Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In this course, students work in groups to carry out bibliographical research on a selection of medicinal plants during tutorials, in order to identify plant biomolecules with potential biological or pharmacological properties. Using the documents provided, each group identifies, proposes and implements an extraction protocol and a simple biological activity test protocol to test the biostatic, antibiotic or antioxidant activity of the targeted molecules. The bibliographic monitoring approach and the results obtained during the practical work, together with their analysis and interpretation, will be discussed during a poster presentation session, which will lead to an assessment.
- Knowledge: knowledge of plant secondary metabolites, their structure and biological activity
- Know-how: research and analyze bibliographical information, formulate a hypothesis, design an experimental protocol to test a biological activity, implement it, analyze and interpret results, communicate conclusions.
- People skills: working in a group in a collaborative mode, arguing, communicating
Mandatory prerequisites
L2 Biology