Pedagogy and Didactics of Biotechnologies

  • Study level

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    5 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This is an introductory course to the teaching professions in biotechnologies, in preparation for the internship in a technological high school in semester 6. This course introduces students to the concepts that will be taught to Master MEEF (Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Education et de la Formation) Biotechnologies students preparing for the CAPET Biotechnologies option Biochimie Génologie Biologique. This course, coupled with the high school internship in semester 6, will also help students choose their career path.

In the course of the course/DD sessions, a number of issues concerning the teaching and learning of science and biotechnology are addressed:

- What are the principles, tools and teaching methods used in the technological route?

- How to design teaching in STL-Biotechnologies and STS?

- How are programs and reference materials structured?

- What are the terms and conditions of certification assessment in the final cycle and in STS?

- How does a Lycée d'Enseignement Général et Technologique work?


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- Implementing the pedagogy required for young people in technological series.

- Design, implement and evaluate teaching situations.

- Propose approaches, methods and tools for teaching, assessing and managing relationships in the classroom.

- Understand how the lycée works and the technological series.

- Integrate the elements of digital culture required for the teaching profession.

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Mandatory prerequisites

scientific and technological bac+2 level in biochemistry, microbiology, cellular and molecular biology

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