• Study level

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


The "hydrological/hydraulic modeling and flood risk" module covers the study of flood genesis, flood propagation and flooding. The module aims to enable students to acquire skills in hydrological and hydraulic modeling of processes at watershed and river scales:

1) The production function, which separates rainfall into runoff and infiltration;

2) The transfer function on slopes and via the hydrographic network, overflow and flooding;

3) Construction of a project rainfall and synthetic hydrograph;

4) Applications of hydrological and hydraulic flood models.

The course also includes a field day (in situ data acquisition for hydrological/hydraulic modeling purposes, in situ flood risk analysis).

The tutorials focus on practical applications in watersheds and rivers in France and abroad, using spatialized hydrological flood models (e.g. ATHYS, MHYDAS) and hydraulic models (HEC-RAS, Onde diffusante, Onde cinématique, etc.).): analysis of rainfall/discharge data, use of hydrological/hydraulic models, parameterization/calibration/validation of models, analysis of the impact of development scenarios (dike, dam, etc.).

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This UE should enable students to : 

  • acquire the tools needed to model elementary flood processes: runoff genesis, flood propagation, overflow, impact of developments, etc.
  • build and use a spatialized hydrological and/or hydraulic model at watershed or river scale (e.g. ATHYS, MHYDAS, HEC-RAS models, etc.).
  • predict river behavior under different hydrological forcings, analyze flood propagation determine the floodplain, and assess the sensitivity of model response to parameters and forcings.
  • implement a flood risk assessment methodology (e.g. Cemagref's "Inondabilité" and "SOCOSE" methods) and use it to mitigate risk in exposed areas.
  • write a report summarizing a micro-project and present the work carried out and its synthesis during a group presentation.
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Mandatory prerequisites

  • General hydrology
  • Free surface hydraulics
  • Modeling
  • Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
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Knowledge control

  • Writing of a summary report on a micro-project based on the tutorials carried out.
  • Oral presentation of work carried out during a group defense.
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The module includes :

  1. The production function aimed at separating rainfall into runoff and infiltration (e.g. models by Richards, Green and Ampt, Horton, etc.);
  2. The transfer and routing function in the hydrographic network: Saint-Venant equations, diffusing wave, kinematic wave, unit hydrograph, Muskingum, overflow ;
  3. Construction of a project rainfall and synthetic hydrograph (Cemagref's "Inondabilité" and "SOCOSE" methods); 4. Sensitivity analysis, criterion function, parameterization, calibration and validation of hydrological and hydraulic flood models.

The course also includes a field day: reconnaissance of a river and its potential flood zone, acquisition of in situ data for hydrological/hydraulic modeling purposes, in situ flood risk analysis. 

The tutorials focus on practical applications on watersheds and rivers in France and abroad, using spatialized hydrological models (e.g. ATHYS, MHYDAS) and hydraulic models (HEC-RAS, Onde diffusante, onde cinématique, etc.): analysis of rainfall/discharge data, use of hydrological/hydraulic models, parameterization/calibration/validation of models, analysis of the impact of development scenarios (dike, dam, etc.).

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