Study level
BAC +3
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This unit involves carrying out a project on an Earth, Water and Environmental Science theme. The themes will be defined by the entire L3 teaching team, and will involve dealing with scientific issues using data acquired in the laboratory and/or in the field. Subjects will be dealt with by groups of 2 or 3 students, and will be supervised by tutors throughout the L3 year in the framework of 2 complementary UEs:
- the TEE 1 project in S5 will focus on bibliographical research on the subject and the acquisition of tools for writing a scientific report and giving an oral presentation.
- the TEE 2 project in S6 will be devoted more to processing experimental/analytical data, critiquing the results obtained and interpreting them. The final report on the study will take the form of a final report and an oral presentation before a jury.
This project unit, spread over the 2 semesters of the L3 TEE course, will give students an initial experience of working independently, which they can then transfer to their Master's course, or directly to the workplace, depending on their career plans.
The second phase of the tutored project, known as "Projet TEE 2", aims to train students to acquire experimental/analytical data, in the laboratory and/or in the field, and to critique and interpret the results. Progress points to define a work schedule for the whole of S6 with a view to final study reports will be organized by the UE leaders and tutors. These will help to complete the knowledge acquired in the TEE1 Project, in order to draft the final scientific report and prepare for the oral presentation of the work carried out throughout the project.
Mandatory prerequisites
Knowledge control
This UE will be assessed by continuous assessment.
This UE corresponds to a project UE (1h SPS/students). The hours will be divided between the tutors supervising the groups of students and the people in charge of the UE, who will also organize CM/TD sessions focusing on :
- progress reports on the work schedule and data processing/criticism
- additional information on writing a scientific report and preparing an oral presentation of their work
Target skills
- Define a methodology for carrying out a scientific study and define the analytical/experimental procedures to be implemented
- Acquire theoretical and practical skills in the laboratory and/or in the field
- Process, criticize and interpret experimental/analytical results
- Present scientific results in a structured and synthetic way, in the form of a report and an oral presentation.