Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Lessons will cover the basics and application principles of microbial ecology (microbial biodiversity; cultivable/non-cultivable microorganisms; major microbial groups, main microbial functions and biogeochemical cycles, microbial metabolisms in the environment and environmental applications, basics of ecology applicable to microorganisms (microbial interactions, free life, competition, collaboration, symbiosis, parasitism and their applications). In particular, the following topics will be covered by way of illustration
- viruses: the notion of emergence and re-emergence
-vibrios, virulence factors, host adaptation and horizontal transfer
-streptococci, comparative genomics, genomic reduction, specialization
Applications of microbial ecology to biotechnologies will include: detection, inocula production, bioproductions, bioremediation, water treatment using concrete examples (development of mutation-aware multipathogen detection tools, production of a flavor enhancer by a soil corynebacterium, applications of microbial interaction studies to cheese flavor selection, quality index of a wine-growing soil, etc.).
Practical water analysis, principles, standards, applications: total 6h
TD/ personal work based on the results of the practical work: design of a water purification model in a real-life situation (cadastral data, topological survey, fecal streptococcal total coliform load from the practical work, student presentation on the different types of (micro)purification plants....) the aim is to propose a conceptual solution adapted to the field case.
- foundations of microbial ecology (understanding the interactions between microorganisms and their environments)
- understand the practical applications of microbial ecology in environmental and health biotechnologies, as well as job opportunities.
Teaching hours
- Microbial ecology - TDTutorial4,5h
- Microbial ecology - CMLecture22,5h
- Microbial ecology - Practical workPractical work6h
Mandatory prerequisites
fundamental microbiology, mastery of basic microbiology techniques