Introduction to Nano-biotechnologies

  • Study level

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    5 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This course introduces the basics of nano-biotechnologies for diagnostics and detection.

1- Introduction to biosensors and embedded systems

The different types of electrochemical sensors (conductimetry, potentiometry and amperometry): - Biosensors from the Clark electrode to the amperometric glucometer. - The potentiostat: a simple standardized measurement system

- Transistors: semiconductors

- nanotubes or wires made of carbon, silicon, graphene, etc.

- Impedance measurement

2- Introduction to biomimicry

- Self-assembly of spherical structures: viruses, ferritin, dendrimers

- Self-assembly of monolayers

3- Functional organic chemistry

            - L1 organic chemistry reminder

            - Biomolecules (functions involved, carbonyl, amines, alcohols, thiols)

            - Structures

            - Functionalization basics

            - Redox reaction

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Knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts and multi-science approaches, with a view to developing new diagnostic and detection tools.

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Mandatory prerequisites

- From molecules to cells (S1).

- Biochemistry and molecular biology of the cell (S2).

- Molecular and cellular biology (S3).

- Molecular and cellular biology (S4)

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