Training structure
Faculty of Science
Semester S1 - 30 ECTS
MANDATORY common units (15 ECTS):
- Functioning of hydrosystems (3 ECTS)
- Hydrology of the unsaturated zone (3 ECTS)
- Bibliographic project (3 ECTS)
- Thematic English 1 (2 ECTS)
- Communication techniques (2 ECTS)
- Project management 1 (2 ECTS)
MANDATORY TUs by specialization (6 ECTS) :
Hydrology specialization: Free-surface hydraulics (3 ECTS) and Treatment processes (3 ECTS)
Hydrogeology Specialization: Hydrogeophysics (3 ECTS) and M1 Hydrogeology Field Internship (3 ECTS)
3 OPTIONAL units of your choice (9 ECTS) :
- Water cycle and watershed (3 ECTS)
- Functioning of aquatic ecosystems (3 ECTS)
- Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate (3 ECTS)
- Water and agriculture: scientific issues and questions (3 ECTS)
- Regulatory issues (3 ECTS)
- Aquatic contaminants and sustainable development (3 ECTS)
Semester S2 - 30 ECTS
MANDATORY common UEs (26 ECTS) common :
- Underground hydrodynamics (3 ECTS)
- Water quality and microbiology (2 ECTS)
- Applied hydrochemistry (2 ECTS)
- Hydrodynamics and applied hydraulics (2 ECTS)
- IWRM participation practices (3 ECTS)
- Statistics (3 ECTS)
- GIS practice (3 ECTS)
- Thematic English 2 (2 ECTS)
- Internship (6 ECTS)
MANDATORY TUs (by specialization (1 ECTS) :
Hydrology Specialization: Hydrological analysis (1 ECTS)
Hydrogeology Specialization : Hydrogeological cross-section and log (1 ECTS)
NON-ROTATING PROFILE : 1 UE to choose from (3 ECTS)
- Introduction to the R language (3 ECTS)
- Groundwater management (3 ECTS)
- Remote sensing for water management (3 ECTS)
- Student project (3 ECTS)
Project management 1
2 creditsBibliographic project
3 creditsCHOICE 1
15 creditsChoice of 5 out of 10
Free surface hydraulics
3 creditsFunctioning of aquatic ecosystems
3 creditsM1 Geology - Hydrogeology field placement
3 creditsRegulatory issues and challenges in water management
3 creditsAquatic contaminants and sustainable development
3 creditsWatershed water cycle
Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate
3 creditsWater and agriculture: scientific issues and challenges
3 creditsWater and wastewater by-product treatment chain
3 creditsHydrogeophysics
3 credits
Thematic English 1
2 creditsHydrology of the unsaturated zone
3 creditsCommunication techniques
2 creditsFunctioning of hydrosystems
3 credits
GIS practice
3 creditsAlternating project
3 creditsApplied hydrochemistry
2 creditsWater quality and microbiology
2 creditsThematic English 2
2 creditsM1 ER Apprenticeship
6 creditsHydrodynamics and applied hydraulics, Flood risks
2 creditsUnderground hydrodynamics
3 creditsStatistics
3 creditsCHOICE 3 ECTS
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
1 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Cross-section and hydrogeological log
1 creditsHydrological analysis
1 credits
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platform:
- French & European students: follow the "Mon Master" procedure on the website: https: //