4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this L3S5 course is to acquire knowledge of the organization, development and functioning of various physiological systems in animals. More specifically, the functions of circulation, thermoregulation, hormone regulation and nerve integration will be approached from a comparative perspective (examples drawn from different taxonomic groups) and in an evolutionary context. Questions relating to the bioethical aspects of experimentation in animal physiology will also be addressed.
Mandatory prerequisites
L1, L2 majors
Knowledge control
Test |
Coefficient |
No. of hours |
Nb sessions |
Organization (SDS or resp) |
Written |
70% |
2 |
2 |
Continuous control |
TP |
30% |
Oral |
Further information
Managers: Aurélie Célérier, Hamid Moha or Maati
Contact details of manager(s) (tel/mail) : aurelie.celerier @ (04 67 61 33 17) ; hamid.moha-ou-maati @
Target skills
Knowledge :
Know the major physiological functions and their diversity, in interaction with the biotic or abiotic environment.
Understand structure/function relationships at different scales of the organism
Understand biological mechanisms at the organismal, cellular and molecular levels, in an eco-evolutionary context.
Know-how :
Mobilize concepts and tools from different disciplines to analyze a document, an observation or the results of an experiment.
Ability to work as part of a group, formatting, critically analyzing and writing up experimental results
Be able to develop a logical argument with a critical mind (limits, confrontation with the biblio, defense of a point of view)
Write a scientific report, using illustrations and a presentation adapted to the audience concerned, with the help of appropriate IT tools.
Be able to discuss scientific arguments orally
Soft skills :
Respect others as well as the material and organizations on which the student is working
Listening and being attentive: an active presence