Physiology and Pathology of Nutrition

  • Study level

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


The aim of this course is to acquire scientific knowledge and skills in the field of nutrition, and more specifically in relation to pathologies.

Nutrition is defined as the science that analyzes the relationship between food and health. The links between nutrition and health are increasingly well known, and the risk of developing many diseases - cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes - can be reduced by following national nutritional recommendations.

Based on numerous scientific studies, these recommendations evolve in line with new knowledge. It is still difficult to describe the biological mechanisms capable of explaining the complex effects of nutrition on health.

Numerous epidemiological studies have established that a sufficient, balanced and diversified diet is essential for growth, maintaining immunity, fertility and successful aging (cognitive performance, maintaining muscle mass, fighting infections).

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Take a critical, objective look at the epidemiological studies presented.

- Acquire basic concepts in the various fields of nutrition.

- Understand the physiological control of energy homeostasis: regulation of food intake and energy expenditure.

- integrate the fact that Diet and Health are intimately linked: like other factors, environmental and/or genetic, diet contributes to the onset of various pathologies. It therefore represents a risk factor, but can also be a protective factor.

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