Study level
BAC +4
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module aims to give students a practical understanding of the implementation of IWRM and participation in water management, using an active teaching approach.
It revolves around the "Cooplage" system for supporting the implementation of participatory approaches to water management, developed by researchers at UMR GEAU, and the associated Agreenium MOOC Terr'eau & co.
Students will work in small groups, involving students from different Water Master's courses, on case studies stemming from the contributors' current research projects. Learning will take place through the use of some of the "Cooplage" tools on their case study, in particular modeling and participatory simulation in the form of role-playing. To anchor their work, students will be put in touch with the people behind these case studies.
In view of health constraints, this year's EU will take place entirely off-line. Modeling and games will be carried out on a virtual table.
- Understand and grasp the issues involved in implementing IWRM and participation in water management: stages and players in Integrated Water Resource Management, challenges posed by the integration of stakeholders, scales and issues, existence of tools to instrument stakeholder and public participation in IWRM.
- Implement integrative tools to handle the complexity of data, stakeholders and systems (modeling, planning, monitoring-evaluation, etc.) and involve local stakeholders and the public in IWRM.
Teaching hours
- Practical participation IWRM - Practical workPractical work15h
- IWRM Participation Practices - CMLecture12h
Mandatory prerequisites
Prerequisites* :
Have completed certain modules of the Agreenium Terr'eau & co MOOC: https: //
Have read the case study documentation
Recommended prerequisites* : Completion of the "Issues, players and regulation" UE.
Knowledge control
Continuous individual assessment of students' commitment and seriousness via mini-reports throughout the module (1/3 of the grade).
Collective assessment of group work via a final presentation (1/3 of the grade) and an online written report to be finalized after the module (1/3 of the grade).
This UE is sequenced according to the following activities:
- What is participative IWRM in reality? Open discussion based on students' knowledge and speakers' projects, discussions with IWRM professionals invited by the speakers.
- Discovery of role-playing games to instrument IWRM
- Group work on concrete case studies: case study documentation, system analysis, modeling, role-play production, participation planning exercise, distributive justice exercise.
- Restitutions, debriefing and final discussion
- Implementation of a reflexive follow-up-evaluation of course outcomes