Communication techniques and scientific English

  • Study level

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This course describes the methodology used by life science researchers to communicate the results of their experiments, both orally and in writing. As English is the common language of international researchers, a large part of this course is taught in this language.


Written communication is addressed through the study of the (macro) structuring of a research article, as well as through a study of the publication process in scientific journals. Several elements of written structuring (micro) are examined in order to understand the differences between scientific and literary English: clarity, cohesion, coherence.

These studies are supplemented by a tutored project during the semester, during which students analyze a research article recently published in the scientific literature and transcribe it into an oral presentation (conference) in English.

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- Analytical comprehension of a scientific article on a topic selected according to the course.

- organize and logically structure a slide show following the instructions for scientific presentations at international congresses in English.

- acquire the ability to comment with argument and present perspectives.

- ability to work in a group.

- ability to communicate in English

- oral communication skills

- ability to manage work over time

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Teaching hours

  • Communication techniques and scientific English - TDTutorial24h

Mandatory prerequisites

Good knowledge of English 

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