Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course aims to integrate the knowledge (geological and in terms of analytical tools) acquired up to the 5th semester of the bachelor's degree, and to apply it to the discovery of the architecture of the subsoil and the dynamics of the fluids it contains. It is structured around five axes:
Introduction of near-surface reconnaissance and characterization techniques applied to reservoirs (surface and well geophysics, hydrogeological measurements, sediment core studies);
- Application to a concrete case study: an aquifer in the Languedoc coastal zone ;
- Acquisition of part of the data on an experimental site using dedicated field measurement workshops;
- Processing, analysis and interpretation of data acquired with dedicated software as well as additional data from laboratory measurements;
- Synthesis and report/poster writing.
Hourly volumes :
CM: 6h
TD : 6h
Practical work: 18h
Field : 12h
This course aims to integrate the knowledge (geological and in terms of analytical tools) acquired up to the 5th semester of the bachelor's degree, and to apply it to the discovery of the architecture of the subsoil and the dynamics of the fluids it contains. It familiarizes students with field data acquisition, processing, interpretation and cross-analysis for synthesis. Interpretative analysis relies on a varied and complementary data set to understand the subsoil at different scales, in space and time: sediment cores, borehole logs, geophysical profiles, hydrodynamic measurements, chemical composition of fluids, etc., leading the student to develop a conceptual model of the structure and architecture of the subsoil and the fluid dynamics within it. The many disciplines covered (cartography, geophysics, stratigraphy, sedimentology, petrophysics, geochemistry, hydrogeology) will enable students to acquire knowledge and skills that are relevant to many areas of the geosciences (active tectonics, archaeology, civil engineering, etc.).
Teaching hours
- Reservoir fluid resources - CMLecture6h
- Reservoir fluid resources - TDTutorial6h
- Reservoir fluid resources - Practical workPractical work18h
Mandatory prerequisites
Recommended prerequisites :
Basic knowledge of earth sciences (geology, geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, cartography, hydrogeology).
Knowledge control
Continuous assessment, including a summary report
Target skills
- Mobilize the fundamental concepts and appropriate tools to study a geological object in the subsoil;
- Acquire, process and analyze field and laboratory data;
- Interpret data and information from different disciplines;
- Be able to summarize an interpretation in a logical and well-argued manner;