- Mathematics S1 (Joffre)
- Modern Language S1 (Joffre)
- CPES Advanced Microeconomics S1
- Contemporary world issues S1 (Joffre)
- Computing S1 (Joffre)
- CPES Computer Science S1
- CPES Mathematics S1
- General Culture S1 (Joffre)
- Economics S1 (Joffre)
- Advanced CPES Mathematics S2
- Contemporary world issues S2 (Joffre)
- Mathematics S2 (Joffre)
- Computing S2 (Joffre)
- Advanced CPES Macroeconomics S2
- Economics S2 (Joffre)
- CPES Economics S2 project
- CPES Computer Science S2
- General Culture S2 (Joffre)
- Modern language S2 (Joffre)
- Mathematics S3 (Joffre)
- Advanced CPES Mathematics S3
- English CPES S3
- CPES Computer Science S3
- Complements to general mathematics CPES S3
- Advanced 1 Economics CPES S3 (Stats+Econometrics)
- Computing S3 (Joffre)
- Economics S3 (Joffre)
- General Culture S3 (Joffre)
- Advanced 2 Economy CPES S3 (Eco+Digital)
- General Culture S4 (Joffre)
- CPES Computer Science S4
- Mathematics S4 (Joffre)
- Advanced 2 Economics CPES S4 (Applied Microeconomics)
- Advanced 1 Economics CPES S4 (Stats+Econometrics)
- Advanced CPES Mathematics S4
- CPES Economics Project S4
- IT S4 (Joffre)
- English CPES S4
- Economics S4 (Joffre)
- Student involvement
- Performing arts option
- Optional option Sport
- Optional Voltaire certification
- Optional PIX option
- Optional option Student project
- Introduction to econometrics
- Game theory
- English S5
- Optimization
- Industrial organization
- Economy and Digital
- Optional option Sport
- Optional PIX option
- Optional Voltaire certification
- Optional Toeic S5 preparation
- Optional option Student project
- Economy and digital
- Operational research
- Data analysis
- Database
- English S6
- L3 CPES S6 project
- Optional PIX option
- Optional Voltaire certification
- L3 Student engagement
- Optional option Student project
- Optional option Sport
- Performing arts option
- Optional Toeic S6 preparation
- Licence 1 CPES Modeling and Numerics in the Sciences of Matter
- Licence 2 CPES Modeling and Numerics in Material Sciences
- Licence 3 CPES Modélisation et numérique en sciences de la matière Chemistry
- Licence 3 CPES Modélisation et numérique en sciences de la matière Physics Chemistry
- Licence 3 CPES Modélisation et numérique en sciences de la matière Physics
- L1 Management
- L1 E-Learning Management
- L2 Management
- L2 Gestion E-Learning
- L3 Commerce Vente Agroalimentaire
- L3 Accounting Finance
- L3 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
- L3 International Management
- L3 Marketing Sales
- L3 Marketing Sales E-Learning
- L3 Management Strategy
- L3 Hotel and Tourism Management and Strategy
- L3 Hotel Management and Tourism Strategy E-Learning
- Preparatory course for the professorship
- Pluridisciplinarity and the teaching, education and training professions [FDE] [FDE
- Science in Primary Schools and Scientific Mediation [FDS] [FDS] [FDS] [FDS] [FDS] [FDS] [FDS] [FDS] [FDS
- Management Technology and Science [IAE]
- Multimedia product design and marketing (CCPM) [IAE] [IAE
- Information systems and management control [IAE]
- Information systems and business development (IAE)
- Training
- License