60 credits
1 year
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Biotechnology Teaching Professions (Bio-ME) course is a multi-disciplinary scientific training program designed for students intending to enter the Master MEEF2nd degré Biotechnologies option Biochimie Génie Biologique to become certified teachers of Biotechnology - Biochemistry - Biological Engineering in high schools.
This program is based on existing Life Sciences degree programs, and is reinforced by specific courses in teaching, didactics and pedagogy in biotechnologies. The course culminates in an internship in a secondary school, bringing students into contact with the professional world of education.
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
The aim of the Biotechnologies Métiers de l'Enseignement (Bio-ME) course is to provide students with a sound knowledge base in all the fundamental disciplines included in the CAPET Biotechnologies option Biochemistry and Biological Engineering competitive examination.
The course enables you to acquire :
- fundamental scientific knowledge in biotechnology, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, physiology, immunology, cellular and molecular biology;
- expertise in biological analysis technologies as part of practical work;
- knowledge of the teaching profession, pedagogy and didactics in biotechnology, through classroom sessions and an internship in a high school.
After obtaining their Bachelor's degree, students can enroll in the Master MEEF2nd degree Biotechnologies option Biochemistry - Biological Engineering to prepare for the CAPET Biotechnologies competitive examination to become a certified teacher of Biotechnologies - Biochemistry - Biological Engineering in high schools.
Know-how and skills
Students taking the Bio-ME Life Sciences degree must acquire the following skills:
- understand key concepts that govern biological mechanisms at the molecular, cellular and organismal levels, drawing on knowledge of the structure and properties of the main molecules of living organisms;
- mobilize concepts and tools from different disciplines to analyze a document, an observation or the results of an experiment.
- know how to search for and extract information in order to produce a synthesis.
- adopt an analytical approach and develop rigorous scientific reasoning;
- formulate a hypothesis using biological concepts ;
- be able to design an experiment and adapt an operating procedure;
- rigorously implement an experimental procedure and develop a critical eye for experimental results in order to respond to and test the validity of a hypothesis;
- be able to develop critical thinking skills, particularly with regard to cultural and societal dimensions;
- develop a sense of responsibility through experimental activities in biotechnology;
- know how to construct a rigorous reasoning to justify a choice or an assertion ;
- be able to get involved in a project and take the initiative;
- interact with peers through oral and written communication.
- prepare oral presentations and written scientific reports using appropriate IT tools.
The Bio-ME pathway of the L3 Life Sciences is divided into 2 semesters, each comprising teaching units (UE) validated by ECTS credits.
Immunology (from response to infect° to autoim diseases)
4 creditsEnglish S5
2 creditsMolecular Biology
5 creditsBiotechnology S5
4 creditsMicrobiology 3
5 creditsIntegrated Cellular Metabolism
5 creditsPedagogy and Didactics of Biotechnologies
5 credits
Infection & Immunity
3 creditsPractical work in molecular biology
6 creditsMolecular Engineering
Molecular tools for detection and diagnosis
4 creditsGenetics & Epigenetics
4 creditsObservation internship in a technological high school
5 creditsVirology
4 credits
Admission requirements
Applicants to the L3 SV Bio-ME programme may include:
- Students who have completed a L2 Life Sciences degree in Biochemistry or Microbiology or Biotechnology or Molecular and Cellular Biology or equivalent;
- students with a professional degree in applied biology;
- students with a DUT in biological engineering (ABB or IAB option);
- students with a BTS in applied biology (ABM, BioAC, BioTec, Bioqualité).
Students who have successfully completed the L2 SV Bio-ME automatically enter the L3 SV Bio-ME.
How to register
As the Biotechnologies Métiers de l'Enseignement (Bio-ME) course is a selective one, students must apply via the e-candidat application at the beginning of May (information on the Montpellier Faculty of Science website). Acceptance is not automatic: it is decided on the basis of the student's application by a pedagogical committee.
Target audience
- Students who have completed a L2 Life Sciences degree in Biochemistry or Microbiology or Biotechnology or Molecular and Cellular Biology or equivalent;
- students with a professional degree in applied biology;
- students with a DUT in biological engineering (ABB or IAB option);
- students with a BTS in applied biology (ABM, BioAC, BioTec, Bioqualité).
Students who have successfully completed the L2 SV Bio-ME automatically enter the L3 SV Bio-ME.
Mandatory prerequisites
Entry to L3 is after validation of L2 or a BTS, DUT or Licence Professionnelle, with a strong emphasis on biochemistry, microbiology and cellular and molecular biology.
Recommended prerequisites
A grounding in chemistry, human physiology and genetics is recommended.
And then
Further studies
After completing the L3 Biotechnologie Métiers de l'Enseignement (Bio-ME), students can apply for the Master MEEF 2nd degré Biotechnologies option Biochimie Génologique to prepare for the CAPET Biotechnologies option Biochimie Génologique.
The generalist, multi-disciplinary nature of the Bio-ME bachelor's degree also enables students to enter a wide range of master's programs in the health and agri-sciences fields.
Bridges and reorientation
Access to the L3 Bio-ME from other courses in the SV field requires application via the e-candidat application at the beginning of May.
Professional integration
The results obtained by our students have put the Montpellier Academy in a very strong position in terms of success in the national CAPET Biotechnologies exam, with the Biochemistry and Biological Engineering (BGB) option. Students who have passed the competitive examination and have validated their M2 automatically take up a position as a certified Biochemistry and Biological Engineering teacher in secondary schools, under the status of civil servant in the French Ministry of Education. Students who have completed their M2 but have not passed the competitive examination are offered contract or substitute teaching posts in high schools.