3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


Manufacturing processes

- Notion of technological stages

- Manufacturing masks


Analog circuit design :

- Basic CMOS cells

- CMOS amplifiers: 1-stage, 2-stage, 3-stage; advanced structures

- Electrical simulation of cells and AOPs


Digital circuit design :

- Simple logic gates - Complex ANDORI gates

- Domino logic

- Speed optimization


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Master the basics of analog and digital CMOS block design and simulation.

Enable the student to analyze, simulate and characterize the CMOS AOP assemblies most commonly used in the microelectronics industry (2 or 3-stage CMOS AOPs), as well as some conceptually more advanced structures (such as transconductance amplifiers (OTAs)).

Enable students to use a design flow for digital integrated circuits using specific industrial tools (CAD).


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Mandatory prerequisites

Basic electronics.



Recommended prerequisites* :

Knowing the different types of transistors and logic

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Knowledge control

Assessment is based on an examination and continuous assessment. Continuous assessment is based on the average of course reports/DDs, TD/TP reports and an exam-type paper.

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The course is divided into two parts:

  • a section on digital electronics and microelectronics manufacturing processes
  • analog electronics


The lecture part of the Analog section is in the form of a group lecture-DT. Sessions begin with a reminder of useful concepts, and students then work in groups on the exercises proposed. During the session, regular updates are made to add new information or go back over points that the students don't seem to have mastered. At the end of the session, each group submits a report. In the case of both analog and digital practical sessions, the structure is more TD-TP, where a theoretical study is required before running computer simulations. The computer is only there to illustrate the manufacturing processes and validate the previous theoretical studies.


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Further information

CM: 1:30 p.m.

            TD :

            Practical work: 12h

            Terrain :


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