Target level of study
BAC +3
180 credits
3 years
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Language(s) of instruction
Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation: L1 in the PCSI Portal (Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Sciences)
The aim of the EEA bachelor's degree is to provide students with a solid fundamental scientific training (mathematics, physics) combined with technologies in the EEA field: electronics and optoelectronics, electrical engineering, automation and industrial computing.
This bachelor's degree is aimed at 1st-year students who have taken the Physics Chemistry, Mathematics or Engineering Sciences specializations in Première and Terminale.
The EEA bachelor's degree is divided into a single pathway. A first year common to the PCSI Portal (Physics, Chemistry, Sciences and Engineering).
In 2nd and 3rd year, in addition to the students who entered the bachelor's program in L1, students from DUT, BTS or preparatory classes can enter the program to continue their studies with a long degree (Bac +5) in the field of technology and EEA in particular.
At the end of this course, students will have acquired :
- general scientific skills to analyze a scientific engineering problem and implement an experimental approach to solve it;
- disciplinary scientific skills to solve an EEA problem, using engineering tools and techniques and theoretical and practical knowledge of the EEA field.
Know-how and skills
General scientific skills:
- Knowing and complying with regulations
- Adopt a multidisciplinary approach to solving a scientific problem
- Analyze and solve a scientific problem independently, while working as part of a team.
- Implement an experimental approach: use the most common measuring devices and techniques; analyze experimental data, assess the limits of validity of a model, solve a complex problem by successive approximations.
- Know how to use and analyze technical documentation, particularly in English.
- Use a programming language.
- Use mathematical tools.
- Use data acquisition and analysis software.
Disciplinary scientific skills:
- Know how to use theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation (EEA).
- Use current EEA techniques: synthesis and analysis of electrical diagrams, modeling of automatic systems, machine power management, synthesis and analysis of industrial IT programs, etc.
- Make the link between fundamental EEA concepts and everyday technological applications.
- Become aware of the cross-disciplinary fields of EEA and technological applications: sensors, robotics, microelectronics, nanotechnology, energy, space, etc.
The EEA bachelor's degree is organized into 6 semesters (S1 to S6) and structured into compulsory UEs (teaching units). Each UE has a value in credits (ECTS). Each semester is worth 30 ECTS. The bachelor's degree is awarded on completion of 180 ECTS.
The EEA Bachelor's degree is an initial program in which EEA-specific subjects take up more and more space as students progress (6 ECTS in L1 S1, 6 ECTS in L1 S2, 23 ECTS in L2 S3, 26 ECTS in L2 S4, 28 ECTS in L3 S5 and 30 ECTS in L3 S6).
Select a program
Licence 2
Licence 3
How to register
International students from outside the EU: follow the "Study in France" procedure:
Target audience
In L1: access by right to any holder of a French baccalaureate or equivalent diploma, whatever the year in which it was obtained. Compulsory registration on the Parcoursup admissions website.
In L2 or L3: access by right for students who have completed L1 PCSI, a1st year of health studies (LAS - MMOPK or PASS with science reorientation) and L2. By application for students from BUT, BTS, other universities, CPGE or other UM STS licenses. Applications are examined by a pedagogical committee in May-June for the first wave, and in September for the second wave.
Students who have never been enrolled in a French university or lycée should contact the international relations department at Montpellier University.
Mandatory prerequisites
Good knowledge of mathematics and physics (specialization in mathematics and physics-chemistry in the first and last years of secondary school)
Recommended prerequisites
Basic knowledge of electricity
And then
Further studies
The main aim of the EEA bachelor's degree is to pursue studies towards a master's degree, in particular the UM EEA master's degree.
On completion of the L2-EEA, students can enroll in the L3-EEA, but also in the L3 Applied Physics (on the recommendation of a pedagogical committee), enter certain engineering schools (Polytech' Montpellier's MEA department, INSA, ENSEEIHT, Supélec, etc.) on the basis of a portfolio, and apply for certain professional licenses from the IUT-30 and IUT-34, or those offered by the UM Faculty of Science.
At L3-EEA level, students can also apply (on the basis of a portfolio) to enter certain engineering schools, in the same way as at L2-EEA level.
Studying abroad
Thanks to the national and international recognition of these research centers, and the contacts developed by Montpellier's teacher-researchers and researchers, studies can be pursued in full or in part at other French and foreign universities.
Bridges and reorientation
There are numerous gateways between the various EEA courses offered by Montpellier University (Licence EEA, Licence Physique et applications and Licence Professionnelle Acoustique at the Faculté des Sciences - DUT GEII / Mesure physique at the IUTs of Montpellier, Nîmes and Béziers - Licences Professionnelles at the IUT of Montpellier - Filière MEA at Polytech' Montpellier). One of our strengths is that many of the teaching staff involved in these different courses are attached to the IES (Institut d'Électronique et des Systèmes - UMR CNRS 5214) and the LIRMM (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, UMR CNRS 5506).
The L2 EEA is open to students from DUT-GEII, BTS in electronics and electrical engineering, and CPGE. The best of these enter the L3 EEA program directly.
Similarly, our L2 students have the option of transferring to the OSSI, CAIEE, GEEB and SE work-study professional licenses offered by the Montpellier IUT, as well as the Acoustics professional license offered by the Faculty of Science in continuing education.
Professional integration
The main aim of the EEA bachelor's degree is to enable students to go on to study for a Master's degree in EEA. However, access to professional life as a senior technician is possible within all types of companies (large groups, SMEs, VSEs, public services and local authorities) in the fields of electronics, electrical engineering, industrial IT and automation.