Target level of study
BAC +3
180 credits
3 years
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Mention Earth, Water, Environment : L1 in the Earth, Water, Environment Portal
The Earth-Water-Environment bachelor's degree is designed to train tomorrow's scientists to address major current and future environmental issues in Earth and Water Sciences.
To this end, the Earth-Water-Environment degree trains students in the Geosciences and Hydrosciences in response to strong societal demand in the fields of natural resources, natural hazards, the environmental impact of human activities and global change. It also offers a multi-disciplinary pathway in the fields of Life Sciences and Earth Sciences.
It draws on the research potential of several laboratories, GM (Géosciences Montpellier), HSM (HydroSciences Montpellier) and ISEM (Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier), to which the majority of the Bachelor's degree's teacher-researchers are attached, thus facilitating links with the research themes and activities of these laboratories, as well as strong links with the local economic fabric via various networks (Pole Aqua Valley, Cluster Terinov, etc.).
Finally, it draws on the unique natural environment of the Montpellier region, which lends itself perfectly to the observation of exceptional natural environments.
This bachelor's degree comprises three courses:
- a general pathway entitled "Earth, Water and Environmental Sciences" (STEE), the main aim of which is to prepare students for master's degrees in Earth, Planetary and Environmental Sciences (STPE), Water Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Energy.
- a professionalization pathway in L3, entitled "Geosciences, Pollution Prevention and Treatment" (GPTP), whose main objective is to offer a professional opportunity at senior technician level in the field of water and pollution management.
- a course entitled "Cursus en Métiers de l'Enseignement en Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre" (CME-SVT) (Teaching Professions in Life and Earth Sciences) whose aim is to provide initial training for future teachers, leading to a Masters in Teaching, Education and Training (MEEF). This course can be customized from L2 onwards.
L2 TEE students on field placement at Orpierre (Alpes)
Over 85% in L2 and L3
Success rates
Training benefits
• Petits effectifs (< 40 étudiants dès le L2), > 85% de réussite en L2 et en L3.
• Plus de 40% d’enseignements pratiques (travaux pratiques en salle et sur le terrain,
camps de terrain).
• Enseignement de maths/physique/chimie adaptés au profil des étudiants.
• Formation par et aux outils numériques.
• Stage en entreprise obligatoire en L3 GPTP et projets tutorés sur le terrain et/ou en
laboratoire en L3 STEE.
• Mobilité internationale possible dès le L2.
• Entrée dans la vie active possible à bac + 3 ou poursuite en master (> 60%) dans les
Sciences de l’Eau ou Géosciences à Montpellier, en France ou à l’étranger.
• Réseau d’employeurs au niveau régional et national.
The TEE bachelor's degree aims to provide fundamental scientific training in the fields of geosciences and water sciences, with a view to training future professionals at bachelor's, master's and even doctorate level.
From a pedagogical point of view, the TEE degree will enable students to acquire the fundamental concepts needed to describe and understand geological environments. Students will also be trained in the use of modern physical and chemical tools to better observe these environments and quantify the processes that affect them.
Through the acquisition of a range of knowledge and skills, a fundamental objective of the TEE bachelor's degree is to enable students to acquire the fundamentals of the scientific approach. This approach is essential if they are to take a critical look at today's major environmental issues.
Know-how and skills
The skills and competencies of the TEE bachelor's degree are based on learning the scientific approach, applied to natural environments and geological media.
1) Understand how natural environments function and how they evolve over time (past and future).
Mobilize the fundamental concepts of the major disciplines in the earth and water sciences: earth materials, tectonics, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrogeology, environmental chemistry, paleontology, soil science, pollution treatment.
2) Observe the natural environment
- Know and use the tools needed to read and describe landscapes, materials and geological structures in the field. Produce a geological map extract and interpretative sections
- Identify and characterize geological objects: determine their composition and structure.
3) Experiment, quantify and model natural environments
- Use the basic concepts and tools of mathematics, physics and chemistry to understand and model the workings of natural systems.
- Use mapping software (GIS) and basic programming (Python, Matlab) to acquire and process geological and geophysical data.
- Use scientific equipment (optical microscopes, chemical analysis instruments, geophysical-hydrogeological-hydrological instrumentation) and carry out in-situ measurements.
4) report observations and results of observations, look at them critically
- Compare experimental results with theoretical models, identify sources of error and calculate uncertainties-.
- Present scientific work in the form of reports and oral presentations
- Fluency in written and spoken English.
5) Preparing for professional integration
- Identify the major challenges facing the environmental sciences and the place of Earth and water sciences within these challenges. Identify academic and professional outlets in relation to the bachelor's degree course.
- acquire the basic tools needed to enter the job market (CV writing, cover letter, interview).
- acquire professional experience through internships (in companies, laboratories or secondary schools), depending on the specific features of the GPTP and CME-SVT courses.
The bachelor's degree is organized into 6 semesters (S1 to S6) and structured into compulsory or elective UEs (teaching units). Each semester carries 30 European credits (ECTS). Validation of the bachelor's degree requires 180 ECTS.
Entry to the TEE degree program begins in the first year (L1). Students wishing to apply for this degree must apply directly to the TEE portal via the Parcoursup interface.
The choice of course is made at the end of L1 TEE in the case of STEE or CME-SVT courses, and at the end of L2 STEE for the GPTP course.
Theoretical and practical courses are divided into lectures, tutorials and practical work. The special feature of this specialization is the emphasis placed on practical training (around 50% of training over the three years), particularly in the field. Specific field trips are dedicated to in situ experimental data acquisition and observation. Field camps (lasting from 4 to 10 days, depending on the semester) are also a key feature of our training. They enable students to immerse themselves fully in the environment, applying the knowledge they have acquired in various disciplines to characterize and understand the workings of a natural object or a complex geological sector.
Select a program
Earth, Water and Environmental Sciences
Within the Earth-Water-Environment bachelor's degree program, the main aim of the "Earth, Water and Environmental Sciences" (STEE) pathway is to prepare students for entry into master's programs, mainly in Earth, Planetary and Environmental Sciences (STPE) and Water Sciences, and possibly multidisciplinary master's programs in Environmental Sciences.
Geosciences, Pollution Prevention and Treatment
The Geosciences, Pollution Prevention and Treatment (GPTP) professionalization program is one of 3 programs in the Earth-Water-Environment bachelor's degree. Its aim is to provide general training in Earth Sciences, complemented by professional training in the prevention and treatment of pollution, particularly water pollution, with an internship of 4 to 6 months in a professional environment or laboratory .
Cursus Métiers de l'Enseignement en Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre (Teaching Professions in Life and Earth Sciences)
The Cursus en Métiers de l'Enseignement en Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre (L2 and L3 CME-SVT) course is designed to prepare students for entry into a Master MEEF (Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Education et de la Formation) at the end of their Licence. It's a selective, reinforced pathway with both the scientific knowledge required for mastery of knowledge in biology and geosciences, and pre-professional courses linked to the professions of education, teaching and training, in particular teaching SVT in secondary schools (collège and lycée).
Admission requirements
You want to apply for L1 TEE: apply via Parcoursup and choose directly the Earth-Water-Environment portal of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Montpellier.
You want to apply for one of the three L2 or L3 courses : apply from April-May via the University of Montpellier's e-candidat application.
If you are a foreign student applying for L1 TEE or one of the three L2 or L3 courses and you are currently studying in one of the countries within the "Study in France" perimeter, apply via the " Study in France " application.
Target audience
All students interested in environmental sciences, preservation of natural spaces, management of natural resources, management of water resources and pollution, natural hazards.
Mandatory prerequisites
In L1 TEE: our program is open to all students holding a baccalauréat with at least one of the following specializations taken in the final year of high school: Life and Earth Sciences, Physics-Chemistry, Mathematics. Taking two of these three specialties is ideal for entry to our bachelor's degree program.
L2 STEE: our course is open to students who have not taken an L1 TEE at the University of Montpellier. It is open to all students from a first year of a scientific bachelor's degree (in particular an L1 SV-SE with optional UE in Earth Sciences), a CPGE or a first year of health studies (PASS). Students with a BTS or DUT may also be admitted to L2, provided that the content of their training is well suited to the TEE license.
L2 CME-SVT : access is by application, including for students who have completed L1 TEE or SVSE at the University of Montpellier. This course is designed for students with a diversified background in Life Sciences and Earth Sciences, and is limited to around twenty students.
In L3 STEE : our course is open to all students who have followed a course in Earth and Water Sciences at another university, and depending on the case, to students with a BTS or DUT in Earth Sciences.
L3 GPTP: this course is open to students who have completed an L2 or L3 course in Earth and Water Sciences at another university in France, or who hold a DUT or BTS in environmental, water and pollution management.
Recommended prerequisites
For entry into L1, we recommend that you take the SVT option in your final year.
And then
Further studies
The TEE bachelor's degree offers 3 different career paths. While the GPTP pathway offers professional integration at bac+3, the natural outlets for the STEE and CME-SVT pathways are further studies in masters programs.
Master's degrees in Earth and Planetary Sciences (STPE), Water Sciences, and Teaching, Training and Education (MEEF) are available via our bachelor's degree. Other master's degrees are also available on completion of this bachelor's degree, such as multidisciplinary masters in Environmental Management, Energy, Paleontology and Oceanography.
On completion of these masters programs, students can enter the world of work or continue on to a doctorate at the University.
Studying abroad
A variety of schemes enable students to spend a semester, a year or an internship at a foreign university during their degree course, subject to the suitability of the teaching programs. To this end, a teaching contract is signed with the partner university. A number of international programs set up in partnership with the Faculty of Science enable students to carry out these exchanges under excellent conditions.
Bridges and reorientation
Students wishing to enter the TEE bachelor's degree program can do so in L1, via the ParcourSup platform (Portail Terre-Eau-Environnement). Entry to L2 and L3 is by application, and is open to students who have completed university science courses, classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles, premières années préparatoires aux études médicales, and BTS and DUT in Earth and environmental sciences.
Students who have completed L1 TEE can enter L2 Life Sciences, provided they have taken 4 Biology teaching units in L1.
On completion of their bachelor's degree, students can naturally opt for a master's degree in Earth, Planetary and Environmental Sciences or Water Sciences. However, their Bachelor's degree will also enable them to go on to multi-disciplinary Master's degrees in Environmental Management, Energy, Paleontology and Oceanography.
Professional integration
The TEE bachelor's degree offers a professionalization pathway (GPTP) with the explicit aim of leading to a job at the end of the bachelor's degree, at senior technician level, in the field of pollution management and prevention. This pathway is supported by a regional network of companies, and offers excellent professional integration right from the end of the bachelor's degree.