Economics - Management

Bachelor's degree 1st year

  • ECTS

    60 credits

  • Duration

    1 year

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law and Political Science

  • Language(s) of instruction



Resolutely multidisciplinary, the "Science éco - science po" bachelor's degree is designed to meet the requirements of new growth areas, particularly in the fields of the environment, energy, decision-making, development projects, transnational governance and the regulation of complex societies.

Students follow the basic courses of the two licenses of economic science (given on the Richter site) and political science (on the site of the Faculty of Law and Political Science), the University of Montpellier being the only one to offer this type of curriculum

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The aim is to train executives who, with skills in the fields of economics, political science and, more generally, social sciences and national and international institutions, will be able to hold positions of responsibility in the public and private sectors, in France or abroad.

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    UE Introduction to political science 1 (33h CM + 15h TD) 4C
    ' UE French political life 1 (33h CM + 15h TD) 4C
    ' UE Principles of economics (30h CM) 4C
    ' UE History of economic facts (30h CM) 4C
    ' UE History of Social Sciences (33h CM) 3C
    ' UE International Relations (33h CM) 3C
    ' UE Mathematics for Economists 1 (30h CM + 15h TD) 3C
    ' UE Business Economics (30h CM+ 15h TD) 3C
    ' UE English (15h TD) 2C
    ' Optional option PIX
    ' Optional option Voltaire
    ' Optional option Student Project
    ' Optional option Sport
    ' UE Student Engagement 2C



    UE Introduction to political science 2 (33h CM + 15h TD) 4C
    ' UE Political life under the Fifth Republic (33h CM) 4C
    ' UE Microeconomics 1 (30h CM + 15h TD) 4C
    ' UE Macroeconomics 1 (30h CM + 15h TD) 4C
    ' UE Constitutional Law of the Fifth Republic (33h CM) 3C
    ' UE Administrative Institutions (22h CM) 3C
    ' UE Statistics 1 (30h CM + 15h TD) 3C
    ' UE Contemporary Economic Problems (30h CM) 3C
    ' UE English (15h TD) 2C
    ' Optional option PIX
    ' Optional option Voltaire
    ' Optional option Student Project
    ' Optional option Sport
    ' Optional option Discovery of the performing arts
    ' UE Student commitment 2C
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  • EU English 1

  • Business economics

    5 credits
  • Principles of economics

    5 credits
  • EU History of Social Sciences

  • History of economic facts

    5 credits
  • Mathematics for economists -1-

    5 credits
  • EU International Relations

    3 credits
  • UE Introduction to Political Science 1

    4 credits
    • CM Introduction to Political Science 1

    • TD Introduction to Political Science 1

  • EU French political life 1

    4 credits
    • CM French political life 1

    • TD French political life 1

  • Optional

    • PIX optional option

    • Optional option Student project

    • Optional option Voltaire Certification

    • Optional option Sport

  • Optional

    • Performing arts optional option

    • Optional sport option

    • Optional option Voltaire Certification

    • Optional option Student project

    • Optional option PIX Semester 2

    • L1 Student engagement

  • EU English 2

  • Macroeconomics 1

    5 credits
  • Statistics 1

    5 credits
  • Microeconomics 1

    5 credits
  • UE Constitutional Law of the Fifth Republic

  • EU Administrative Institutions

  • EU Introduction to Political Science 2

    4 credits
    • CM Introduction to Political Science 2

    • TD Introduction to Political Science 2

  • EU Political Life under the Fifth Republic

    4 credits
  • Contemporary Economic Problems

    4 credits