• Level of study

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    13 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



  • Pedagogical approach

Students train by performing experimental tests under competition conditions to reinvest experimental knowledge and skills and develop effective communication.

  • Main contents of the training

The topics covered are directly extracted from the list of physics assemblies in the current CAPES physics and chemistry admission exams (list published each year in the Bulletin Officiel de l'Education Nationale).

  • The place of digital technology

Acquisition (with computer interface) of physical data from an experiment (Orphy_Lab and Orphi_GTI cards, Caliens camera).

- Analysis of a physics problem (mechanics, electricity, thermodynamics, waves, electromagnetism, wave optics) using a data processing software (Regressi).

- Elementary practice of coding and algorithmic using the Python language (possibility of using offline editors e.g. EduPython or online e.g. Jupyter). Display and exploitation of experimental data.

Application to the solution of simple differential equations in physics.

  • Link with other EUs

This module and its beginning in semester 3 reinvest the contents approached in the first year in the UE "Teaching physics".

The students also use teaching situations encountered during the internship as well as the content covered in the UE "Didactic and pedagogical support of the internship" (S1, S2, S3 and S4) and "Didactics, Epistemology and History of Science" (S2).

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  • Disciplinary Aspects:

Design and implement experimental teaching sequences in physics, directly transposable to middle or high school classes.

Realize and present pedagogical sequences based on quantitative and qualitative experiments and the use of discipline-specific software to illustrate a given physics subject. Training for the physics experimental test for the CAPES exam in physics and chemistry.

  • Professional Practice:

To know the programs in force in the training institutions. Be able to adapt your teaching to the level being taught.

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Knowledge control

Continuous assessment with at least two grades.

No compensation is possible for a grade lower than 7/20.

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Targeted competencies

  • Master the French language for communication purposes
  • Integrate the elements of digital culture necessary for the exercise of its profession
  • To master the disciplinary knowledge and their didactics
  • Mastering the French language in the context of teaching
  • Build, implement and facilitate teaching and learning situations that take into account the diversity of students
  • Organize and ensure a group functioning that promotes learning and socialization of students
  • Assessing student progress and achievement
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