

Computer Science
  • Targeted level of study

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    180 credits

  • Duration

    3 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction



Mention Computer Science: L1 in the Computer Science Portal

The computer science degree offers students a general education in computer science, both in the theoretical and fundamental aspects and in the applied and practical aspects of this discipline. It is intended for students wishing to pursue long term studies in computer science in a master's degree or shorter studies in a professional license.

Three courses are available in the first year:

  1. EEA pathway: with an electronics emphasis in the first year,
  2. SNV course: with a bioinformatics emphasis in the first year,
  3. Refresher course: including refresher courses in the first semester and merging with the EEA course in the second semester.

From the second year, all students follow the same courses.

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The main objective of the computer science license is to prepare for access to a master's degree:

  • computer science,
  • bioinformatics,
  • MEEF: master of teaching, education and training
  • MIAGE : computer methods applied to business management,

leading in particular to careers in computer engineering.

It also allows students who prefer shorter, more professional studies to enter a professional degree program after the second year.

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Know-how and skills

  • Apply reasoned approaches to solving complex problems by decomposition and/or successive approximations and implement analytical methods to design applications and algorithms from a partially given specification.
  • Be comfortable using several algorithmic and programming styles/paradigms (imperative, functional, object and multitasking approaches) as well as several programming languages.
  • Design the computerized processing of information of different natures, such as data, images and texts.
  • Choose, based on objective criteria, the data structures and build the algorithms best suited to a given problem.
  • Characterize the role of testing and proof of correctness in software development and implement elementary tests and loop invariants.
  • Analyze and interpret the results produced by the execution of a program.
  • Explain and document the implementation of a technical solution.
  • Design, implement and operate databases.
  • Identify the fundamental concepts of complexity, computability, decidability, verification: appreciate the complexity and the validity limits of a solution.
  • Characterize the fundamental logical and algebraic tools (language and compilation theory, logic and reasoning, orders, induction) and their implications in programming and modeling.
  • Construct and write a synthetic and rigorous mathematical demonstration.
  • Characterize the techniques for dealing with randomness (probability and statistics) and their roles in handling certain data.
  • Use formal or scientific calculation software.
  • Identify and characterize the main functional elements and hardware architecture of a computer, interpret technical information provided by manufacturers, write simple routines in machine language.
  • Characterize the operation of systems and networks, as well as the practices, tools, and techniques for ensuring the security of computer systems during their development and use.

Transversal skills complete the computer training: English, communication techniques, project management.

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Knowledge control

The evaluation of the knowledge of a UE can be done, according to the UE, in the form of continuous integral control (CCI) or terminal control (CT).

  • In the case of continuous assessment, regular evaluations, in class and/or TD and/or TP are organized during the semester.
  • In the case of a final exam, the evaluation takes place at the end of the semester.

A student validates his semester when the average of the marks of the UE composing the semester is higher than 10 on 20. To obtain the Bachelor's degree, the student must have validated the 6 semesters of the 3 years of the Bachelor's degree.

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Each teaching unit (UE) is worth ECTS credits. The more ECTS credits a UE has, the more hours it lasts. The most important UEs last 45 hours, the smallest 18 hours.

According to the UEs, the teaching is divided between lectures, tutorials and practical work. Each teaching session lasts 1h30.

  • The lectures take place in an amphitheatre with about 150 students. In general, handouts contain the essential documents presented in class.
  • TDs are a form of teaching that allows students to apply the knowledge they have learned during the course. The students work individually on application exercises, in the presence of the teacher in charge of the TD, who intervenes to help and to correct the exercises. TD sessions are held in groups of thirty to forty students and take place in TD rooms with about forty seats.
  • For certain UE, the sessions of CM and TD are supplemented by TP. This teaching based on practical learning allows to verify and to reinforce the knowledge given in the courses and the TD. The practical sessions for the computer science courses take place in the computer rooms with about twenty computers. A practical group is made up of half a group of practical sessions and is supervised by a teacher in charge of practical sessions. Each group is divided into two groups for the practical sessions.
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Conditions of access

Can enter the first year by applying via the parcoursup platform:

  • Candidates who hold or are preparing for a French baccalaureate in the general, technological or professional series.
  • Candidates who have or are preparing for a DAEU.
  • Candidates who hold or are preparing for a French level IV diploma other than the baccalauréat.
  • Candidates who are nationals of the E.U., the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, Monaco or Andorra, and who hold or are preparing a diploma giving access to European higher education.
  • Candidates who are nationals of the EU, the EEA, the Swiss Confederation, Monaco or Andorra, and who hold or are preparing for a diploma equivalent to the French baccalaureate (obtained outside the EU).

In L2 or L3, access is based on the student's file after the pedagogical committee has given its opinion for students coming from DUT, BTS, CPGE or other licenses.

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