Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is a module designed to introduce students to scientific research in fundamental or applied plant agro-sciences. Students must complete an internship of 10 weeks or more (which may continue over the summer) in a research laboratory (CNRS, INRAE, IRD, CIRAD), in an applied research organization such as GEVES, CTIFL, SudExpe, Serfel, IFV or in a private company such as Staphyt, AgroXp, Vilmorin. Montpellier offers a wide range of internship opportunities in this field.
This is a module for integration into the professional world, enabling students to make contact with players in the world of plant-based Agro-Sciences:
- apply the techniques learned in the various courses of the BiPAgro Bachelor's degree.
- exposure to the professional world
- develop your own professional project and enhance your CV
Students write a dissertation which they defend in front of a jury made up of teacher-researchers, researchers and/or field technicians/engineers.
Knowledge :
Acquire skills in developing fundamental research projects in laboratories or applied research on plant experimentation sites.
Know-how :
- Searching for an internship
- Knowing how to fit into a professional environment
- People skills :
- Teamwork skills
Mandatory prerequisites
UE specific to Plant Functional Biology