5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The first sessions of the course are devoted to the reminders of large and small signal transistor models as well as to the techniques of small-signal modeling of elementary analog integrated circuits. The second part is devoted to the description of the basic blocks whose interconnection allows the realization of analog integrated circuits: current/voltage reference, mirrors and current sources, amplifiers with active load to a transistor, differential pair. The fundamentals of CMOS amplifier design are discussed in Part Three. The focus is on the performance-sizing linkage of transistors as part of the design of a two-stage Miller amplifier. Some advanced amplifier architectures are presented at the end of the course in order to highlight the interest of mastering the basic blocks.
assimilate techniques and methods for designing CMOS analog integrated circuits.
- Understand the difference between large-signal polarization and small-signal operation,
- Identify the basic building blocks of an analog integrated circuit: current mirror, common-source, common-gate or common-drain transistor, etc.
- Large-signal analysis: know how to size a diagram for good polarization,
- Small-signal analysis: establish a small-signal model adapted to the desired analysis,
- Use, modify and improve a transistor schematic.
Mandatory prerequisites
- Basic electrokinetics: Ohm's law, Kirchoff's laws, Millman's theorem, Thévenin's generator, Norton's generator.
- Circuit analysis techniques based on generators (Thévenin and Norton), resistors and capacitors.
- Mathematical techniques: derivative.
Recommended prerequisites* :
- Bipolar and/or MOS transistor circuits.
- Large and small signal models of the MOS transistor.
- Stability of looped electronic systems.
- Poles and zeros of a transfer function.
- Large and small signal models of the MOS transistor
- Small-signal modeling of elementary circuits
- Self-polarizing stages
- Current sources
- Single-transistor amplifiers
- The two-stage Miller amplifier
- Analysis, sizing and assembly
- Benefits of adding an output stage
- Stability analysis and stabilization
- Some advanced amplifiers
- Transconductance amplifiers
- Cascade voltage amplifiers
Further information
CM: 21h
Practical work: 21h