L3 - Animal physiology and neuroscience

  • ECTS

    60 credits

  • Duration

    1 year

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction



The Animal Physiology/Neurosciences pathway of the Life Sciences bachelor's degree is a multidisciplinary scientific program that tackles the physiological functioning of animals, including humans, with a strong focus on three disciplines: neuroscience, muscular and cardiac physiology, and nutrition.

Open Health Access course (L.AS).

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  • 80%

    Success rates


This initial training is a general bachelor's degree which should enable students to continue their studies with a first year of a master's degree (or equivalent) in the three major disciplines of neuroscience, muscular and cardiac physiology, and nutrition.
The course is designed to provide students with a basic scientific education, enabling them to acquire the knowledge they need to develop a scientific mindset.
The PAN course offers a balance between lectures (CM), tutorials (TD) and practical work (TP), so that knowledge can be acquired in a complementary way between CM and TD, and in an experimental, practical way, through numerous TP sessions.
In addition, a specific teaching module, the "projet tuteuré" (tutored project), is designed to enable students to tackle a research topic in a professional setting, under the supervision of a tutor, and thus develop their autonomy, involving group work and the use of scientific communication techniques such as the preparation of a summary report, a slide show and an oral presentation before a jury.
A significant proportion of the teaching units (UE) in the first year of the Licence (L1) Sciences de la Vie Santé Environnement (SVSE) are oriented towards Biology, but the course itself only begins in the second year (L2). Moreover, L2 and the third year (L3) are closely linked, with L3 building on the achievements of L2. Students in L1 and L2 also take a number of Biology subjects in addition to the three major disciplines of chemistry, biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, genetics and immunology, all of which are essential to the training of
the scientific mind.

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Know-how and skills

o Basic knowledge of the disciplines essential to the training of a biologist, with particular emphasis in the PAN course on
knowledge of Neuroscience, Muscular and Cardiac Physiology and Nutrition, so as to build a scientific mindset (hypotheses, experimental results, controversial results, scientific facts).

- Savoirs Faire:
o Know how to mobilize concepts and tools from different disciplines to analyze a document, an observation or the result of an experiment;
o Be able to develop a logical argument with a critical mind (limits, confrontation with bibliography, defense of a point of view thanks to a constructed and logical argument, etc.).);
o Be able to search for and extract information in a critical manner, prioritize sources of information and identify their reliability, and produce a synthesis;
o Be able to prepare oral presentations and written scientific reports, using illustrations and a level of language appropriate to the audience concerned, with the help
of suitable computer tools;
o Be able to tackle a scientific problem, propose and implement an observation or experimental approach, and analyze the
data resulting from it, using appropriate IT tools to produce a scientific report and an oral presentation with slides;
o Know how to search for information to set up a training plan, draw up a CV and cover letter, and use professional networking tools. Know how to carry out a project within a group.

- Personal skills :
o Know how to work independently, adapt to a new context and take relevant initiatives;
o Be able to self-evaluate and question oneself in order to learn;
o Know how to position oneself in a group with the aim of implementing a project, know how to listen and exchange constructively ;
o Respect the legal, ethical and deontological rules governing the use and production of documents (plagiarism, source, copyright and quotations, falsification of data);
o Respect the legal, ethical and deontological rules governing the manipulation of living organisms;
o Respect others, respect the material and organisms on which we work.

Students taking the Life Sciences bachelor's degree (PAN) must acquire the following skills:

1) Disciplinary skills:
- Knowledge of the different levels of functional organization of living organisms (from the cell to the whole organism);
- Knowledge of the major physiological functions
- Knowledge of membrane transfer mechanisms
- Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the central and peripheral nervous systems;
- Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the heart and striated skeletal muscles;
- Knowledge of basic pharmacology and cellular communication;
- basic knowledge of endocrinology
- knowledge of nutritional physiology and pathologies
- knowledge of the chemical senses, olfaction and gustation, in terms of information reception and processing
- knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and main pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system
- ability to perform surgical techniques on anesthetized animals
- ability to use experimental results to produce scientific reports

2) Cross-disciplinary skills:
- Knowledge:
o Knowledge of the basic concepts of chemistry, biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, immunology and genetics and the processes involved in the formation of knowledge in different disciplines (hypotheses, experimental results, polemical results, mathematical theorems, scientific facts).

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The PAN program in the Life Sciences bachelor's degree (L2 and L3) is divided into 4 semesters, each comprising teaching units (UEs) validated by ECTS credits. It follows on from the L1 Science de la Vie Santé Environnement (SVSE). Throughout the three-year degree, there are numerous gateways to other degree courses and other curricula (IUT, BTS, CPGE, engineering schools).
The list of Teaching Units can be found on the Faculty of Science website
It is also possible to take an additional UE (with a maximum of 34 ECTS per semester).

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  • Communication techniques and scientific English

    4 credits
  • Practical work in animal physiology

    4 credits
  • Immunology (from response to infect° to autoim diseases)

    4 credits
  • Olfactory and Gustatory Physiology

    4 credits
  • English S5

    2 credits
  • Integrated Neurobiology and Cognition

    4 credits
  • Neurobiology and Cellular Neurophysiology

    4 credits
  • Cardiac Physiology

    4 credits
  • Cellular Communication and Pharmacology

    4 credits
  • Neuropathology

  • Muscular and cardiac pathologies

    5 credits
  • Physiology and Pathology of Nutrition

    4 credits
  • Sensory and motor neurophysiology

    4 credits
  • Endocrine physiology

    5 credits
  • Project or internship

    3 credits


Admission requirements

Enrolment possible from a L2 SV PAN obtained at the FdS of the University of Montpellier, or obtained outside the courses of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Montpellier or equivalent in higher education: licence, preparatory class, DUT.

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How to register

The registration procedure for students outside the L2 PAN license must be carried out via the Faculty of Science's e-candidat portal. Acceptance is not automatic: it is decided on the basis of the student's file by a pedagogical committee. Capacity (logistical and human resources) is 160 students in L3 PAN (including repeat students), of whom 10-20 are external, i.e. from outside L2 PAN Montpellier. 

International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https://pastel.diplomatie.gouv.fr/etudesenfrance/dyn/public/authentification/login.html

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Target audience

On average, the majority (80%) of external students come from the UM's internal IUT or from other universities, with a minority (20%) coming from other non-MU bachelor's degrees, IUTs or preparatory classes. Based on observations from previous years. The PAN pathway in the University of Montpellier's SV bachelor's degree is very attractive, with over 200 applications each year. We advise L3 PAN applicants to clearly state in their cover letter what they wish to do after the bachelor's degree, so that the committee can make the best possible assessment of the suitability of the course for the applicant's study or career plans.

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Mandatory prerequisites

For access to L3, you need to have obtained a L2 or equivalent with a significant proportion of training in line with the content of L2 PAN, particularly in Animal Physiology, Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Immunology and Genetics.

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Recommended prerequisites

A grounding in animal physiology, neuroanatomy and neuronal biology is strongly recommended for admission to L3.

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And then

Further studies

The Licence SV PAN is a general bachelor's degree: although there may be opportunities for professional integration on completion of this degree, the majority of students go on to study for a Master's degree. The generalist, multi-disciplinary nature of the Licence SV parcours PAN enables students to enter many of the first years of a Master's program (M1).

1- Towards research careers with a first year Master's degree:
Many students are currently pursuing a Master's degree in a specialized disciplinary field, and, where appropriate, a Doctorate. The level of training provided by the SV licence PAN pathway enables students to enter the first years of the Masters offered by the Biologie Santé master's program in Montpellier, in the Neuroscience pathway (around 20 students), in the Experimental and Regenerative Medicine pathway (around 15 students), in the BIOTIN pathway (2 to 3 students), in the Design, Evaluation and Management of Therapeutic Trials pathway (1 to 2 students).

In recent years, a large proportion of our students have gone on to study for Masters degrees in neuroscience at other French universities.

2- Other possibilities:
A minority of students manage to enter engineering schools related to the training they have received. Others can prepare for a variety of undergraduate entrance examinations, in particular those leading to careers in forensic science.

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Studying abroad

It is possible to do part of your training abroad as part of the ERASMUS program.
Each year, between 1 and 3 students spend their L3 year abroad, mostly in UK faculties.

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Bridges and reorientation

Access to the PAN pathway from other SV pathways will require a return to L2, and will be subject to the approval of the course director (on the basis of a dossier).
Similarly, a PAN student wishing to transfer to other SV pathways will need the approval of the course director, and will have to consider a return to L2.

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Professional integration

The vast majority of L3 PAN students go on to do their first year of a Master's degree (Master1), and for the remainder, who are very few in number, it is very difficult to know exactly what will happen to them.

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