L1 - CUPGE - Physics and Mathematics

  • ECTS

    180 credits

  • Duration

    3 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


The Cycle Universitaire Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles (CUPGE) Physique et Mathématiques (Physics and Mathematics University Preparatory Cycle for the Grandes Ecoles) is an ambitious course in the Physics Bachelor's degree, aimed at motivated students who are planning to enter engineering schools by application at the end of L2, or by competitive examination at the end of L3, or to continue their studies in a demanding course in fundamental physics. This selective course includes an additional UE each semester (around 50 hours of teaching), and therefore requires a faster pace of work.


The CUPGE Physics and Mathematics course is combined with two other CUPGE courses, offered by the Mathematics degree program (CUPGE Mathematics and Physics) and the Mechanics degree program (CUPGE Mechanics), to cover the possible Major/Minor combinations for certain competitive entrance exams. These courses offer high-level teaching in three major scientific disciplines: Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, providing an essential foundation for continuing to learn, analyze and innovate in the remainder of their academic and professional careers. Students in these three CUPGE courses form a single TD group integrated into the Mathematics and Applications portal.

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  • Benefit from in-depth bi-disciplinary training integrated into the LMD structure (internationally recognized), with the possibility of obtaining a bachelor's degree in Physics, reinforced by courses in Mathematics and Mechanics, in order to pursue a Master's degree in Physics under the best possible conditions;
  • Better prepare for the competitive entrance exams for engineering schools that recruit through a competitive entrance exam reserved for university students in L3 (GEI competitive entrance exam schools: Polytechnique, Mines ParisTech, Ponts ParisTech, Telecom ParisTech, Arts & Metiers ParisTech, SupAéro, ESPCI, other Mines, etc.; schools in the Centrale/Supelec group).
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Courses are delivered in the form of lectures (CM), tutorials (TD) and practical work (TP). The lectures are shared with the Physics, Mechanics or Mathematics courses, depending on the discipline. For practical work, students from the three CUPGE courses are grouped together in L1 and L2, forming a group of around thirty students. Practical work is carried out in groups of 20 students.

The course is taught by research professors who incorporate the latest developments in their disciplines into their teaching. Students are therefore in direct contact with the world of research, and benefit from the presence of research laboratories: L2C and LUPM in Physics,IMAG in Mathematics and LMGC in Mechanics.

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  • Analysis I functions of one variable and sequences

    5 credits
  • Algebra I linear systems

    5 credits
  • Geometry in the plane, space and complex plane

    4 credits
  • Reasoning and Set Theory

    2 credits
  • Calculus CUPGE & maths

    3 credits
  • General physics

    6 credits54h
  • Electronics

    6 credits
  • Written Compositions CUPGE S1

    2 credits18h
  • English S1

    1 credits
  • Analysis II Suites, series, limited developments

    6 credits
  • Algebra II, vector spaces and linear applications

    6 credits
  • Thermodynamics 1

    5 credits54h
  • Newtonian dynamics 1

    4 credits36h
  • Solid kinematics and statics

    5 credits45h
  • Python for science

    4 credits36h
  • Practical work in mecha/EEA/Phys CUPGE

    2 credits18h
  • Written compositions CUPGE S2

    2 credits18h
  • English S2

    2 credits


Admission requirements

First year :

Admission to the first year of the CUPGE Physics and Mathematics pathway is open to candidates who hold the French baccalauréat or a French diploma accepted as exempt or equivalent. Applications for admission must be made via the ParcourSup online application . For non-EU foreign students, depending on their nationality of origin, applications may be processed through CampusFrance.

Recommended specialty courses

  • In1ère: Mathematics, Physics-Chemistry or Engineering Sciences
  • Tale: Mathematics, Expert Mathematics, Physics-Chemistry or Engineering Sciences

Second and third years :

Access to the second year is open to candidates holding 60 physics bachelor's degree credits, or after validation of a diploma in the corresponding field. For example, CPGE specialties MPSI, PCSI, PTSI. Access to the third year is open to candidates holding 120 physics or physics-mathematics bachelor's degree credits, or after validation of a relevant diploma, e.g. CPGE MP, PSI. Students holding other diplomas may also apply. Their applications will be examined by the admissions committee.

Applications for admission must be made via the eCandidat online application . For foreign students from outside the EU, depending on their nationality of origin, applications may be processed by CampusFrance.

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