Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is based on numerous practical examples presented by environmental specialists and experts working in design offices, companies, EPICs and research institutes in the water and environment sector. The course includes a field day dedicated to characterizing the physical properties of watercourses and aquifers, as well as various hydrometric measurement techniques. Specific sessions will also be offered on the basics of using hydrological and hydrogeological data acquired in situ.
The aim of this course is to present the diversity of jobs and studies requiring a sound knowledge of hydrology and hydrogeology. By the end of this course, students will have mastered a number of fundamental skills relating to :
- watershed and geological reservoir characterization methodology (mapping, geophysics, logging, pumping tests, tracing, etc.) for water exploration (AEP) or surface and underground flow modeling.
- management of aquatic environments and flood prevention (GEMAPI), a responsibility entrusted to inter-municipalities, and its implementation at watershed level, within the framework of SAGEs and SDAGEs.
- drilling tools and techniques to suit geographical and economic conditions
- waste storage and means of preserving groundwater and surface water quality. Contamination and remediation of polluted sites, regulatory and technical aspects
Knowledge control
Full Continuous Inspection (CCI)
100% continuous assessment, including a report on the field trip and a final exam