6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Electrical energy is one of the essential energy vectors in energy management. It is becoming more important in new applications that reduce the carbon footprint, for example in electric propulsion. Electrical energy is produced by high-power production (thermal power plants) but also increasingly by intermittent sources due to renewable energies (photovoltaic, wind, etc.). This electrical energy produced must be transported and distributed, and the overall management of the transmission and distribution networks is a major constraint.
This teaching unit will :
- To provide theoretical knowledge of modelling the elements of production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy.
- To define the three-phase sinusoidal regime, the quality of electrical energy and the study of networks unbalanced by symmetrical components.
- Enable the implementation of the modeling of transformers, inductive elements (neutral point coil, etc.), synchronous alternators and asynchronous generators. It will give experimental methods for characterizing its elements.
- Give the conditions for connecting the generators to the electricity grids, the paralleling and the associated settings.
- To enable the establishment of models for lines and cables for electrical distribution. It will give notions of power management and the impact of short circuits in high-power networks. The use of network software will illustrate the phenomena.
The aim of this teaching unit is for students to be able to model and characterize electrical power generation, transmission and distribution networks.
The student should be able to study a problem involving sinusoidal sources and electrical loads in transient or steady-state operating modes.
The student should be able to produce or study test sheets for a transformer, synchronous alternator or asynchronous generator.
Students will need to know how to use network simulation software to study power management, power transit and the impact of short circuits.
Teaching hours
- Power Generation and Power System Modeling - CMLecture30h
- Power Generation and Electrical Network Modeling - Practical WorkPractical work21h
Mandatory prerequisites
Bachelor's degree in EEA or science and technology, with courses on the basic principles of electrical engineering (sinusoidal regime, transformers, etc.).
Basic knowledge of mathematical tools for studying the sinusoidal regime (complex calculations, Fresnel representation, trigonometry, etc.).
Knowledge of the basic principles of electrical machine operation.
Knowledge control
Continuous assessment for the course and practical work.
Percentage of 70% for the course and 30% for the practical part
- Sinusoidal regime - Reminders. Transient and steady state. Balanced and unbalanced regime. Power. Non-linear loads. Harmonics. Symmetrical components: definitions, use. Reduced units.
- Modeling a three-phase transformer. Inductance model. Complex hourly index. Transformer testing - Equivalent diagram. Network coupling - Parallel coupling. Inductive network elements (neutral point coil, etc.).
- Modeling synchronous alternators. Introduction: presentation. Behn-Eschenburg model. Potiers model. Blondel model with two reactances. PQ diagram of an alternator. Alternator identification. Network coupling - Paralleling - Adjustments.
- Modeling an asynchronous generator. Production principle of an asynchronous generator. Isolated grid operation. Identification of an asynchronous generator. Network coupling.
- Line and cable modeling. Electrical network modeling. Power system quality. Reactive energy management. PowerFlow - Short-circuit management.
Further information
CM: 30h
Practical work: 21h