Study level
BAC +2
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course introduces groundwater in the hydrological cycle, then looks at the properties of the water/rock complex: porosity, permeability. It introduces the essential concepts of underground hydrodynamics in natural and artificial flow and elementary groundwater hydrochemistry.
The acquisition of knowledge is facilitated by practical application during on-column practical sessions (Porosity and permeability measurements, Establishment of Darcy's law, Salt tracing) and in-class practical sessions (Solving common hydrogeological problems based on reading piezometric and hydrogeological maps - Construction and interpretation of piezometric maps - Interpretation of well and water table tests - Meaning of physico-chemical water analyses).
A field day illustrates the relationship between geological structure and hydrodynamics, and introduces drilling measurement techniques.
Hourly volumes :
- CM :13h
- TD :14h
- Practical work:12h
- Field :6h
The aim of this course is to acquire both theoretical and practical skills in hydrogeology, so as to be able to pursue a Master's degree and be directly operational in the professional world.
Students learn about the relationship between geological structure and hydrodynamic functioning of aquifers in order to understand and interpret fundamental hydrogeological processes and assess their impact on groundwater management and protection.
Teaching hours
- Hydrogeology - TDTutorial14h
- Hydrogeology - CMLecture13h
- Hydrogeology - Practical workPractical work12h
Mandatory prerequisites
Geological mapping
Knowledge control
100% Continuous assessment :
- 4 marks - 50% (TP+Terrain+CC1)
- +50% CC2
Target skills
Solve common hydrogeological problems by reading piezometric and hydrogeological maps and using data. In this context, students should be able to:
- Identify aquifers from borehole logs or geological cross-sections
- Master the techniques of reading and analyzing a hydrogeological map to deduce how a groundwater table functions.
- Master techniques for constructing and interpreting piezometric maps (theory and practice)
- Calculate gradient and flow from data or piezometric curves
- Interpreting well and water table tests
- Linking a physico-chemical analysis of water to a rock type