy-Filmer). Role of effectors: activator or inhibitor. Example of hemoglobin and oxygen uptake.
- The fifth part of the course relates enzyme structures to their function, using several examples. Description of the 3D structures and catalytic mechanisms of acetylcholine esterase, proteases and nucleoside diphosphate kinase. Notion of catalytic triad, binding pocket, etc.
Communication techniques and scientific English
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course describes the methodology used by life science researchers to communicate the results of their experiments, both orally and in writing. As English is the common language of international researchers, a large part of this course is taught in this language.
Written communication is addressed through the study of the (macro) structuring of a research article, as well as through a study of the publication process in scientific journals. Several elements of written structuring (micro) are examined in order to understand the differences between scientific and literary English: clarity, cohesion, coherence.
These studies are supplemented by a tutored project during the semester, during which students analyze a research article recently published in the scientific literature and transcribe it into an oral presentation (conference) in English.
Molecular Biology
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Molecular biology is a fascinating subject of study in its own right, but it also provides other disciplines in biology (cell biology, genetics, physiology...) with fantastic tools for modifying and quantifying genes and their products.
The EU provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of organization, maintenance, replication and expression (transcription, post-transcriptional modifications, translation) of eukaryotic genomes.
In particular, we'll be exploring the properties of information-carrying macromolecules (DNA, RNA, proteins), and how transactions between them explain how eukaryotic cells function and adapt to the environment and to the development of organisms.
At the same time, the main techniques for monitoring or modifying gene expression, or for studying the mechanisms of this expression, will be explained in class and analyzed in greater depth in practical sessions.
TDs will address these topics in the form of (1) exercises enabling students to check their understanding of the knowledge described above, and (2) experiments extracted from scientific articles to be analyzed. In this way, the fundamentals of scientific reasoning and the critical analysis of results are acquired and/or deepened.
Functional genetics
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Functional genetics aims to better understand the relationships between genotype and phenotype. This course integrates various aspects of the analysis of gene and genome function at the whole-genome level using in vivo approaches, as well as transcriptional and expression regulation of eukaryotic genomes. The course is illustrated by concrete examples of developmental genetics in physiological and pathological contexts.
Integrated Cellular Metabolism
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course enables students to deepen their knowledge of metabolism. This course provides a global vision of human metabolism. It will emphasize the links between the different metabolic pathways. It will also show how different tissues communicate to maintain overall energy homeostasis. Dysregulation of this metabolism, at the origin of certain pathologies, will be presented.
Structural Biology and Interactions
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is a continuation of the Structural Biochemistry course in S5. Students will learn the basic concepts of the different approaches used for multi-scale structural characterization and macromolecular interaction analysis. The advantages and limitations of all the tools will be highlighted, so that students can understand the complementarity of these tools and know how to use them in an integrative way to answer a given biological question.
TDs will be a mix of structural analysis applications using visualization tools (such as Pymol) and article analysis using a combination of the approaches studied in CM. Students will then be asked to conceptualize their own experimental project in response to a given problem.
Mathematics for biology
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The course provides an overview of the concepts required for mathematical modeling in biology. The focus is on linear and non-linear dynamical systems, in dimension one and two. The course begins with essential notions of linear algebra: matrices, systems of linear equations, geometric interpretation of the solutions of these systems as vectors and subspaces (line, plane, etc.). The theory of vectors and eigenvalues of matrices is introduced in relation to linear dynamical systems. For non-linear dynamical systems, the qualitative theory of differential equations (attractors, phase portraits, zero-level isoclines) is presented, as an alternative to the often complicated calculation of solutions. The TD covers a wide range of biological models used in ecology, epidemiology, oncology and systems biology.
Practical work in biochemistry
Study level
BAC +3
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course enables students to consolidate and deepen their practical management of numerous experimental data obtained over a week of practical work during a blocked period (5 consecutive days). These data are obtained following the elaboration of many different protocols, keeping in mind to ensure the best reproducibility of the preparations carried out and to have the best speed of execution in the preparation, realization and analysis of the different experiments. A high degree of autonomy in setting up protocols will be encouraged, leading ultimately to experimental mastery and autonomy. This practical work will also enable students to work in groups (in pairs or trios, depending on capacity and number of students), and to write a report recording the protocols carried out, all the experimental data obtained and their analysis, in order to determine a wide range of biochemical parameters. A significant part of the assessment will be based on the students' ability to generate, manage, exploit and analyze raw experimental data with the utmost rigor.
Molecular Engineering
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In this course, students will learn experimental principles based on the manipulation of nucleic acids. The lectures will be structured around two major themes:
- Introduction of molecular tools (cloning, nucleic acid analysis, vectorology) ii. Their applications (expression of recombinant proteins, genomic banking, transgenesis, CRISPR/CAS9 system, etc.) and reflection on the notion of ethics in biology.
The TDs will consist of :
- Analysis of articles presenting problems to be solved with the knowledge acquired in the course. As far as possible, the themes chosen will refer to the parallel UEs of L3. These articles will be presented by students in the form of oral presentations in groups of 3 or 4 to the whole class.
- Sessions reserved for the use of basic bioinformatics tools in the computer room.
Advanced Cell Biology 2: Key concepts
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is designed to complement the notions of cell biology covered in L2 in BCM2 and BCM3 through the study of physiological and pathological situations such as cancer.
These lessons will introduce students to the importance of finding a suitable study model (cell lines or organisms for in vivo study (Drosophila, C. elegans, Zebrafish) to answer a question and highlight a molecular mechanism.
TDs will allow the manipulation of advanced concepts of cell biology in connection with knowledge of the most commonly used methodologies in cell biology such as flow cytometry, advanced techniques of fluorescence and electron microscopy, proteomics as well as knowledge of experimental models such as cells in culture, genetically modified or non-genetically modified animal models (C. elegans, zebrafish, transgenic mice, KO, KI...).
Systems biology
Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Systems biology offers the possibility of understanding how living organisms function at different scales of organization. This course will focus on the sub-cellular scale. At this scale, systems biology models integrate several levels of interaction from the transcriptome, proteome and metabolome. The predictions of in silico models can be used in biomedical research to understand multi-factorial diseases and optimize drug treatments, in bioengineering to synthesize genomes with optimized properties and functions (synthetic biology), as well as to guide fundamental research into the principles of how living organisms function. The course comprises a theoretical component (lectures and practical sessions on modeling gene, signaling and metabolic networks) and a practical component (computer-based practical exercises using Matlab software).
Project or internship
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The modalities of this UE are specifically adapted to the different L3 courses. Nevertheless, the objectives are the same: to give students an insight into the professional world of life science research.
Students will be offered a short internship in a laboratory/company or a tutored project with a tutor working in a laboratory or company associated with biology.
BioInformatics applied to plant biology
Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Bioinformatics is a discipline at the crossroads of computer science, mathematics and the life sciences. It is based in particular on the use and development of computer tools for the analysis of massive biological data. Eventually, these megadata can be organized into searchable online databases, enabling users to extract data relevant to a biological problem.
The aim of the "Bioinformatics applied to plant biology" teaching unit is to introduce students to the use of databases and to offer a first approach to data mining using R software.
Virtually all teaching will take the form of practical case studies in the computer room, in student sub-groups.
In the first part, students will learn the rudiments of the R computer language, enabling them to organize and clean up their raw data to make it fully exploitable for further analysis. They will then learn how to propose explicit graphical representations based on biological data. Particular attention will be paid to writing reusable scripts and choosing the graphics associated with the calculations according to the biological question at hand.
In the second part, students will use general databases such as NCBI, or databases devoted exclusively to the model plant Arabidopsis (TAIR), to carry out data mining.
Innovative approaches to metabolic engineering
Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In this course, students work in groups to carry out bibliographical research on a selection of medicinal plants during tutorials, in order to identify plant biomolecules with potential biological or pharmacological properties. Using the documents provided, each group identifies, proposes and implements an extraction protocol and a simple biological activity test protocol to test the biostatic, antibiotic or antioxidant activity of the targeted molecules. The bibliographic monitoring approach and the results obtained during the practical work, together with their analysis and interpretation, will be discussed during a poster presentation session, which will lead to an assessment.
Plant development
Study level
BAC +3
7 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is a specialization module in Functional Plant Biology, covering the mechanisms underlying the major stages in plant development.
It is based on knowledge derived mainly from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and covers the following concepts from a molecular, cellular and physiological point of view:
- Roles and functions of the main phytohormones.
- Development of male and female gametes, fertilization.
- Embryo, seed and fruit development.
- Functioning of root and stem meristems (vegetative and floral).
- Flower architecture.
- Adaptive development mechanisms in response to abiotic factors: light, gravity, cold.
Certain aspects of development will also be analyzed from an evolutionary perspective, by studying the role of developmental genes in the diversification and evolution of developmental processes in land plants (evolution of the root system, floral architecture, etc.).
Communication techniques and scientific English
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course describes the methodology used by life science researchers to communicate the results of their experiments, both orally and in writing. As English is the common language of international researchers, a large part of this course is taught in this language.
Written communication is addressed through the study of the (macro) structuring of a research article, as well as through a study of the publication process in scientific journals. Several elements of written structuring (micro) are examined in order to understand the differences between scientific and literary English: clarity, cohesion, coherence.
These studies are supplemented by a tutored project during the semester, during which students analyze a research article recently published in the scientific literature and transcribe it into an oral presentation (conference) in English.
Molecular Biology
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Molecular biology is a fascinating subject of study in its own right, but it also provides other disciplines in biology (cell biology, genetics, physiology...) with fantastic tools for modifying and quantifying genes and their products.
The EU provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of organization, maintenance, replication and expression (transcription, post-transcriptional modifications, translation) of eukaryotic genomes.
In particular, we'll be exploring the properties of information-carrying macromolecules (DNA, RNA, proteins), and how transactions between them explain how eukaryotic cells function and adapt to the environment and to the development of organisms.
At the same time, the main techniques for monitoring or modifying gene expression, or for studying the mechanisms of this expression, will be explained in class and analyzed in greater depth in practical sessions.
TDs will address these topics in the form of (1) exercises enabling students to check their understanding of the knowledge described above, and (2) experiments extracted from scientific articles to be analyzed. In this way, the fundamentals of scientific reasoning and the critical analysis of results are acquired and/or deepened.
Biotechnology S5
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers the different categories of biotechnologies according to their field of application:
- Plant biotechnologies concern the agri-food industry and encompass a range of technologies that use plant organisms and their cells to produce and transform food products, biomaterials and energy, as well as recombinant proteins for therapeutic purposes.
- Animal biotechnology covers the fields of health, drugs, diagnostics and tissue engineering, as well as the development of genetic or molecular processes for therapeutic purposes.
- Microbial biotechnologies involve the use of micro-organisms (viruses or bacteria) and their cultivation in the agri-food/pharmaceutical industry, as well as their use in environmental protection.
The teaching offered to students in the Licence 3 Life Sciences is designed to enable them to discover or deepen their theoretical knowledge of the various biotechnologies, and to master the associated tools/applications.
Functional genetics
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Functional genetics aims to better understand the relationships between genotype and phenotype. This course integrates various aspects of the analysis of gene and genome function at the whole-genome level using in vivo approaches, as well as transcriptional and expression regulation of eukaryotic genomes. The course is illustrated by concrete examples of developmental genetics in physiological and pathological contexts.
Basics of agroecology
Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
After defining intensive agriculture and analyzing its risks/benefits, this module will enable students to reflect on the various possible ways of moving agriculture towards an agroecological approach. Examples include biopesticides, ecological intensification and soil management. A visit to a company involved in sustainable agriculture is also organized. The sites visited vary from year to year, depending on the wishes of the students and the availability of the companies. Examples of visits made as part of this module: Bayer, Vilmorin, Geves, CTIFL, sudExpé...
Students will be asked to present a project or business start-up developing innovative proposals for changing cultivation practices, or any other use of plant products to reduce environmental impact.
Study level
BAC +3
8 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course presents the major functions of carbon, mineral and water nutrition in plants, which ensure their autotrophy (the production of their own biomass). It will provide the basis for understanding the fundamental mechanisms of nutrient absorption, distribution and assimilation. The course will be divided into two main parts, one dedicated to mineral nutrition and the other to carbon nutrition.
After a review of the properties of plant membranes and walls and the concepts of transmembrane transport, the part of the course dedicated to mineral nutrition will teach the mechanisms of water absorption and circulation, root uptake, subcellular compartmentalization and mineral distribution, as well as nitrogen assimilative metabolism.
The chapter dedicated to carbon nutrition will present the functioning of the chloroplast in the plant cell, photosynthesis (capture of light energy and synthesis of the first carbon compounds), the production of organic compounds and their allocation in the plant.
Green course
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is a module designed to introduce students to scientific research in fundamental or applied plant agro-sciences. Students must complete an internship of 10 weeks or more (which may continue over the summer) in a research laboratory (CNRS, INRAE, IRD, CIRAD), in an applied research organization such as GEVES, CTIFL, SudExpe, Serfel, IFV or in a private company such as Staphyt, AgroXp, Vilmorin. Montpellier offers a wide range of internship opportunities in this field.
This is a module for integration into the professional world, enabling students to make contact with players in the world of plant-based Agro-Sciences:
- apply the techniques learned in the various courses of the BiPAgro Bachelor's degree.
- exposure to the professional world
- develop your own professional project and enhance your CV
Students write a dissertation which they defend in front of a jury made up of teacher-researchers, researchers and/or field technicians/engineers.
Plant genetic engineering
Study level
BAC +3
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In this course, students deepen their knowledge of the different methods of plant transgenesis using biological, chemical or physical vectors, their acceptability and their applications in fields as varied as plant improvement, the production of biomolecules or therapeutic recombinant proteins. In tutorials, students are encouraged to document, reflect, argue and debate on transgenesis and its alternatives through a plant improvement scenario. In practical work, students are involved in improving a protocol for obtaining root hairs, using the knowledge they have acquired in class.
Project or internship
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The modalities of this UE are specifically adapted to the different L3 courses. Nevertheless, the objectives are the same: to give students an insight into the professional world of life science research.
Students will be offered a short internship in a laboratory/company or a tutored project with a tutor working in a laboratory or company associated with biology.
Tutored projects S5
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Students will be asked to carry out a bibliographical analysis on a topic of their choice, validated by the UE supervisors. Under the tutelage of a teacher-researcher, students will have to answer the problem they have set themselves by analyzing the available bibliography. They will have to assess the state of the art in the field they are working on, identifying areas of uncertainty and controversy, and open questions that remain to be resolved. They will have to carry out a genuine critical scientific analysis of the available bibliography, and not simply report on it. They will have to follow the conventions of scientific article writing, involving citation of sources, synthesis of information through illustration, problematization and synthesis of scientific results.
Evolutionary ecology
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is an extension of the "Fundamentals of Evolution" course, and introduces the main concepts of evolutionary ecology in order to understand and formalize in a simple way the evolutionary and ecological mechanisms that shape biodiversity at different scales of integration.
This course is designed as a coherent whole, with lectures, tutorials and practical work complementing each other. Notions are approached by example, then formalized using mathematical models, which are compared with experience and real data.
It will deal with population dynamics (intra- and interspecific competition), ecological niches and will detail the mechanisms of evolution and their genetic consequences on a population scale: natural selection (including sexual selection), influence of reproductive regimes, genetic drift. The practical sessions will enable students to master the mathematical formalization of notions seen in class and their simple computer modeling, as well as the analysis of data sets. Practical work will enable students to carry out and analyze in small groups 2 experiments lasting 1 month each (with report writing and oral presentation), in order to develop methodology and scientific reasoning.
Genetic bases of evolution
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The EU is organized into five main themes:
Theme 1: Gene mapping and recombination. Notions of molecular biology related to gene expression, DNA repair and epigenetic processes.
Theme 2: Introduction to molecular evolution: Measuring the intensity of selection in genetic divergence. Molecular clock and variation in evolutionary rates created by the action of natural selection. Neutralist theory of evolution.
Theme 3: Introduction to genomics: composition and size of genomes. Importance of repeated elements. Notion of genetic linkage and local effect of selection. Influence of demography.
Theme 4: Molecular tools for biodiversity: Barcoding, eDNA, metabarcoding. Molecular taxonomy. Limitations of hybridization. Conservation applications.
Theme 5: Extranuclear heredity. Symbiosis, parasitism and co-evolution (intra-cellular: e.g. Wolbachia). Notion of extended phenotype.
Geology of sedimentary basins
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Genesis, nature and fate of deposits in sedimentary basins.
Cycle of 15 courses/lectures/debates and practical work/days
Content of integrated courses / practical / practical work, (sedimentary basins, alteration of continents,
sediment transport, detrital and carbonate environments, factors affecting sedimentation: sequence stratigraphy, diagenesis)
Organization, development and diversity of spermatophytes
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to provide students with an integrative approach to the morphology, anatomy and development of the vegetative and reproductive systems of Spermatophytes, from an ecological, functional and evolutionary perspective. This approach is implemented by students through a supervised project centered on the study of a model plant, taking into account inter-individual variability, different stages of development, site conditions and biological type.
Naturalist Specialization 2
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The structure of this course is similar to that developed in S4. The aim is to provide students with knowledge of the biology, ecology and evolution of the three taxonomic groups in question. In addition to species identification (which will be covered extensively), this course will cover the evolution and systematics of the taxonomic group in question, fundamental ecology (evolutionary and functional ecology), applied ecology (conservation), physiology, legislation and study and identification methods.
After a general introductory course, 2 parallel courses will be offered. One will focus on cryptogams (algae, lichens, mosses and fungi), the other on fauna (chiropterans & arthropods).
The aim of this section is to familiarize students with the extremely diverse organisms that are bryophytes, phaeophytes and fungi. The principle is 1) to approach these little-known diversities through a naturalistic approach, 2) to place these observations in an evolutionary perspective (phylogenetic aspects), and 3) to link the observations to the role of these organisms in terrestrial and marine ecosystems.
Lastly, the module will cover aspects of daily life, economics and citizenship linked to species (toxicology, nutrition, medicine).
The aim is for students to acquire/deepen a body of knowledge on the biology of arthropods and chiropterans, which are taxonomic groups of great interest, both from the point of view of studies in fundamental ecology (ethology, evolutionary ecology, functional ecology), applied ecology (conservation biology) and environmental education/teaching. In addition to species identification, this line of work will cover the evolution and systematics of these taxa, their physiology, ecological and behavioral characteristics, and their roles in ecosystems. Teaching will incorporate innovative pedagogical approaches, combining the use of traditional tools (visual recognition) and modern ones (acoustic identification using software). Among Arthropods, the groups to be particularly addressed will be Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Odonata and Orthoptera, representing highly diversified orders that will best enable us to approach the notion of species, which is central in biology. Species identification will form the basis for studying their biology and ecology, and for tackling the notions of evolution and phylogeny.
Each group (Fauna - Cryptogams) will have at its disposal 12 hours of fieldwork (half of which will be common to both groups) to be carried out according to modalities to be defined (4 1/2-day outings, or 2 long one-day outings). Practical work can be carried out on university sites (university campus - Labex CEMEB experimental field at CEFE - Botanical Garden) that are suitable for studying different organisms.
Cross-cutting notion
The EU is organized around a notion common to both groups of practical work, which, through a reversed class, will enable us to use observed species as a starting point for identifying concepts central to conservation biology. In S5, the notion of species (and associated entities such as subspecies, hybrids, etc.) will be widely addressed, from both a theoretical and practical point of view. This notion will enable us to address 1. the foundations and limits of the various perspectives on species (morphological, genetic, ecological), 2. the methodological problems linked to the identification of taxa in the field and in the laboratory, and 3. the problems this generates from the point of view of species conservation. To this end, at the end of the sequence, students present a taxon, from among those proposed in the UE, whose identification proves to be complex.
Biology of animal behavior
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this teaching unit is to take an integrative approach to animal behavior, in the light of Tinbergen's four "whys", from ontogeny to evolution: from ontogeny and neurobiological causes to evolution and biological functions. In addition to historical, conceptual and methodological contributions, students will be coached to apprehend the diversity of traits involved, as well as the diversity of approaches and associated scientific questioning.
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Ecotoxicology concerns the study of the effects of pollutants on living species and on the structure and functioning of ecosystems. This course aims to provide a better understanding of :
- the main types of organic and inorganic pollutants (historical or emerging), as well as their sources and the factors influencing their fate in the natural environment and in organisms,
- the effects of pollutants on micro- and macro-organisms at different levels of biological integration (molecule, individual, community),
- methods for assessing biological effects, environmental quality and ecotoxicological risk within the current European regulatory framework,
- bioremediation processes through several case studies.
Comparative animal physiology of integrated systems
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this L3S5 course is to acquire knowledge of the organization, development and functioning of various physiological systems in animals. More specifically, the functions of circulation, thermoregulation, hormone regulation and nerve integration will be approached from a comparative perspective (examples drawn from different taxonomic groups) and in an evolutionary context. Questions relating to the bioethical aspects of experimentation in animal physiology will also be addressed.
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit will cover the elements needed to understand the way of life of the major groups of unicellular organisms at the basis of ecosystem functioning (viruses, bacteria, archaea and unicellular eukaryotes....). The course covers the biological organization of each type of organism, its modes of reproduction and diversity, leading to notions of ecology. We will look at the role of these microorganisms in the functioning and dynamics of ecosystems, considering the interactions that these organisms maintain with other living beings (the notion of "symbiosis" in all its variations).
Practical work will :
- implementation of techniques for bacterial enumeration (CFU), identification of a particular strain from an environmental sample
- highlighting the diversity of phytoplankton (unicellular algae) in aquatic environments (freshwater)
- demonstrating the specificity of interactions between bacteria and bacteriophages
Diversity and evolution of past and present metazoans N3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The main objective is to learn the basics of comparative anatomy of chordates, so as to be able to compare and classify them, before tracing the key stages in their evolutionary history. Teaching is integrative in the sense that it draws on both present-day organisms and the fossil record, so as to document the evolutionary history of the clade in its entirety and in all its aspects. Anatomical, biomechanical, phylogenetic and ecomorphological approaches will be addressed in lectures to illustrate the diversity and major characteristics of chordates. Practical work (and practical sessions) will illustrate the evolution of the diversity of integuments, skeleton, musculature, digestive and respiratory systems over long time scales.
Modeling biological data
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is a natural continuation of the " Quantifying Hazards " course (HAV424B) presented in S4. It should provide the concepts for constructing experimental protocols that answer biological questions, and for associating appropriate models for analyzing variability. The first part will be devoted to the construction of experimental protocols that can answer a multitude of questions in the life sciences, i.e. taking into account the inevitable dependence of statistical individuals, such as pairing and the spatial or temporal structure of populations. This part of the course will also introduce the notion of fluctuation, replication and pseudo-replication, which will be taken into account in the models built in the second part of the course. The second part of the course will show the link between the experimental protocol and the modeling of the variability of a quantitative response variable, through the construction of models including several qualitative or quantitative variables. Particular attention will be paid to the conditions of application of these methods, to type I and type II errors, to methods for estimating the parameters of the models constructed (including likelihood) and to the interpretation of the estimated parameters. Each notion will be illustrated by the analysis of real biological data from a variety of themes, helping students to discover not only modern and current biological questions, but also the tools developed to answer them. Practical work in R will enable students to independently carry out analyses on published biological cases.
Evolutionary Ecology and its applications
1 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Through 5 main themes, we will make the link between the principles of evolution and evolutionary ecology seen in the previous E.U. in a fundamental way and current societal applications.
The 5 main themes are: human evolution, biodiversity conservation, domestication of animal and plant species, evolutionary medicine, and major global crises and disruptions.
Two sessions on the comprehension and oral presentation of scientific articles are held in conjunction with the "Evolutionary ecology and its applications" UE.
Tutored projects S6
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
For semester 6, students will be able to choose between 2 types of student project: (1) setting up a "Partenaires Scientifiques pour la Classe" (ASTEP) scheme, or (2) setting up a Data Acquisition and Processing (ATD) protocol. For the ASTEP project, students will carry out a scientific outreach project with kindergarten or primary school classes in the Hérault region (scientific themes defined by the partner schools). The students will then develop one or more experiments to be carried out with the classes, acquire data with the pupils and disseminate the scientific concepts to the pupils concerned. For the ATD project, students will have to propose a data acquisition protocol to answer a scientific question of their choice. This protocol could be carried out in the field, in the classroom or consist of a meta-analysis.
Angiosperm diversity and phylogeny
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of the course is to provide an overview of Angiosperm diversity, approached through the prism of the most recent phylogenies proposed by theAngiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG). This phylogenetic framework will be supported throughout the course of the course by concrete observation of the vegetative and floral characters of a selection of taxa spread across the entire phylogeny, so as to identify the synapomorphies of the main clades, any homoplasies, and adaptations (floral biology, pollination, trophic interactions, etc.).
Students also learn about the diversity of Angiosperms from a floristic point of view, by creating a herbarium of generally Mediterranean species. They also learn how to use a flora and digital identification tools (Pl@ntNet e-Flore from Tela Botanica, etc.).
Evolutionary ecology and its applications
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Through 5 main themes, we will make the link between the principles of evolution and evolutionary ecology seen in the previous E.U. in a fundamental way and current societal applications.
The 5 main themes are: human evolution, biodiversity conservation, domestication of animal and plant species, evolutionary medicine, and major global crises and disruptions.
Species assemblages from local to global
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Students in the University's general bachelor's program take a number of introductory ecology courses during their first two years of study. In L3, they are introduced to a number of fundamental concepts concerning the adaptation of individuals to the environment, and interactions between species (Concepts in Evolutionary Ecology HLBE503). In particular, they explore r/K evolutionary strategies, linking the adaptation of life cycles to disturbance regimes in natural environments. I propose to include the study of communities in the continuity of these foundations, in order to illustrate the role of species' evolutionary strategies in community formation. The teaching will be based on a sequence of lectures, tutorials and practical work in the form of field projects.
The lectures will present the basics of community ecology in three blocks. The first deals with the definition of a community, and the historical development of the discipline, through the perspectives of Gleason (1926) and Clements (1916). The second block will introduce the elements of community description, with the notions of diversities (alpha, beta, gamma) and their various indices. Finally, a third block will enable students to reflect on the rules of assemblages in communities, through the role of r/K evolutionary strategies in successions, the notions of environmental filter and functional similarity limitation.
These courses will run in parallel with a "data production-analysis-interpretation" sequence of tutorials. Initially,serious games will be used to generate data based on simplified ecological mechanisms. To this end, several serious games for simulating communities are currently under development. These data will be collected by the students in preparation for their analysis. This will take the form of a computer-based workshop to familiarize students with diversity index calculations. Finally, time will be set aside to go back to the bibliography to find out whether the patterns produced by the sequence have a biological reality, and whether they have been observed in nature (independent work and report).
Once they have completed the TD sequence, students will start setting up in situ community ecology experiments through an introduction to field ecology, in the form of autonomous projects. This includes a workshop to test Grime's (1988) competitive (C), stress-tolerant (S) and ruderal (R) strategies through the analysis of plant functional traits. Simple methods have recently been published that make it possible to place individuals(a fortiori communities) on Grime's triangle (Pierce et al., 2017). The sequence will begin with a field trip on campus: students will choose two contrasting environments (lawns, ruderal zone, woods, old wall) on which they will carry out a floristic inventory. Following this, they will take several individuals of each species back to the laboratory to measure various functional traits. Once the measurements have been made, they will be able to calculate the various indices linked to the CSR strategy. The sequence will conclude with a report and an oral presentation. Other workshops are currently under development.
Field methods in ecology
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The UE will consist of a case study to which the students will have to respond. The teaching staff of the UE will represent the management of design offices responsible for carrying out impact studies following a development project.
The students will play the role of experts from the consultancy firms, and will have to carry out analyses of the project area. They will have to provide a report on their impact study, in which they will have identified the ecological issues and ranked them according to their importance. They will also have to give an oral presentation of their study.
The UE will be structured around 6 2-hour TD sessions at the beginning of the semester, during which the following points will be covered:
TD1: Introduction to the EU, presentation of what an impact study is and what is expected of such a study (this part will be carried out by a professional whose job it is to check impact studies), presentation of the status of the areas studied: ZNIEFF, Natura 2000.
TD2 to 6: Presentation of analysis methods for different groups of organisms (plants, arthropods, herpetofauna, avifauna and chiropterans, soil fauna, etc.).
For the remainder of the EU, students will be asked to propose study protocols for estimating the potential impacts of the planned project. The protocols set up will have to enable impacts to be assessed as closely as possible, and the studies will have to budget their interventions. They will then be given time in the field to set up their protocol, collect data and analyze it. The teaching team will tutor the groups to guide them in their work. They will write a dissertation based on specifications provided by the teaching team. This deliverable must be supported by field data and bibliographical data. They will defend their work in front of the teaching team during an oral presentation.
Several study areas were targeted in Montpellier: Triolet Campus, Mosson River, Parc de la Vallet, Montpellier Center, Parc Méric, Rives du Lez, Garrigues de la Lauze...
Biodiversity conservation: ethics, threats, restoration
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is a first approach of Conservation Sciences according to the points of view of the various actors:
- scientific approach: fundamental and practical approach to the conservation and restoration of populations and communities
- societal approach: the role of the scientist in the management of species and ecological environments, and interactions with other conservation stakeholders (managers, local players)
- ethical approach: reflection on biodiversity values (quantifiable, preferential, normative) and their application according to different models, placed in a historical context (mainly ecosystem services and sustainable development)
Modelling life: applications
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This introductory course will capitalize on the mathematical tools encountered throughout the bachelor's degree, and particularly in the "Modeling the living world: theory" course (S4 option), to provide an overview of the different approaches and techniques for modeling the living world. All the major families of mathematical models will be covered: both static (optimization problems, game theory) and dynamic (extensions of the systems seen in S4, introduction to stochastic processes). Examples of applications of these models will be diversified, covering a wide range of biological systems as well as different levels of organization (metabolic, epidemiological, meta-community models, etc.). Particular attention will be paid to epistemological aspects (contributions of modeling to the construction of theories in life sciences) and practical aspects (identifiability, calibration and parametric sensitivity on the one hand, digital implementation/simulations on the other). Last but not least, it will provide an opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with research themes involving modeling, developed in the Montpellier area.
Naturalist project
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is structured around a professional inventory approach, during which students will be put in real-life situations to showcase their naturalist skills. It will consist of a field study, mainly involving field supervision by SPS for project follow-up. In this respect, it is in line with the logic of the former CMI (Opus 4).
Eight groups of 5 students will work on the inventory of a specific taxon within the framework of a clearly identified scientific problem. The study area will vary from year to year, and will be chosen by the teaching team according to opportunities for collaboration with organizations interested in the proposed approach. The organizations approached are :
- Conservatoire des Espaces Naturels de Languedoc Roussillon
- Zoo du Lunaret, manager of the Lez reserve
- Montpellier metropolis
The feedback will consist of a common deliverable for the whole class, including a hierarchy of conservation issues. The organizations managing the areas studied will be invited to the presentations.
Paleoecology and biostratigraphy
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to acquire, reinforce and synthesize notions and knowledge in evolutionary paleontology, sedimentology and paleoecology, and apply them to the fossil world. Taken together, these notions provide the keys to infer the stratigraphic context and past environments in which extinct organisms lived.
Architecture and morphogenesis of the whole plant
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Introduce students to an integrated approach to plants by studying the morpho-anatomical characteristics of stems and roots. They will discover the spatio-temporal coordinated construction of root and stem architectures through adaptations of Mediterranean and tropical species. Reproductive structures and the diversity of biological types will also be taken into account. This course is designed to prepare students for a Master's degree in BioGET, and is based on the natural environment and local and regional infrastructures (Serre Amazonienne, Villa Thuret, Jardin Château La Pérouse).
Aquatic ecology
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course provides an introduction to the ecology of continental freshwater and marine ecosystems, as well as to the interface between these two compartments, i.e. mangroves, estuaries and deltas. They will be approached both from the point of view of their structure and from the point of view of their functioning, emphasizing both their similarities and their differences, and the abiotic and biotic factors that govern the organization of the communities of organisms that inhabit them.
They should provide an overview of these ecosystems or hydrosystems and how they function at different scales.
The first part of the course is devoted entirely to theory, while the second includes introductory sessions for field trips, the field trips themselves and practical sessions for analyzing and pooling the data collected in the field.
Introduction to molecular ecology
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Molecular tools are an integral part of studies aimed at describing and characterizing biodiversity. The aim of the course is to present various molecular approaches (barcoding, metabarcoding and environmental DNA, etc.) for (1) describing, characterizing and quantifying this diversity at intra- or interspecific, population or ecosystem levels, and (2) presenting their fields of application at different scales of time and space. The course will include practical aspects aimed at familiarizing students with these techniques, implementing them, analyzing the resulting data and reporting on them. Priority will be given to group work in interaction with researchers and teacher-researchers.
Mammalian phylogeny
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
One of the aims of this course is to synthesize notions and knowledge acquired in animal biology (anatomy, systematics) and ecology to describe and understand the morphology and evolution of vertebrate morphologies. In addition to present-day groups, this course will focus on extinct fossil groups, in particular their contribution to understanding the various eco-morphological adaptations (e.g. acquisition or return to aquatic life, acquisition of flight) that have marked the evolutionary history of clades.
This course also aims to provide a theoretical and practical grounding in phylogeny (cladistics) for tracing the evolution of a clade (distance, parsimony and likelihood methods), both for molecular and phenotypic traits (present-day and fossil).
Adaptations to parasitism
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Adaptations to the "parasitic" lifestyle are studied on all parasitic organisms (viruses, bacteria, eukaryotes), including different scales of analysis "from molecules to populations".
Thus, the coevolution between hosts and parasites will be considered from the point of view of host-parasite molecular and cellular dialogues (immunity-escapement-exploitation of host resources, etc.), but also from the point of view of morpho-anatomical structures involved in adaptation to the sub-host site or in survival in the external environment, and finally from the point of view of behavioral adaptations for encountering the host (promotion).
Tools and methods for reconstructing paleoenvironments
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
ORPAL is an APP ecology course (1/3 fieldwork and 2/3 laboratory work). Based on Ecology concepts and methods, this course aims to introduce students to historical ecology (the study of interactions between man and his environment over variable chronological periods) and its main applications in paleoecology, from problem definition, field sampling and data acquisition to interpretation and the writing of a scientific article (see https://biologie-e This course is an interesting theoretical and experimental prerequisite for the ACCES, CEPAGE, PALEONTOLOGY, ECOSYSTEMS or BIOGET courses.
Meteorology, climatology and the water cycle
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- weather/climate differences
- atmospheric structure, radiation balance, greenhouse effect, wind circulation, depressions/anticyclones, tropical cyclones, tornadoes
- general ocean circulation (Munk, main currents, Conveyor Belt)
- geographical distribution and definition of climates
- current climate change
- global water cycle, hydrological balance, water balance, energy balance above a cultivated plot to estimate evapotranspiration
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Understand the weather and know how to use climato for an ecologist / naturalist.
- climate measurement methods, bioclimate indices ;
- Practical work on computer: climatic data, modern archives (century), oscillations and trends;
- weather reminders, dominant parameters: from large biomes to topoclimate ;
- average climate vs. extreme events, their role and impact on biodiversity ;
- TP group work (restitution): regional themes, shared oral presentation ;
- past and future climate change, and their impact on biodiversity.
Science communication
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
At the end of this course, students will have acquired the basic knowledge needed to prepare and carry out a scientific communication operation adapted to a target audience, both orally and in writing. They will also be able to design educational material and awareness-raising workshops for the general public.
Setting up an educational project with UniverlaCité
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Universities are often perceived as inaccessible places for large sections of society. As part of the UniverlaCité program, which aims to bring the university to life in disadvantaged neighborhoods, the students will be setting up scientific workshops for schoolchildren in disadvantaged areas.
The EU will offer students the opportunity to :
1- share their own experiences and enhance the value of the knowledge they have acquired at the University, with a view to responding as effectively as possible to the needs of society.
2- Reveal and develop scientific communication skills through the design and production of teaching aids adapted to the target audience.
The course will take the form of tutorials and project follow-up (SPS) on pre-defined themes. The socio-cultural situation of sensitive urban areas will be addressed in the first class. This first TD will also serve to lay the foundations for the UE, present the UniverlaCité system in detail and give a broad overview of scientific mediation.
The following TDs will serve as sessions during which students, divided into groups, will have to propose activities to be set up. The constraints given to them by the teaching team will be: the target audience, the theme (which will be defined by the teaching team and renewed each year) and the need to propose activities "outside the classroom".
Health, environment and global change
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The major human and animal health issues linked to global change, i.e. :
- degradation of natural environments, leading to loss of quality of natural resources (various forms of pollution) and loss of biodiversity
- climate change
- the artificialization of living environments
- new therapeutic approaches
- the globalization of trade
- standardized lifestyles
Science and Society: history of science, ethics, critical thinking
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In today's society, science is at the heart of many ethical, economic and societal issues. The aim of this course is to get students to reflect on their knowledge and practices through a historical approach to the construction of knowledge, and through reflections on the bioethical aspects of science, the place of researchers in society, and the relationship between science and society. The aim is to make students more aware of how to use scientific arguments in society, and to develop their critical faculties. In other words, it's an open-minded UE, enabling students to take a broader view while maintaining a scientific approach, in other words, "taking their heads off the handlebars".
- 7CM = 10.5h for History of Science, pan-historical and pan-geographical approach
- 4 CM = 6h to introduce the concepts of bioethics and the critical approach that will be needed for debates (controversy methodology, complexity, issues, arguments of authority).
- 2CM= 3h on the role of scientists in society (historical approach and discussion of possible pitfalls)
- 2TD= 3h on cognitive biases, notions of epistemology, language traps, and notion of proof, major types of erroneous reasoning
- 4 sessions of 2TD= 4x3h= 12h of debates on themes at the heart of scientific and societal controversies: GMOs, Vaccination, Pharmacogenetics and genetic testing, Endocrine disruptors, Feeding the planet, Demographic challenge, Climate change, Transhumanism, Cloning and assisted reproduction, Animal experimentation, Neuroscience and marketing, Biological warfare, Nanotechnologies, ... Starting with a press article, students work in groups to produce a presentation (to be included in the assessment), the aim of which is to provide a historical context, present opposing points of view with arguments (ethical and scientific arguments), and then lead a debate. Each debate session (3h) will have a theme, and researchers or ECs will be invited to take part in the jury and propose a summary at the end.
Working in groups for the duration of the course, students will produce a bibliographical synthesis on a topic of their choice, with a well-constructed argument, illustrated with carefully chosen examples, placing the subject in the context of the history of science and bioethical considerations. The idea is not just to give the history of a subject, but on the contrary to insist on the links with the progression of scientific knowledge and the ethical questions raised.
Immunology (from response to infect° to autoim diseases)
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This EU is the logical continuation of the S4 EU (Basics of physiology and immunology) and aims to deepen knowledge of fundamental, applied and clinical immunology. We will also cover "unconventional" immunology and develop innovative immunotherapy strategies. The course will cover all aspects of modern immunology, with a strong emphasis on clinical aspects.
Key words
Fundamental immunology, Anti-infectious immunity, Immunotherapy, vaccination, Autoimmunity, Immune deficiencies, Anti-cancer immunity, Non-conventional immunity
Molecular Biology
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Molecular biology is a fascinating subject of study in its own right, but it also provides other disciplines in biology (cell biology, genetics, physiology...) with fantastic tools for modifying and quantifying genes and their products.
The EU provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of organization, maintenance, replication and expression (transcription, post-transcriptional modifications, translation) of eukaryotic genomes.
In particular, we'll be exploring the properties of information-carrying macromolecules (DNA, RNA, proteins), and how transactions between them explain how eukaryotic cells function and adapt to the environment and to the development of organisms.
At the same time, the main techniques for monitoring or modifying gene expression, or for studying the mechanisms of this expression, will be explained in class and analyzed in greater depth in practical sessions.
TDs will address these topics in the form of (1) exercises enabling students to check their understanding of the knowledge described above, and (2) experiments extracted from scientific articles to be analyzed. In this way, the fundamentals of scientific reasoning and the critical analysis of results are acquired and/or deepened.
Biotechnology S5
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers the different categories of biotechnologies according to their field of application:
- Plant biotechnologies concern the agri-food industry and encompass a range of technologies that use plant organisms and their cells to produce and transform food products, biomaterials and energy, as well as recombinant proteins for therapeutic purposes.
- Animal biotechnology covers the fields of health, drugs, diagnostics and tissue engineering, as well as the development of genetic or molecular processes for therapeutic purposes.
- Microbial biotechnologies involve the use of micro-organisms (viruses or bacteria) and their cultivation in the agri-food/pharmaceutical industry, as well as their use in environmental protection.
The teaching offered to students in the Licence 3 Life Sciences is designed to enable them to discover or deepen their theoretical knowledge of the various biotechnologies, and to master the associated tools/applications.
Microbiology 3
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is designed to deepen the knowledge of microbiology for students wishing to continue their studies in this discipline.
It will cover molecular genetics applied to prokaryotes (mobile genetic elements and resistance, CRISPR, 2-component systems, quorum sensing, horizontal transfers...) and the specificities of bacterial metabolism.
Bacteria with special morphology will be presented.
In virology, the pathophysiology of viral infections and the prevention and control of viral diseases will be presented. Mechanisms of escape from the immune system will be detailed. Viral evolution mechanisms will be described and related to viral emergence.
The parasitic lifestyle of certain eukaryotic microorganisms will be illustrated by describing their obligatory intracellular development and the host cell modifications induced by these parasites.
Lastly, the EU will look at the concept of the microbiota and present the latest data on the nature of the human microbiota and its role in health.
Integrated Cellular Metabolism
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course enables students to deepen their knowledge of metabolism. This course provides a global vision of human metabolism. It will emphasize the links between the different metabolic pathways. It will also show how different tissues communicate to maintain overall energy homeostasis. Dysregulation of this metabolism, at the origin of certain pathologies, will be presented.
Pedagogy and Didactics of Biotechnologies
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This is an introductory course to the teaching professions in biotechnologies, in preparation for the internship in a technological high school in semester 6. This course introduces students to the concepts that will be taught to Master MEEF (Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Education et de la Formation) Biotechnologies students preparing for the CAPET Biotechnologies option Biochimie Génologie Biologique. This course, coupled with the high school internship in semester 6, will also help students choose their career path.
In the course of the course/DD sessions, a number of issues concerning the teaching and learning of science and biotechnology are addressed:
- What are the principles, tools and teaching methods used in the technological route?
- How to design teaching in STL-Biotechnologies and STS?
- How are programs and reference materials structured?
- What are the terms and conditions of certification assessment in the final cycle and in STS?
- How does a Lycée d'Enseignement Général et Technologique work?
Infection & Immunity
Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Bacteriology :
Through various examples, students will gain a better understanding of the notion of pathogenicity in relation to bacterial virulence. The means and mechanisms used to manipulate the organism's cells at mucosal level in order to penetrate the internal environment, i.e. invasiveness, will be discussed, as well as the perception of environmental signals and the integration of these signals in order to coordinate the response of prokaryotes so that they adopt group behavior. The description of some examples of toxins and modulins in relation to colonization and/or invasion will provide a better understanding of the differences in strategies between prokaryotic pathogens. Finally, we'll look at the notion of the microbiota and its influence on the functioning of the organism, as well as its implication in the development of certain pathologies.
The Immunology section outlines the workings of the immune system during infection. From the establishment and development of the inflammatory reaction upon recognition of non-self signals by natural immunity (PRR-PAMP), to the mechanisms of cell activation and the cellular responses generated, we can appreciate the diversity of possibilities offered by the different players in the immune system. In addition, the sequence of events leading to the orientation of the immune response and the acquisition of lasting protection during the adaptive phase will provide a better understanding of vaccine strategy. Finally, immunity of the intestinal mucosa will be addressed in the context of the relationship between the host and the microbiota.
Practical work in molecular biology
Study level
BAC +3
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Molecular Biology practical course is designed to give students autonomy when faced with a molecular biology protocol, and to introduce them to hypothesis-driven research. Students will have 6 days to respond to a biological problem proposed to them. In this way, they will be able to put into practice, under laboratory conditions, some of the techniques they have learnt in their theoretical courses, and gain a better understanding of them.
Molecular Engineering
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In this course, students will learn experimental principles based on the manipulation of nucleic acids. The lectures will be structured around two major themes:
- Introduction of molecular tools (cloning, nucleic acid analysis, vectorology) ii. Their applications (expression of recombinant proteins, genomic banking, transgenesis, CRISPR/CAS9 system, etc.) and reflection on the notion of ethics in biology.
The TDs will consist of :
- Analysis of articles presenting problems to be solved with the knowledge acquired in the course. As far as possible, the themes chosen will refer to the parallel UEs of L3. These articles will be presented by students in the form of oral presentations in groups of 3 or 4 to the whole class.
- Sessions reserved for the use of basic bioinformatics tools in the computer room.
Molecular tools for detection and diagnosis
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of the course is to review molecular identification techniques, with particular emphasis on biomarkers, advances in the latest generations of biomarkers and selective membranes, and new instrumentation.
Molecular diagnostic techniques / mass approaches.
Ag receptor biosynthesis in B and T lymphocytes
Antigen-antibody reactions
Immunological techniques
FACS principle
Proteomics, 2D, LC-MS, MS-MS. Degradome...
Genetics & Epigenetics
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
From the same genome, the different cells making up a multicellular organism will acquire diverse cell fates in order to acquire distinct cellular functions. In addition to the genome, epigenetic regulations governing the control of genome expression will be crucial in establishing phenotypes. The aim of this course is to convey the concepts and methodologies needed to study the transmission of hereditary information via so-called epigenetic mechanisms.
Observation internship in a technological high school
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Observation internship in an STL-Biotechnologies and/or STS applied biology high school, under the responsibility of a Biochemistry and Biological Engineering teacher-tutor. This UE follows on from the Pédagogie et didactique des biotechnologies UE, and provides a first contact with the realities of the teaching profession. This course is designed to introduce concepts that will be developed by Master MEEF (Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Education et de la Formation) Biotechnologies students preparing for the CAPET Biotechnologies option Biochimie Génologique. This UE, coupled with the one in semester 5, is also designed to help students in their career orientation.
A written report is drawn up based on the information gathered during the internship, and presented orally at the end of the semester.
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to acquire knowledge of fundamental and applied virology, with an emphasis on an integrative vision of the discipline. It will present the specific features of host-virus interactions and the pathophysiology of viral infections in different host types (vertebrates/insects/plants). It will cover aspects of viral ecology, emergence and associated risks for human and animal health. Finally, the course will present the study methods used in research, virological detection and diagnosis tools, and the applications of viruses in biotechnology.
The course will include lectures, tutorials (analysis of current scientific articles and oral presentations) and practical work illustrating the lectures and tutorials (virus amplification and purification, and quantification using reference techniques).
Structural Biochemistry
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course offers an in-depth look at the structural biochemistry of biomolecules, with a particular focus on proteins and nucleic acids.
The basic concepts and nomenclature used to analyze 3D protein structures are briefly reviewed (Ramachandran diagram, structural motif and domain, folding, family, superfamily, etc......). These notions are complemented by a study of the stability and dynamics of biomolecules.
The structural classification of proteins is detailed according to the 4 main types of folding. Structure-function relationships are illustrated using examples of proteins. Specificities of membrane protein structures (integral proteins, membrane-bound proteins) are discussed.
The main tools for modeling and predicting secondary and tertiary structures are presented.
The different structures and functions of nucleic acids are studied. Protein-nucleic acid complexes are described from a structural point of view (main recognition motifs, ...) and the notions of recognition specificity are detailed.
This course is illustrated by tutorials. These involve familiarizing students with the main databases used in structural biology, as well as with PyMol software for 3D structure analysis.
Communication techniques and scientific English
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course describes the methodology used by life science researchers to communicate the results of their experiments, both orally and in writing. As English is the common language of international researchers, a large part of this course is taught in this language.
Written communication is addressed through the study of the (macro) structuring of a research article, as well as through a study of the publication process in scientific journals. Several elements of written structuring (micro) are examined in order to understand the differences between scientific and literary English: clarity, cohesion, coherence.
These studies are supplemented by a tutored project during the semester, during which students analyze a research article recently published in the scientific literature and transcribe it into an oral presentation (conference) in English.
Molecular Biology
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Molecular biology is a fascinating subject of study in its own right, but it also provides other disciplines in biology (cell biology, genetics, physiology...) with fantastic tools for modifying and quantifying genes and their products.
The EU provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of organization, maintenance, replication and expression (transcription, post-transcriptional modifications, translation) of eukaryotic genomes.
In particular, we'll be exploring the properties of information-carrying macromolecules (DNA, RNA, proteins), and how transactions between them explain how eukaryotic cells function and adapt to the environment and to the development of organisms.
At the same time, the main techniques for monitoring or modifying gene expression, or for studying the mechanisms of this expression, will be explained in class and analyzed in greater depth in practical sessions.
TDs will address these topics in the form of (1) exercises enabling students to check their understanding of the knowledge described above, and (2) experiments extracted from scientific articles to be analyzed. In this way, the fundamentals of scientific reasoning and the critical analysis of results are acquired and/or deepened.
Functional genetics
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Functional genetics aims to better understand the relationships between genotype and phenotype. This course integrates various aspects of the analysis of gene and genome function at the whole-genome level using in vivo approaches, as well as transcriptional and expression regulation of eukaryotic genomes. The course is illustrated by concrete examples of developmental genetics in physiological and pathological contexts.
Integrated Cellular Metabolism
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course enables students to deepen their knowledge of metabolism. This course provides a global vision of human metabolism. It will emphasize the links between the different metabolic pathways. It will also show how different tissues communicate to maintain overall energy homeostasis. Dysregulation of this metabolism, at the origin of certain pathologies, will be presented.
Advanced cell biology 1: Experimental approaches
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This compulsory course for the "Molecular and Cellular Biology" pathway is designed to deepen and complement the fundamental molecular and cellular processes seen in the BCM2, BCM3 and Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biology courses, by taking a more in-depth look at them. These lessons will focus on the themes of intracellular trafficking, the cell cycle and apoptosis, following on from the BCM3 course.
Students will be asked to analyze a scientific article and produce a structured summary giving the context of the study, the precise scientific question posed by the authors, the strategies implemented and the techniques used to answer it. The aim of this assignment is to help prepare students for writing their TER reports and Master's internships.
TD and TP will be carried out in an integrated way on the same themes as those covered in CM. The practical sessions will be directly linked to the lab work. Students will be asked to pose a question related to a cellular mechanism and, in line with the scientific approach, propose an experimental strategy to answer it. Practical work will enable them to apply this strategy, integrating biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology techniques such as immunoblot, cell culture, immunolabeling and fluorescence microscopy. The results obtained will be analyzed using image analysis techniques and bioinformatics.
Development biology
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This compulsory S6 course explores the fundamental processes of embryonic development.
All the major stages of embryogenesis will be covered, including axis establishment, gastrulation, neurulation and organogenesis, as well as the basic concepts of induction, determination, differentiation and morphogenesis.
The course will emphasize a molecular and cellular interpretation of developmental processes, as well as the importance of an evolutionary approach to embryogenesis.
The course will therefore systematically make links between its various disciplines, as well as with the material taught in the genetics courses.
The lectures will present the main principles, focusing on the two best-understood models of development in vertebrates (amphibians) and invertebrates (flies), and will also include a historical aspect, while the tutorials will be devoted to the evolutionary aspect (comparing different modes of development and understanding the logic of evolutionary constraints), as well as to the experimental approaches of modern molecular and cellular developmental biology.
Practical work in molecular biology
Study level
BAC +3
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Molecular Biology practical course is designed to give students autonomy when faced with a molecular biology protocol, and to introduce them to hypothesis-driven research. Students will have 6 days to respond to a biological problem proposed to them. In this way, they will be able to put into practice, under laboratory conditions, some of the techniques they have learnt in their theoretical courses, and gain a better understanding of them.
Molecular Engineering
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In this course, students will learn experimental principles based on the manipulation of nucleic acids. The lectures will be structured around two major themes:
- Introduction of molecular tools (cloning, nucleic acid analysis, vectorology) ii. Their applications (expression of recombinant proteins, genomic banking, transgenesis, CRISPR/CAS9 system, etc.) and reflection on the notion of ethics in biology.
The TDs will consist of :
- Analysis of articles presenting problems to be solved with the knowledge acquired in the course. As far as possible, the themes chosen will refer to the parallel UEs of L3. These articles will be presented by students in the form of oral presentations in groups of 3 or 4 to the whole class.
- Sessions reserved for the use of basic bioinformatics tools in the computer room.
Advanced Cell Biology 2: Key concepts
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is designed to complement the notions of cell biology covered in L2 in BCM2 and BCM3 through the study of physiological and pathological situations such as cancer.
These lessons will introduce students to the importance of finding a suitable study model (cell lines or organisms for in vivo study (Drosophila, C. elegans, Zebrafish) to answer a question and highlight a molecular mechanism.
TDs will allow the manipulation of advanced concepts of cell biology in connection with knowledge of the most commonly used methodologies in cell biology such as flow cytometry, advanced techniques of fluorescence and electron microscopy, proteomics as well as knowledge of experimental models such as cells in culture, genetically modified or non-genetically modified animal models (C. elegans, zebrafish, transgenic mice, KO, KI...).
Genetics & Epigenetics
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
From the same genome, the different cells making up a multicellular organism will acquire diverse cell fates in order to acquire distinct cellular functions. In addition to the genome, epigenetic regulations governing the control of genome expression will be crucial in establishing phenotypes. The aim of this course is to convey the concepts and methodologies needed to study the transmission of hereditary information via so-called epigenetic mechanisms.
Project or internship
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The modalities of this UE are specifically adapted to the different L3 courses. Nevertheless, the objectives are the same: to give students an insight into the professional world of life science research.
Students will be offered a short internship in a laboratory/company or a tutored project with a tutor working in a laboratory or company associated with biology.
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to acquire knowledge of fundamental and applied virology, with an emphasis on an integrative vision of the discipline. It will present the specific features of host-virus interactions and the pathophysiology of viral infections in different host types (vertebrates/insects/plants). It will cover aspects of viral ecology, emergence and associated risks for human and animal health. Finally, the course will present the study methods used in research, virological detection and diagnosis tools, and the applications of viruses in biotechnology.
The course will include lectures, tutorials (analysis of current scientific articles and oral presentations) and practical work illustrating the lectures and tutorials (virus amplification and purification, and quantification using reference techniques).
A practical approach to bacterial biodiversity
Study level
BAC +3
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This practical course aims to apply students' knowledge of microbiology and molecular biology to the identification of environmental bacteria.
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the bacterial population present in a soil sample is classically done by identifying species using conventional bacteriological methods in successive stages: 1) isolation of bacterial flora; 2) diagnosis of family and genus using conventional media and tests; 3) diagnosis of species using API System galleries.
Molecular biology techniques now make it possible to identify the bacteria present in a sample without the need for cultivation. This approach requires access to a sequencing platform and will also be carried out as part of the practical work, enabling the two approaches to be compared. The sequencing results obtained will enable bioinformatic analysis of the rrsA gene specifying the RNA16S of isolated bacteria.
Communication techniques and scientific English
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course describes the methodology used by life science researchers to communicate the results of their experiments, both orally and in writing. As English is the common language of international researchers, a large part of this course is taught in this language.
Written communication is addressed through the study of the (macro) structuring of a research article, as well as through a study of the publication process in scientific journals. Several elements of written structuring (micro) are examined in order to understand the differences between scientific and literary English: clarity, cohesion, coherence.
These studies are supplemented by a tutored project during the semester, during which students analyze a research article recently published in the scientific literature and transcribe it into an oral presentation (conference) in English.
Immunology (from response to infect° to autoim diseases)
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This EU is the logical continuation of the S4 EU (Basics of physiology and immunology) and aims to deepen knowledge of fundamental, applied and clinical immunology. We will also cover "unconventional" immunology and develop innovative immunotherapy strategies. The course will cover all aspects of modern immunology, with a strong emphasis on clinical aspects.
Key words
Fundamental immunology, Anti-infectious immunity, Immunotherapy, vaccination, Autoimmunity, Immune deficiencies, Anti-cancer immunity, Non-conventional immunity
Molecular Biology
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Molecular biology is a fascinating subject of study in its own right, but it also provides other disciplines in biology (cell biology, genetics, physiology...) with fantastic tools for modifying and quantifying genes and their products.
The EU provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of organization, maintenance, replication and expression (transcription, post-transcriptional modifications, translation) of eukaryotic genomes.
In particular, we'll be exploring the properties of information-carrying macromolecules (DNA, RNA, proteins), and how transactions between them explain how eukaryotic cells function and adapt to the environment and to the development of organisms.
At the same time, the main techniques for monitoring or modifying gene expression, or for studying the mechanisms of this expression, will be explained in class and analyzed in greater depth in practical sessions.
TDs will address these topics in the form of (1) exercises enabling students to check their understanding of the knowledge described above, and (2) experiments extracted from scientific articles to be analyzed. In this way, the fundamentals of scientific reasoning and the critical analysis of results are acquired and/or deepened.
Biotechnology S5
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers the different categories of biotechnologies according to their field of application:
- Plant biotechnologies concern the agri-food industry and encompass a range of technologies that use plant organisms and their cells to produce and transform food products, biomaterials and energy, as well as recombinant proteins for therapeutic purposes.
- Animal biotechnology covers the fields of health, drugs, diagnostics and tissue engineering, as well as the development of genetic or molecular processes for therapeutic purposes.
- Microbial biotechnologies involve the use of micro-organisms (viruses or bacteria) and their cultivation in the agri-food/pharmaceutical industry, as well as their use in environmental protection.
The teaching offered to students in the Licence 3 Life Sciences is designed to enable them to discover or deepen their theoretical knowledge of the various biotechnologies, and to master the associated tools/applications.
Microbiology 3
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is designed to deepen the knowledge of microbiology for students wishing to continue their studies in this discipline.
It will cover molecular genetics applied to prokaryotes (mobile genetic elements and resistance, CRISPR, 2-component systems, quorum sensing, horizontal transfers...) and the specificities of bacterial metabolism.
Bacteria with special morphology will be presented.
In virology, the pathophysiology of viral infections and the prevention and control of viral diseases will be presented. Mechanisms of escape from the immune system will be detailed. Viral evolution mechanisms will be described and related to viral emergence.
The parasitic lifestyle of certain eukaryotic microorganisms will be illustrated by describing their obligatory intracellular development and the host cell modifications induced by these parasites.
Lastly, the EU will look at the concept of the microbiota and present the latest data on the nature of the human microbiota and its role in health.
Infection & Immunity
Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Bacteriology :
Through various examples, students will gain a better understanding of the notion of pathogenicity in relation to bacterial virulence. The means and mechanisms used to manipulate the organism's cells at mucosal level in order to penetrate the internal environment, i.e. invasiveness, will be discussed, as well as the perception of environmental signals and the integration of these signals in order to coordinate the response of prokaryotes so that they adopt group behavior. The description of some examples of toxins and modulins in relation to colonization and/or invasion will provide a better understanding of the differences in strategies between prokaryotic pathogens. Finally, we'll look at the notion of the microbiota and its influence on the functioning of the organism, as well as its implication in the development of certain pathologies.
The Immunology section outlines the workings of the immune system during infection. From the establishment and development of the inflammatory reaction upon recognition of non-self signals by natural immunity (PRR-PAMP), to the mechanisms of cell activation and the cellular responses generated, we can appreciate the diversity of possibilities offered by the different players in the immune system. In addition, the sequence of events leading to the orientation of the immune response and the acquisition of lasting protection during the adaptive phase will provide a better understanding of vaccine strategy. Finally, immunity of the intestinal mucosa will be addressed in the context of the relationship between the host and the microbiota.
History of biology and bioethics
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The main aim of this module is to provide a better understanding of the major concepts of modern biology, through the history of their development. In other words, to analyze the intellectual path and the experimental and theoretical approaches that led to their construction. For example, we'll look at how the search for a "natural" classification led Jean-Baptiste Monet de Lamarck and Charles Darwin to lay the foundations of evolutionary biology, or how Etienne Geoffroy Saint Hilaire's concept of "unity of organization plan" is at the origin of evolutionary paleontology, developmental biology and evolution/development (Evo/Devo).
In the context of bioethics, we'll look at the problems of conceptual drift (from craniology to eugenics), or the cases of "Georges Cuvier" and "Trophim Lyssenko" when religious or political ideology interferes with science.
Finally, biological philosophy will lead us to discuss the value of models in biology, and the "end of the all-genetic" (from Lamarck through epigenesis to epigenetics).
The entire module will be taught in lectures, during which some of the founding texts of modern biology will be analyzed and discussed.
Practical work in molecular biology
Study level
BAC +3
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Molecular Biology practical course is designed to give students autonomy when faced with a molecular biology protocol, and to introduce them to hypothesis-driven research. Students will have 6 days to respond to a biological problem proposed to them. In this way, they will be able to put into practice, under laboratory conditions, some of the techniques they have learnt in their theoretical courses, and gain a better understanding of them.
Microbial ecology
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Lessons will cover the basics and application principles of microbial ecology (microbial biodiversity; cultivable/non-cultivable microorganisms; major microbial groups, main microbial functions and biogeochemical cycles, microbial metabolisms in the environment and environmental applications, basics of ecology applicable to microorganisms (microbial interactions, free life, competition, collaboration, symbiosis, parasitism and their applications). In particular, the following topics will be covered by way of illustration
- viruses: the notion of emergence and re-emergence
-vibrios, virulence factors, host adaptation and horizontal transfer
-streptococci, comparative genomics, genomic reduction, specialization
Applications of microbial ecology to biotechnologies will include: detection, inocula production, bioproductions, bioremediation, water treatment using concrete examples (development of mutation-aware multipathogen detection tools, production of a flavor enhancer by a soil corynebacterium, applications of microbial interaction studies to cheese flavor selection, quality index of a wine-growing soil, etc.).
Practical water analysis, principles, standards, applications: total 6h
TD/ personal work based on the results of the practical work: design of a water purification model in a real-life situation (cadastral data, topological survey, fecal streptococcal total coliform load from the practical work, student presentation on the different types of (micro)purification plants....) the aim is to propose a conceptual solution adapted to the field case.
Molecular Engineering
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In this course, students will learn experimental principles based on the manipulation of nucleic acids. The lectures will be structured around two major themes:
- Introduction of molecular tools (cloning, nucleic acid analysis, vectorology) ii. Their applications (expression of recombinant proteins, genomic banking, transgenesis, CRISPR/CAS9 system, etc.) and reflection on the notion of ethics in biology.
The TDs will consist of :
- Analysis of articles presenting problems to be solved with the knowledge acquired in the course. As far as possible, the themes chosen will refer to the parallel UEs of L3. These articles will be presented by students in the form of oral presentations in groups of 3 or 4 to the whole class.
- Sessions reserved for the use of basic bioinformatics tools in the computer room.
Microbiology of eukaryotes
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course aims to deepen our knowledge of eukaryotic microorganisms, and in particular to explore the diversity of eukaryotic unicellular organisms with free-living or parasitic lifestyles. This diversity will be studied not only from a theoretical point of view, but also from a practical one. Indeed, the specific developmental and lifestyle characteristics of four unicellular microorganisms (the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, the ciliate Tetrahymena, and the apicomplexan parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium falciparum) will be studied in practical work, illustrating the concepts covered in lectures and practical sessions.
Project or internship
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The modalities of this UE are specifically adapted to the different L3 courses. Nevertheless, the objectives are the same: to give students an insight into the professional world of life science research.
Students will be offered a short internship in a laboratory/company or a tutored project with a tutor working in a laboratory or company associated with biology.
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to acquire knowledge of fundamental and applied virology, with an emphasis on an integrative vision of the discipline. It will present the specific features of host-virus interactions and the pathophysiology of viral infections in different host types (vertebrates/insects/plants). It will cover aspects of viral ecology, emergence and associated risks for human and animal health. Finally, the course will present the study methods used in research, virological detection and diagnosis tools, and the applications of viruses in biotechnology.
The course will include lectures, tutorials (analysis of current scientific articles and oral presentations) and practical work illustrating the lectures and tutorials (virus amplification and purification, and quantification using reference techniques).
Communication techniques and scientific English
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course describes the methodology used by life science researchers to communicate the results of their experiments, both orally and in writing. As English is the common language of international researchers, a large part of this course is taught in this language.
Written communication is addressed through the study of the (macro) structuring of a research article, as well as through a study of the publication process in scientific journals. Several elements of written structuring (micro) are examined in order to understand the differences between scientific and literary English: clarity, cohesion, coherence.
These studies are supplemented by a tutored project during the semester, during which students analyze a research article recently published in the scientific literature and transcribe it into an oral presentation (conference) in English.
Practical work in animal physiology
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Through practical work sessions, study of different physiological regulations on animals.
Acquisition of operating techniques in rats to determine blood volume, osmotic diuresis and renal permeability, the action of adrenaline and insulin on blood glucose levels, inulin clearance and the mechanisms of glucose transport through the intestinal wall.
Study of the mechanical and electrical functioning of the frog heart.
Learn all the elements needed to carry out the required laboratory protocol in order to obtain results and prepare a report.
Immunology (from response to infect° to autoim diseases)
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This EU is the logical continuation of the S4 EU (Basics of physiology and immunology) and aims to deepen knowledge of fundamental, applied and clinical immunology. We will also cover "unconventional" immunology and develop innovative immunotherapy strategies. The course will cover all aspects of modern immunology, with a strong emphasis on clinical aspects.
Key words
Fundamental immunology, Anti-infectious immunity, Immunotherapy, vaccination, Autoimmunity, Immune deficiencies, Anti-cancer immunity, Non-conventional immunity
Olfactory and Gustatory Physiology
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Study of the primary and secondary olfactory systems :
The main olfactory system: stimuli, receptor structures, mechanism for transducing and encoding olfactory information and associated olfactory pathways.
The secondary olfactory system: stimuli, receptor structures, mechanisms for transducing and encoding olfactory information and associated olfactory pathways.
Study of the taste system :
The taste system: stimuli, receptor structures, transduction mechanism and associated taste pathways.
Olfaction and cognition :
Study of odors on behavior; factors influencing the quality of olfactory sensation; characteristic dimensions of odors; behavioral classification of odors. Olfaction and cognition: odor memory, mother/child olfactory attachment.
Gustation and eating behavior :
Gusto-facial reflex; food likes and dislikes.
Integrated Neurobiology and Cognition
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to provide an integrated approach to the functioning of the nervous system, drawing on several neuroscience disciplines (Neurodevelopment, Functional Neuroanatomy, Neuroimaging, Cognitive Neuroscience) and focusing on complex brain functions.
Neurobiology and Cellular Neurophysiology
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course focuses on the morpho-functional study of cells in the nervous system (neurons, glial cells), mainly by describing the mechanisms involved in neuronal excitability (generation and propagation of action potentials) and neurotransmission (mechanisms of neurotransmitter release and synthesis, and the structure and function of neurotransmitter receptors). The concepts of synaptic plasticity are also developed.
Cardiac Physiology
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Cardiovascular Physiology UE aims to describe and acquire knowledge of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, from the whole animal to the molecular and cellular levels. Topics covered include cardiac contraction, regulation of cardiac electrical activity (electrocardiogram and ion channels), regulation of blood pressure and baroreflex, and regulation of cardiovascular functions by the autonomic nervous system.
Cellular Communication and Pharmacology
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The mechanism of action of drugs is based on interaction with a target cell structure in the body, leading to modulation of its function. This course is divided into 2 main parts. The1st part will introduce students to the different modes of cellular communication, the different chemical messengers, their targets and their modes of action. The 2nd part will give students a basic understanding of pharmacology, i.e. how drugs work and what happens to them in the body. To this end, the concepts of pharmacodynamics (ligand-receptor interaction, effect-dose relationship) and pharmacokinetics (ADME: absorption-distribution-metabolism-excretion) will be covered. Drug targets, intracellular signaling and therapeutic indications will also be covered.
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The EU provides an introduction to the main diseases affecting the nervous system, both neurological and psychiatric. Pathologies are treated from a multidisciplinary angle, from the molecular to the symptomatic. This basic knowledge of neuropathology will serve as a foundation for the fields of research addressed later in the Master's program.
Muscular and cardiac pathologies
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of the Muscular and Cardiac Pathologies course is to build on the knowledge of cardiovascular physiology acquired in the previous semester to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms that lead to cardiac pathologies (various rhythm disorders including atrial fibrillation, heart failure, etc.) and muscular pathologies (myopathies, etc.).
Physiology and Pathology of Nutrition
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to acquire scientific knowledge and skills in the field of nutrition, and more specifically in relation to pathologies.
Nutrition is defined as the science that analyzes the relationship between food and health. The links between nutrition and health are increasingly well known, and the risk of developing many diseases - cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes - can be reduced by following national nutritional recommendations.
Based on numerous scientific studies, these recommendations evolve in line with new knowledge. It is still difficult to describe the biological mechanisms capable of explaining the complex effects of nutrition on health.
Numerous epidemiological studies have established that a sufficient, balanced and diversified diet is essential for growth, maintaining immunity, fertility and successful aging (cognitive performance, maintaining muscle mass, fighting infections).
Sensory and motor neurophysiology
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Sensory and Motor Neurophysiology course covers the anatomical and functional organization of the main sensory systems: vision, hearing and somesthesia. On the other hand, it deals with motricity and its central control at the spinal and supra-spinal levels: brain stem, motor cortex, cerebellum and basal ganglia.
Endocrine physiology
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to provide students with fundamental and in-depth knowledge and skills in the physiology of the endocrine system. By studying the morphological and functional organization of the endocrine system, the student will be able to grasp the multitude of hormonal systems (endocrine glands, hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis, reproductive system) and their essential roles in the realization of major physiological functions and homeostasis.
Project or internship
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The modalities of this UE are specifically adapted to the different L3 courses. Nevertheless, the objectives are the same: to give students an insight into the professional world of life science research.
Students will be offered a short internship in a laboratory/company or a tutored project with a tutor working in a laboratory or company associated with biology.
APP General Culture
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Environmental Methodology
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Methodology in Life Mechanism Biology
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Specialization 1 in Environment
14 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Specialization 1 in Mechanical Biology of Life
14 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Professionalization SV APP
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
English S5 in APP
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
APP multidisciplinary project
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
English S6 in APP
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Specialization II in Environment
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Environmental internship/project
16 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship/project in Mechanical Biology of Life
16 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Specialization II in Mechanical Biology of Life
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Coherent Grouping 1 Semester 5
20 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Biomaterials and Polymers in Healthcare
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Biomaterials and Polymers in Healthcare Written
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Biomaterials and Polymers in Healthcare TP
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Instrumental techniques for analyzing pharmaceutical substances
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Instrumental techniques for analyzing pharmaceutical substances. EC
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Instrumental analysis techniques substan. pharmaTP+Ecrits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Therapeutic Chemistry - TC peptide synthesis
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Therapeutic chemistry Written/CC
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Therapeutic Chemistry Written
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Pharmacology - Pharmacokinetics - Toxicology
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Coherent grouping 2 UE Transversale linguistique Sem.5
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Communication techniques - PEC
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Communication techniques - PEC
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Envnmt technico-régle des industries de santé - La doc scien
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Technico-regulatory environment for industries
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Modern languages Semes. 5
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Modern languages Semester 5
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Modern languages II Spanish
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Modern languages II German
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Modern languages II Other language
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Coherent Grouping of 3 Scientific UE Semester 6
21.5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Galenic pharmacy
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Pharmacie Galénique Written (QCM+TP graded)
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Surface phenomena
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Surface phenomena TP Report and Oral
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Environmental engineering - Radiobiology - Nutrition
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Health Nutrition Written/Oral
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Environmental engineering - Introduction Radiobiolo.-Nutri. Health
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Environmental engineering-Radiobiology Written
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Environmental engineering-Radiobiology-Nutri. Written/Oral
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Biological & Cellular Engineering
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Biological and cellular engineering TP, note involvement/accompanies
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Biological and Cellular Engineering Written
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Methods for statistical analysis of pharmaceutical data
3.5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Methods for statistical analysis of pharmaceutical data. Quizzes
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Methods for statistical analysis of pharmaceutical data. Written
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Coherent grouping 4 UE Transersales linguistiques Sem. 6
6.5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Quality management-Marketing-Statistical quality control
2.5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Marketing-Management Quality-Statistical control Written
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Quality Management-Statistical Quality Control TD
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Living languages Choice Semester 6
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Modern languages II Other language
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Modern languages II Spanish
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Modern languages II German
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy