2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
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Interdisciplinary Project 1 - ER
2 creditsBiblio ER project
2 credits
Interdisciplinary Project 1 - ER
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course enables students to carry out an engineering project in its entirety, in the form of an interdisciplinary engineering study relating to environmental or health impacts, hydrological, hydraulic or hydrogeological modeling, risk management...
This 5 ECTS course is divided into 2 units: a 2 ECTS unit in S3 (Interdisciplinary Project 1 Water Resource), followed by a 3 ECTS unit in S4 (Interdisciplinary Project 2 Water Resource). These 2 units are inseparable, the second being the finalization of the first.
During the UE Interdisciplinary Project 1 Water Resource, the steps will be :
- Presentation of case studies by teacher-researchers, researchers or engineering professionals (problem, field, data available and to be collected, players, call for tenders, etc.) on topics related to water resource management, risks (flooding, drought, contamination) or, more broadly, environmental impacts. (end of September)
- Project gestation phase (formation of project groups and definition of resolution methodology) in conjunction with the "Project Management 2" UE.
- Data collection, context analysis, contacts, bibliographic research
- Pre-project presentation (mid-November)
- Start-up of the study (data acquisition, planning of field days, familiarization with specific software, etc.)
Biblio ER project
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This unit consists of a personal project culminating in a bibliographical synthesis. The topic will be related to the research internship to be carried out in S4, but may also include related scientific topics.
This synthesis work will be presented in the form of a report, in line with the formalism required for writing scientific books and articles. The document will serve as the bibliographical basis for the research internship report. The application exercise required as part of the "Scientific Writing" UE will be a prerequisite for initiating bibliographical synthesis work, by problematizing the subject of your synthesis, developing key words, etc.).