Training structure
Faculty of Science
List of M2 Water Resource courses :
Semester S3 - 30 ECTS
PROFILE *Alternative; ** Professional; *** Research
MANDATORY common UEs (20 ECTS):
- Field and Applied Hydrology - Hydrology & Hydrogeology (3 ECTS)
- Geomorphology and catchments' hydrology - Geomorphology (3 ECTS)
- Groundwater modelling (3 ECTS)
- Karst hydrology - Signal processing (3 ECTS)
- Natural tracing - Natural tracing of flows (3 ECTS)
- Project management-2 * and ** (3 ECTS) or Scientific writing *** (3 ECTS)
- Interdisciplinary Project 1 - ER * and ** (2 ECTS) or Projet Biblio ER *** (2 ECTS)
MANDATORY TUs by specialization (10 ECTS) :
Hydrology specialization: Hydraulic modeling and flood risks (3 ECTS), Hydrological modeling of cultivated basins (3 ECTS); ER field internship: hydrometry, hydrology, hydrochemistry (4 ECTS)
Hydrogeology specialization : Geothermal energy and transport modeling (3 ECTS); Thermomineral waters (2 ECTS); Hydrogeology field internship (5 ECTS)
Semester 4 - 30 ECTS
PROFILE *Alternative; ** Professional; *** Research
- Hydrological Modelling and Global Change (2 ECTS)
- Alternating project ER * or Interdisciplinary project 2 - ER ** or M2R preparation - ER *** (3 ECTS)
- M2 internship (20 ECTS)
OPTIONAL UEs to choose from (5 ECTS) :
- Water and Climate Change *, **, *** (3 ECTS)
- Water and Development *, **, *** (2 ECTS)
- Water and the South *, **, *** (2 ECTS)
- International Field Schools - North & South **, *** (5 ECTS) (openings by year)
- Event Project **, *** (2 ECTS) (openings by year)
Field and Applied Hydrology - Hydrologie & Hydrogéologie
3 creditsGroundwater modelling - Modélisation des écoulements souterr
3 creditsGeomorphology and catchments' hydrology - Geomorphology
3 creditsKarst hydrology - Signal processing
3 creditsNatural tracing - Natural flow tracing
3 creditsCHOICE 1
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
7 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
7 creditsUE CHOIX 2-2
7 creditsThermal waters
2 creditsIn situ characterization of large aquifer systems
5 credits
2 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Interdisciplinary Project 1 - ER
2 creditsBiblio ER project
2 credits
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Project management-2
3 creditsScientific writing
3 credits
Hydrological Modelling and Global Change - Modélisation hydr
2 credits0hCHOIX 6
5 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
5 creditsUE CHOIX 6-2
5 creditsEU CHOICE 6-2-1
2 creditsChoice: 1 of 3
Events project / Call for tender
2 creditsWater and Development
2 creditsWater and the South
2 credits
Water and climate change
3 credits
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Interdisciplinary project S4 - ER
3 credits0hPreparation M2R - ER
3 credits
20 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
M2 Internship - ER - Initial training
20 creditsM2 Research Internship - ER
20 credits
Field and Applied Hydrology - Hydrologie & Hydrogéologie
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is based on numerous practical examples presented by environmental specialists and experts working in design offices, companies, EPICs and research institutes in the water and environment sector. The course includes a field day dedicated to characterizing the physical properties of watercourses and aquifers, as well as various hydrometric measurement techniques. Specific sessions will also be offered on the basics of using hydrological and hydrogeological data acquired in situ.
Groundwater modelling - Modélisation des écoulements souterr
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is divided into a theoretical part, which provides an understanding of groundwater transfer, and a more practical part, which combines field work, numerical modeling and environmental studies. Quantitative hydrogeology is approached through analytical and numerical solutions to account for transfers in the underground environment.
This UE covers in particular:
1) mathematical tools and fundamental equations underlying analytical and numerical modelling;
2) the principles of numerical modeling ;
3) a typical methodology for creating a 3D numerical model for flow simulation and ;
4) analysis of scenarios integrating climatic and anthropogenic forcings for optimal management of water resources.
Geomorphology and catchments' hydrology - Geomorphology
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is based on the Vidourle Mediterranean watershed and the new experimental site of the Observatoire Multi-Échelle de la DYnamique des Crues et de l'hYdrodynamique Souterraine en milieu karStiques (MEDYCYSS - OSU OREME -SNO KARST).
A first day in the field introduces the geographical, geological and climatic context, as well as the various geomorphological elements, the different orogenetic phases and their links with vegetation. A stop at the experimental site introduces the measuring devices used (rain gauge, flow tower, probes measuring soil temperature and humidity, etc.), before tackling the issue of hydrological risk with the Conqueyrac flood control dam. A more theoretical section redefines the concepts of geomorphology and hydrogeomorphology, and looks at soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfers.
The second day in the field, around the experimental site located near the causse de Pompignan, is devoted to field measurements: infiltration into the soil to determine hydraulic conductivity at saturation, sampling of soil cylinders to determine porosity, water content and density, vegetation measurements, flow measurements.
The last part of the course is devoted to hydrological modeling, with an introduction to the HEC-HMS software through practical exercises, aimed at estimating available water resources on a BV scale (including evapotranspiration), and forecasting flows during floods, particularly during Cevennes episodes. Data measured in the field will be fed back into this modeling work.
Karst hydrology - Signal processing
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
These karstic hydrosystems account for a significant proportion of the groundwater used to supply the population of France and the entire Mediterranean region. They also play an important role in the management of floods known as Cévennes (or existing around the Mediterranean). These hydrosystems are also characterized by significant interactions between surface water and groundwater, whether through active losses in rivers, which feed directly into the associated karstic aquifer, or through major karstic springs, which are at the origin of rivers. A presentation of these hydrosystems and how they function, as well as the methods used to study them, will be included in this course. The "Surface water-groundwater interaction" aspect will be particularly covered in this course, through the study of :
- Artificial tracings: Techniques, Methods of realization (theoretical and practical), Methods of analysis and interpretation. Artificial tracing
- Signal processing and rainfall-runoff modeling, in particular for karstic springs that create rivers.
These lessons will take the form of theoretical classes, as well as hands-on exercises involving the processing of artificial tracing data and spring flow signal processing. A day-long field trip will enable us to carry out various experiments on a karstic hydrosystem, in particular artificial tracing.
Natural tracing - Natural flow tracing
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this UE is to
1) to give students an insight into the interest and power of isotopic geochemical and dating tools for understanding the functioning of hydrosystems/aquifers,
2) to help them masterthe context in which these tools can be applied
3) provide the knowledge needed to understand and develop these techniques.
This course is based on theoretical knowledge (CM) and case studies (TD/TP).
Hydraulic modeling and flood risks
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The "hydrological/hydraulic modeling and flood risk" module covers the study of flood genesis, flood propagation and flooding. The module aims to enable students to acquire skills in hydrological and hydraulic modeling of processes at watershed and river scales:
1) The production function, which separates rainfall into runoff and infiltration;
2) The transfer function on slopes and via the hydrographic network, overflow and flooding;
3) Construction of a project rainfall and synthetic hydrograph;
4) Applications of hydrological and hydraulic flood models.
The course also includes a field day (in situ data acquisition for hydrological/hydraulic modeling purposes, in situ flood risk analysis).
The tutorials focus on practical applications in watersheds and rivers in France and abroad, using spatialized hydrological flood models (e.g. ATHYS, MHYDAS) and hydraulic models (HEC-RAS, Onde diffusante, Onde cinématique, etc.).): analysis of rainfall/discharge data, use of hydrological/hydraulic models, parameterization/calibration/validation of models, analysis of the impact of development scenarios (dike, dam, etc.).
Mass & heat transport - Geothermy / Transport modeling
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers the concepts of mass and heat transfer in aquifers, as well as the characteristics of low- to high-energy geothermal energy.
The vulnerability of the underground resource will be assessed and, where appropriate, methods for protecting the aquifer from pollution will be evaluated. Various techniques for cleaning up aquifers will also be discussed, with particular emphasis on the answers offered by numerical simulation tools.
The principles of geothermal energy will also be discussed, with examples of specific systems based on the three types of geothermal energy (from shallow to very deep, from low temperature to very high temperature).
Hydrological modeling of cultivated basins
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to provide students with a practical, high-level perspective on the hydrological modeling of watersheds dominated by agricultural activities and subject to climate change. The UE is structured around 4 points of view:
1. Watershed hydrology and its place in the history of science,
2. Specific features of agricultural landscapes and implications for modelling ,
3. Changing scales,
4. Practice and criticism of hydrological modelling.
The UE will provide advanced knowledge of production functions, transfer functions, global and distributed modeling. Students will be able to work independently with various hydrological models (Green and Ampt, reservoir, Curve Number, unit hydrograph, reservoir cascade, etc.), and to step back from the parameterization, calibration and validation of hydrological models.
UE ER field placement: hydrometry, hydrology, hydrochemistry
Study level
BAC +5
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The status of a watercourse as defined by the WFD comprises two aspects: chemical and ecological. To define the ecological status, several parameters need to be taken into account, including those related to the volume of water (via flow measurement) in the watercourse. In this course, students will be required to carry out field or laboratory measurements to determine some of the key parameters used to determine the state of a watercourse or, more generally, those used in hydrological studies (flooding, resource assessment, etc.).
4 aspects will be covered:
- Hydrometry, using various gauging techniques (point-by-point method with electromagnetic current meter, ADCP, dilution method, float gauging, radar).
- Soil hydrodynamics, with the use of several infiltrometry methods to determine saturation conductivity, and the sampling of soil cylinders to determine soil porosity, dry density and water content after drying.
- Hydrochemistry, with :
- a field section (sampling and analysis with a multiparameter and a field spectrophotometer) for physico-chemical parameters (temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, TAC, PO4 and NO3, etc.)
- a laboratory part (analysis and quantification of 4-tert-octlyphenol in a surface water sample, using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS)) to determine the trace presence of emerging contaminants from the alkylphenol ethoxylate (APEO) family, compounds found in products such as detergents, emulsifiers and solubilizers.
- Hydrobiology, which takes into account the presence or absence of certain species: fish, invertebrates, macrophytes (aquatic plants) and diatoms (unicellular algae), with a view to determining specific indices (IPR, IBGN, IBMR, IBD) relating to the biological quality of the watercourse.
Thermal waters
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course focuses on natural mineral waters and thermal waters, whose specific characteristics make them special resources in terms of exploitation, management and protection of their deposits. Students will be trained in the specific technical and regulatory/health aspects of exploiting these resources, notably through presentations by industry professionals and a visit to an exploitation site. They will also be made aware of the management and protection of this type of aquifer, so as to be able to propose study protocols to be implemented in situ to characterize and protect these resources, and thus acquire hydrogeological expertise for this type of aquifer.
In situ characterization of large aquifer systems
Study level
BAC +5
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is designed to enable students to acquire the skills needed to collect hydrometric data (in the broadest sense) in the field and apply them to different types of case study, in order to carry out an engineering/research project in hydrogeology.
This UE is divided into two parts:
- A first week entirely in the field in the Pyrénées Orientales department;
- A second week was spent in the classroom, processing, analyzing and interpreting the data acquired in the field.
During the1st week, the first 3 days are devoted to acquiring the various technical skills in hydrometry (in the broadest sense) in situ, so that the students can then become "project managers" during the last 2 days, when they will work on a case study to be solved by project groups. They will then be assigned to 2 experimental sites, where the projects to be carried out will be defined. The subjects will be presented in greater detail at the beginning of the course, so that the groups can propose an experimental protocol to be carried out in situ, enabling them to solve their problem. The supervisory team will validate the proposed protocols the day before the experiments begin.
During the2nd week, the students will go through the data acquired on their field-project, and will share out the various analyses and interpretations of this data in order to propose a presentation and a report integrating and synthesizing all these results, which will serve to evaluate their work.
Interdisciplinary Project 1 - ER
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course enables students to carry out an engineering project in its entirety, in the form of an interdisciplinary engineering study relating to environmental or health impacts, hydrological, hydraulic or hydrogeological modeling, risk management...
This 5 ECTS course is divided into 2 units: a 2 ECTS unit in S3 (Interdisciplinary Project 1 Water Resource), followed by a 3 ECTS unit in S4 (Interdisciplinary Project 2 Water Resource). These 2 units are inseparable, the second being the finalization of the first.
During the UE Interdisciplinary Project 1 Water Resource, the steps will be :
- Presentation of case studies by teacher-researchers, researchers or engineering professionals (problem, field, data available and to be collected, players, call for tenders, etc.) on topics related to water resource management, risks (flooding, drought, contamination) or, more broadly, environmental impacts. (end of September)
- Project gestation phase (formation of project groups and definition of resolution methodology) in conjunction with the "Project Management 2" UE.
- Data collection, context analysis, contacts, bibliographic research
- Pre-project presentation (mid-November)
- Start-up of the study (data acquisition, planning of field days, familiarization with specific software, etc.)
Biblio ER project
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This unit consists of a personal project culminating in a bibliographical synthesis. The topic will be related to the research internship to be carried out in S4, but may also include related scientific topics.
This synthesis work will be presented in the form of a report, in line with the formalism required for writing scientific books and articles. The document will serve as the bibliographical basis for the research internship report. The application exercise required as part of the "Scientific Writing" UE will be a prerequisite for initiating bibliographical synthesis work, by problematizing the subject of your synthesis, developing key words, etc.).
Project management-2
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers project planning and task time estimation, the SWOT matrix/sabotage exercise, risk management, meeting organization and facilitation, and oral project presentation. Other elements of project management can be addressed on a case-by-case basis, such as financial management, the role of the project manager, relations with partners, and the use of tools such as the to-do list, Kanban, shared calendar, etc.
Following on from the Project Management UE of Master 1, the Project Management UE of Master 2 is designed to verify the assimilation of skills acquired in the previous year, and to go further by focusing on a longer project (a few weeks to a few months), whether individual or in a group, a study project or a personal project.
Scientific writing
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Every future Master's graduate, whether with a "Professional" or "Research" profile, needs to master the tools and codes of effective scientific written communication. Improving your scientific writing skills is essential if you are to add value to your work and communicate it to your peers, colleagues, clients...
Hydrological Modelling and Global Change - Modélisation hydr
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The module is divided into 3 sequences:
(1) Climate variability and change: definitions, principles, greenhouse effect, climate simulations, disaggregation, scenarios and impacts;
(2) Hydrological modeling: structures and numerical representations, input and control data, state variables, parameter calibration, objective functions and optimization methods, parameter analysis and equifinality, robustness and transferability, sensitivity to climatic forcing;
(3) Hydrological modeling tutorials: prepare data, calibrate models, simulate flows, produce graphical output to analyze simulations, simulate the impact of climate change on runoff.
International Field Schools - North & South
Study level
BAC +5
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The issue at stake in the EIT is the sustainability of water resources, linked to the evolution of uses in a northern or southern climatic context subject to climate change and marked uses, particularly in agriculture.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Events project / Call for tender
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this cross-disciplinary course is to give students from several courses the opportunity to organize an event-based project on a topical water-related theme, in line with their commitments, their career plans, societal issues and the challenges of global transitions and changes....
The project is led by the students, from definition to implementation at the event, with occasional support from the teaching teams at key stages.
Water and Development
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this joint course with AgroParisTech's specialized post-master's degree in "Water Management" is to provide students with a development profile with an insight into the issues and organization of development projects on the theme of water (drinking water, sanitation, agricultural water).
This course alternates between testimonials, feedback from experts and development professionals on water issues, and testimonials from students (Mastère Spécialisé Gestion de l'Eau) or students with international experience in water or agriculture.
This course is open as an option to students of the Master's degree in Water Sciences, subject to a numerus clausus of students.
Water and the South
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Water resources and their management are often approached through the knowledge and principles established in the developed countries of the temperate zone. Yet the countries of the South, starting with the Mediterranean and Africa, offer us an extreme diversity of social and environmental situations that force us to significantly modify our points of view and question the validity of certain approaches that are too far removed from the reality on the ground.
Researchers working mainly in developing countries draw on their practical experience to reflect on the specific nature of hydrological and geochemical processes in very dry or very wet tropical regions, the consequences of anthropization and the challenges of sustainable water resource management.
A significant amount of time is devoted to critical analysis of scientific articles dealing with water resources and their management in the South.
Water and climate change
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to present the current and future impacts on all sectors associated with the water sector.
What are the trends in climate extremes such as droughts and floods, and in the regions affected by these extremes? What impact will this have on underground and surface water resources, agricultural land and irrigation methods?
How are sea levels and coastlines changing? How does this impact current and future population movements, and what solutions can be proposed for coastal management?
Through a series of lectures given by specialists from different fields, and covering all the Water Master's courses, this course will present the latest advances in this field.
Through TD and TP sessions, students will be asked to work in groups on a particular theme (using an example) associating climate change with a water-related field, in order to present a summary of the subject. This work will be presented in the form of a mini-seminar, and will be assessed as part of this course.
Interdisciplinary project S4 - ER
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
This course enables students to carry out an engineering project in its entirety, in the form of an interdisciplinary engineering study relating to environmental or health impacts, hydrological, hydraulic or hydrogeological modeling, risk management...
This 5 ECTS course is divided into 2 units: a 2 ECTS unit in S3 (Interdisciplinary Project 1 Water Resource), followed by a 3 ECTS unit in S4 (Interdisciplinary Project 2 Water Resource). These 2 units are inseparable, the second being the finalization of the first.
During the UE Interdisciplinary Project 2 Water Resource, the steps will be :
- Continuation of the study (in the form of non-presential work sessions or supervised by professionals and ECs, field trips if necessary).
- Study presentation phase (technical report on activities implemented and results obtained in the field) and oral defense before a jury (mid-February).
Preparation M2R - ER
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course follows on from the Bibliographic Project course, and is the preparatory phase for the research internship to be carried out in the laboratory. The aim is to define the problematic on the basis of a scientific state of the art based on the bibliographical synthesis carried out in the Bibliographical Project UE.
The student will thus have to define, in interaction with his or her internship tutor, the problem and the initial state of the art of the question to be explored. He/she will also have to specify the work methodology to be implemented during the "research" internship, as well as the provisional timetable.
This work will be the subject of an oral presentation before a jury comprising an external examiner, the internship tutor and one of the course leaders.
M2 Internship - ER - Initial training
Study level
BAC +5
20 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This internship is for students enrolled in the "Professional" profile of the Water-Resource Master's program. It represents the students' second experience in a professional environment, and is a major step towards their future integration. The content of the module depends on the host organization chosen by the student, which may be a company, an association, an NGO, or a public or international organization in the water and environment sectors.
The internship is expected to include a phase of formalizing a problem based on a rigorous state of the art, a phase of setting up an approach, and a phase of carrying out and analyzing the results.
The entire project is to be submitted in accordance with the procedures defined by the host organization and the educational advisor. A dissertation is required for academic assessment. This dissertation may be supplemented by deliverables requested by the host organization, which may or may not be integrated into the dissertation.
Confidentiality of written and oral assessments is possible.
M2 Research Internship - ER
Study level
BAC +5
20 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This internship is for students enrolled in the "Research" profile of the Water-Resource Master's program. It represents the students' first real experience of a significant duration in the field of research, by being integrated into a research team and laboratory, and is therefore an essential step in their future orientation.
The project is expected to include a phase in which a problem is formalized, based on a rigorous state of the art, a phase in which an approach is put in place, and a phase in which results are produced and analyzed.
The whole project is to be submitted in accordance with the procedures defined by the host organization and the educational advisor. A dissertation is required for academic assessment.
Internship subjects are varied and cover a wide range of issues in the water and environment sectors, given the diversity of topics covered in the course and by the research teams involved in supervising and assessing interns.
Confidentiality of evaluations (written and oral) is possible.
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platforms:
- French & European students must submit their application via the e-candidat application: https: //
- International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //