Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science
Language(s) of instruction
The BIOproduction and BIOtechnologies for Health (BIO²S) program in the Life Sciences specialization responds specifically to the need in the healthcare biotechnology sector to train senior technicians specializing in bioproduction and biotechnologies for the healthcare sector. The BIO²S License 3 trains technicians in bioproduction and biotechnologies for healthcare, in response to the growing need for biomedicines. These products derived from living organisms account for more than half of all therapeutic molecules under development, requiring new biomanufacturing plants.
This course will provide theoretical instruction (knowledge of drugs, immunotechnology, quality control, molecular engineering, technical English, biomanufacturing, cell biology and microbiology) as well as practical instruction through experimental projects. Project-based learning will cut across several teaching units, enabling students to establish interactions and connections between the different disciplines taught. This Life Sciences program will be open to apprenticeships for the entire student body. The emphasis is on professionalization, with a focus on recent industrial applications and associated biotechnology tools, a large number of practical assignments and the involvement of external experts.
Training benefits
Professionally-oriented courses;
100% work-study;
Innovative teaching methods: project-based teaching, group work, learning lab, skills-based approach, company visits and presentations.
The aim of this program is to train senior technicians in biomanufacturing and biotechnology. This one-year course, following a BTS or L2, is a sandwich course, giving future technicians an insight into the professional world of biotherapy and biomanufacturing.
The BIO²S License 3 is designed to meet the need for technical manpower in the biomanufacturing and biotechnology sectors. Technicians are expected to account for a significant proportion of future recruitment. Students will receive technical training in bioprocess engineering, a biotechnology-based process for the industrial production of biomedicines. The apprentice will also receive theoretical training to build up a scientific knowledge base and understand the specific features of various therapeutic bioproducts.
Know-how and skills
Main skills and know-how:
Transmission of knowledge, dissemination of knowledge; Conception and animation of interventions within the framework of scientific popularization; Experimentation in the field and/or in the laboratory; Preparation of products and equipment for measurements and analyses; Realization of biological and biochemical measurements and analyses, data collection and dissemination; Collection, management and interpretation of experimental data to consider their modeling; Control of the application of procedures and rules of hygiene, safety, quality ; Mobilize the fundamental concepts and technologies of molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, microbiology, physiology, immunology, classification of living organisms, developmental biology and evolution to address a problem in the field or analyze a research or presentation document; Express yourself in English to understand scientific and technical articles and notices.
Disciplinary skills:
Identify and independently carry out the various stages of an experimental approach;
Implement the manufacture of a biological product;
Mobilize bioproduction concepts and conduct a bioprocess;
Identify, select and apply a combination of analytical tools (current techniques, instrumentation) adapted to characterize organisms and their functioning at different levels of analysis;
Interpret experimental data to envisage their modeling, validate a model and appreciate its limits of validity, identify sources of error, calculate the uncertainty of an experimental result;
Manipulate fundamental mechanisms on a microscopic scale, model macroscopic phenomena, relate a macroscopic phenomenon to microscopic processes;
Use data acquisition and analysis software with a critical mind;
Mobilize concepts and tools from mathematics, chemistry and computer science;
Identify specific regulations and implement the main preventive measures in terms of health and safety.
Pre-professional skills:
Situate one's role and mission within an organization in order to adapt and take initiative.
Identify the process of producing, disseminating and promoting knowledge.
Respect the principles of ethics, deontology and environmental responsibility.
Work as part of a team as well as independently and responsibly in the service of a project.
Characterize and develop one's identity, skills and professional project in relation to a given context.
Step back from a situation, evaluate oneself and question oneself in order to learn.
Knowledge control
Assessment is by continuous assessment.
Open on a sandwich basis
This course is offered on a sandwich basis.
The course is co-sponsored by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Pharmacy. It is open on a sandwich basis only. The year will be divided between courses/DD and TP organized on the two sites of the Faculties of Science and Pharmacy, and periods spent in the company. Three 6- or 7-week course periods have been identified. These periods will be interspersed with in-company stays and vacations. The in-company period will last 33 weeks.
How to register
Enrolment at the Faculty of Science according to regulations
Target audience
L2 Life Sciences, L2 Health Engineering, BUT Biological Engineering, BTS Biotechnologies, BTSA Biological, Biotechnological, Agricultural and Environmental Analysis (ANABIOTEC) and equivalent courses
Mandatory prerequisites
Cellular and molecular biology from L2. Basic immunology, microbiology and statistics.
And then
Professional integration
The current professional situation in the biotherapeutics and biopharmaceuticals production sector is characterized by a significant shortfall in the recruitment of personnel at both national and regional level, while needs are set to increase both nationally and regionally. The opening of this training course is therefore in response to demand from professionals in the biotherapies and bioproduction sector. There is a need for trained personnel at all levels, but even more so at BAC+3 level. Data indicate that 50% of the most prescribed drugs will be advanced therapy drugs (ATDs), representing 32% of the global pharmaceuticals market. This paradigm shift means that training systems need to evolve to meet the growing demand for specific skills and qualified personnel.
Careers: Senior biomanufacturing technician, senior biotechnology technician, consulting technician, assistant engineer, technical sales representative, scientific coordinator.