4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Adaptations to the "parasitic" lifestyle are studied on all parasitic organisms (viruses, bacteria, eukaryotes), including different scales of analysis "from molecules to populations".
Thus, the coevolution between hosts and parasites will be considered from the point of view of host-parasite molecular and cellular dialogues (immunity-escapement-exploitation of host resources, etc.), but also from the point of view of morpho-anatomical structures involved in adaptation to the sub-host site or in survival in the external environment, and finally from the point of view of behavioral adaptations for encountering the host (promotion).
Teaching hours
- Adaptations to Parasitism - Practical workPractical work3h
- Adaptations to Parasitism - TDTutorial25h
Mandatory prerequisites
For BE students,
- UE Parasitic eukaryotes strongly recommended (but not compulsory)
- major courses in L1 and L2, UE microorganisms
For Microbio students
- basic knowledge of Org Bio and Evolution in L1 and L2
-UE Parasitic eukaryotes strongly recommended (but not compulsory)
Knowledge control
test |
coefficient |
No. of hours |
Nb Sessions |
Organization (FDS or local) |
Written |
Continuous control |
1 |
local |
TP |
Oral |
Further information
CC assessments
A simple assessment (multiple-choice questions) of basic concepts
-1 group work synthesis adaptations
-1 individual tabletop examination
Manager(s) : Laurent Gavotte, Anne-sophie Gosselin-Grenet, Catherine Moulia, Mathieu Sicard
Contact details for manager(s) (tel/mail):,,
Target skills
- A3-Know the different levels of organization from the organism to the biosphere and their interactions
- B5 - Know the relationships between genotype and phenotype (morpho-anatomy, behavior, interactions) and their evolution
B10- Interpret the phenotypes of organisms in evolutionary terms (environment-adaptation relationships)
-D2- Knowledge of the major physiological functions and their diversity, in interaction with the biotic or abiotic environment/ D5- Knowledge of structure/function relationships at different scales of the organism/ D7- Knowledge of biological mechanisms at the scale of the organism, the cell and molecules, in an eco-evolutionary context
- I1 to A: scientific and I 5 to 6: information processing