5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module describes the operating principles of photonics components, and studies their use for the realization of systems, instruments, sensors. Examples of instruments and sensors will be detailed, including interventions by researchers in the field.
- Operating principles of optical components, especially in guided optics.
- Presentation of the instruments associated with these components and their characterization.
- Metrology concepts based on examples of photonic sensors.
Mandatory prerequisites
Knowledge of propagation, waveguides, interference and diffraction.
Recommended prerequisites* :
Knowledge of wave technology and photonics.
Knowledge control
Final examination
1 - Basic principles (9h)
- Introduction to coupling
- Diffraction grating
- Transverse multimode interference
- Longitudinal interference
- Diffusion (rayleigh raman brillouin)
- Faraday effect (physical effects of interactions/sensors),
- Anisotropy and polarization
- Electro-optical effect
- Dispersion reminder
2 - Optical components (9h)
- Phase and amplitude modulators (Mach zehnder)
- Optical insulators, circulators
- Evanescent field coupler
- Y-coupler, star-shaped
- Wavelength (de)multiplexer (array of guides, coupled guides, etc.)
- Insertion/extraction coupler
- Resonators
3 - Instrumentation (12h)
- Optical spectrum analyzer, FTIR (1.5h)
- OCT (Coherence Tomography) (white light, freq scan). (1,5h)
- LIDAR (1.5h)
- Imaging/camera (4.5h)
- Wavefront measurement (1.5h)
4 - Measurement / metrology (12h)
- Examples of photonic sensors and measurements (6h)
- Refractometric sensors
- Bragg grating sensors (temperature, strain and pressure sensitivities, interrogation techniques)
- Gyroscopes (Sagnac effect, Gyrolaser, ring resonators)
- Thermometers (pyrometer, Raman effect)
- Optical reflectometry (time, frequency or polarization domain)
- Networking
- Presentations of specific sensors linked to local research activities:
- Gas sensors (3h)
- Plasmonic sensors (1.5h)
- Photovoltaic cells (1.5h)
Further information
CM: 42h