4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


Ecotoxicology concerns the study of the effects of pollutants on living species and on the structure and functioning of ecosystems. This course aims to provide a better understanding of :

- the main types of organic and inorganic pollutants (historical or emerging), as well as their sources and the factors influencing their fate in the natural environment and in organisms,

- the effects of pollutants on micro- and macro-organisms at different levels of biological integration (molecule, individual, community),

- methods for assessing biological effects, environmental quality and ecotoxicological risk within the current European regulatory framework,

- bioremediation processes through several case studies.

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Teaching hours

  • Ecotoxicology - Practical workPractical work6h
  • Ecotoxicology - TDTutorial25h

Mandatory prerequisites

- basic knowledge of biology, ecology, biochemistry and microbiology

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Knowledge control



No. of hours

Nb sessions

Organization (SDS or resp)






Continuous control















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Further information

This introductory course has the potential to lead to several masters courses specializing in ecotoxicology (research or professional):

- Master in Biology and Ecology, EPET course: Ecophysiology and Ecotoxicology, Sorbonne Paris

- Master in Environmental Management, ETOX course: Ecotoxicology, Metz

- Master's degree in Toxicology and Ecotoxicology, EXCE course: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry, Bordeaux

- Master in Environmental & Human Toxicology, Angers

- Master's degree in Environmental Management, course RE: Risks & Environment, Le Havre

- Master's degree in risks and the environment, course: Biodiversity, health and the environment, Reims

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Target skills

- Disciplinary skills:

A-6 Know the applications of organism biology, evolutionary biology and ecology (health, agronomy, conservation, restoration).

C-7 Understand the impact of stress and natural and anthropogenic disturbances on biodiversity (from the organism to the biosphere).

D-2 Knowledge of major physiological functions and their diversity, in interaction with the biotic or abiotic environment

- Cross-disciplinary skills:

H-4 Know the rules of health and safety in the lab and in the field

I-2 Be able to mobilize knowledge from different biological disciplines to analyze a document, an observation or the result of an experiment.

I-4 Make the links between knowledge of organism biology, evolutionary biology and ecology, and economic and social issues.

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