3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module covers fiber optic telecommunications systems and networks, performance analysis, and improvement solutions.
Understand the physical principles and operation of the main components and transmission systems used in optical telecommunication networks.
Know the different network topologies and know how to evaluate their performance for optical communications.
Mandatory prerequisites
Physics of semiconductors and optoelectronic components, electromagnetism, guided and fiber propagation.
Recommended prerequisites* :
Signal processing, information theory.
Knowledge control
Final examination
- Non-linear phenomena resulting from light-matter interaction (7.5h) :
- Fundamental concepts of nonlinear optics
- Overview of non-linear effects in optical communications systems :
- Scattering phenomena in fibers (Kerr effect, Raman scattering (SRS), Brillouin scattering (SBS), soliton propagation).
- Other non-linear effects: wavelength conversion, phase modulation (self-phase modulation (SPM), cross-phase modulation (XPM), 4-wave mixing (FWM).
- Transmission line for optical communications (9h) :
- Transmission line composition (transmitter, receiver, regenerators, OLT/ONU optical module (transceiver), Coherent detection
- Information detection: eye diagram, noise calculation, electrical and optical signal-to-noise ratio, sensitivity, bit error rate (BER), jitter phenomenon, error correction code (FEC)
- Optical modulation, demodulation and coding,
- Fiber optic loss management: optical budget, amplifier location, gain equalization, review of fiber amplifiers, Raman and SC amplifiers.
- Managing dispersion in fibers: a reminder of the issues involved and compensation methods.
- Management of non-linear effects
- Networks (9h) :
- Network topology: long-distance, terrestrial, submarine, metropolitan, local, FTTX, SDH/SONET standards
- Point-to-point or point/multipoint architecture, PON, WDMPON
- Consistent detection
- Multiplexing: TDM, CDM, WDM, SCM, radio over fiber
Further information
CM: 25h30
- Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Govind P. Agrawal 5th edition, Elsevier
- Fiber Optic Communication Systems, Govind P. Agrawal 4th edition, Wiley
- Fiber optic communications 4th edition, Pierre Lecoy, Lavoisier hermes