• Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction



The APP-Bio pathway in the Life Science Bachelor's degree is entirely based on Problem and Project-Based Learning from L1 to L3. This student-centered, active pedagogy emphasizes cross-disciplinary skills as much as disciplinary skills in Biology. These skills are developed through team activities and independent personal work. Based on cross-disciplinary case studies in each Biology unit, students are expected to formulate and verify hypotheses, drawing on scientifically reliable references. Progressive autonomy in sorting information sources will be acquired over the course of 3 years.

Teaching is mainly in the form of tutorials and practical work, with scientific lectures and consolidation courses limited to 3 hours a week. Three times a week, the group is supervised by a tutor who reviews learning achievements and guides students in their learning. Assessments are aligned with learning outcomes. Numerous self-assessments will be available each week. Biology courses are organized sequentially, integrating elements of complementary disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, English, etc.): You have only one Biology UE at any one time, so as soon as it's finished, you finish the assessments and move on to the next one. Each year, a professionalization or pre-professionalization unit validates your progress in cross-disciplinary skills, as well as your knowledge of the year's disciplines. The course concludes with a multidisciplinary team project in science popularization and a 2-month personal project or internship.

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Generalist, multidisciplinary training in the life sciences. This course provides an integrated vision of biology and develops cross-disciplinary skills in collaborative work, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and innovation (so-called 21st century skills). The course focuses on the environment, biodiversity, biomedical research, plant improvement and health, and understanding the fundamental mechanisms of living organisms.

In L3, students can choose to specialize in Life Mechanisms, Ecology-Environment or a specialization of the Baccalauréat de Biologie en APP from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM, Canada).

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Know-how and skills

  • Disciplinary skills
    • Mobilize the fundamental concepts and technologies of molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, microbiology, physiology, immunology, classification of living organisms, developmental biology and evolution to address a problem in the field or analyze a research or presentation document.
    • Mobilize the fundamental concepts of ecology and ecosystems to situate biological and physiological issues.
    • Identify and independently carry out the various stages of an experimental approach.
    • Identify, select and apply a combination of analytical tools (current techniques, instrumentation) adapted to characterize organisms (from the biomolecule to the individual in all its complexity) and their functioning at different levels of analysis (intracellular metabolism, biology and physiology of complex organisms, interactions between individuals and groups, interactions with the environment).
    • Interpret experimental data to envisage their modeling.
    • Validate a model by comparing its predictions with experimental results, and assess its limits of validity.
    • Identify sources of error to calculate the uncertainty of an experimental result.
    • Manipulate fundamental mechanisms at the microscopic scale, model macroscopic phenomena, link macroscopic phenomena to microscopic processes.
    • Use data acquisition and analysis software with a critical eye.
    • Mobilize the concepts and tools of mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science in the context of life science issues.
    • Identify specific regulations and implement the main preventive health and safety measures.


  • Pre-professional skills
    • Situate your role and mission within an organization to adapt and take initiatives,
    • Identify the process of producing, disseminating and promoting knowledge.
    • Respect the principles of ethics, professional conduct and environmental responsibility.
    • Work as part of a team as well as independently and responsibly in the service of a project.
    • Identify and situate the professional fields potentially related to the skills acquired during the course.
    • Characterize and promote your identity, skills and professional project in a given context.
    • Step back from a situation, assess yourself and challenge yourself to learn.


  • Cross-disciplinary and linguistic skills
    • Use digital reference tools and IT security rules to acquire, process, produce and distribute information, and to collaborate internally and externally.
    • Identify and select various specialized resources to document a subject.
    • Analyze and synthesize data for further processing.
    • Develop arguments with a critical mind.
    • Use the different registers of written and spoken French with ease.
    • Fluency in written and spoken comprehension and expression in at least one modern foreign language.
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L1 S1

UE Introduction to experimental sciences

UE General chemistry in APP

UE General physics in APP

UE Computational mathematics in APP

UE From Molecule to Cell in APP

UE From Cell to Organism in APP

EU From Organism to Ecosystem in APP

UE Environmental Science in APP

UE English S1 in APP

L1 S2

UE APP Life Cycle

UE Biochemistry in APP

UE Genetics and Molecular Biology in APP

UE Statistics in Biology in APP

UE Organic Chemistry in APP

UE Pre-professionalization in Biology (0.5 SPS)

UE English S2 in APP


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  • General chemistry in APP

    2 credits
  • General physics in APP

    2 credits
  • English S1 in APP

    1 credits
  • Computational mathematics in APP

    4 credits
  • From the organism to the APP ecosystem

    3 credits
  • From Molecule to Cell in APP

    6 credits
  • From the cell to the APP organism

    6 credits
  • Introduction to experimental sciences

    4 credits
  • Environmental Science in APP

    2 credits
  • Genetics and Molecular Biology in APP

    6 credits
  • Organic Chemistry in APP

    4 credits
  • Pre-professionalization in Biology (0.5 SPS)

    2 credits
  • Biochemistry in APP

    2 credits
  • English S2 in APP

    2 credits
  • APP Life Cycle

    8 credits
  • Statistics in Biology in APP

    6 credits


Target audience

Baccalaureate students who are curious and willing to experiment with new pedagogical practices for learning biological sciences, with an affinity for group work and speaking, capable of autonomy and creativity to carry out a lot of personal work.

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Mandatory prerequisites

Good ability to work independently and in groups

Bachelor's degree or equivalent in science with major in Biology

French level B2

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Recommended prerequisites

French level C1,

Speaking skills

Association experience

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And then

Further studies

All Masters where a foundation in Biology is required: Master BEE, Master GE, Master BS

Master BA, Master MEEF SVT, Master bi, pluri or transdisciplinaire


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Studying abroad

It is possible to spend part of your studies abroad under the ERASMUS program and various other programs (e.g. ERASMUS-MUNDUS, BCI (Quebec), etc.).  

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Bridges and reorientation

Semester-by-semester reorientation for even-numbered semesters is possible in all SV degree courses, subject to the advice of the course or portal managers (L1) concerned and the agreement of the APP-Bio course manager, following the Faculty of Science procedure.

You can transfer between the different courses in the Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences program, subject to the approval of the selection committees for the course in question, by following the application procedure for the Faculty of Science or any other institution offering a Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences program.

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Professional integration

Technician or assistant engineer in experimentation, research, breeding, naturalist expertise and/or analysis, in the fields of: Biology (Cytology, Histology, Botany, Zoology...), Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Ecology, Health and/or Environment.

Fiche ROME H1210 Technical intervention in studies, research and development

The cross-disciplinary skills acquired will enable potential professional integration in all service professions at Bac+3 level, particularly those related to Biology.

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