Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course provides a basic understanding of the transfer processes that affect our planet's outer shell. The aim is to learn how to decipher the imprint of these processes through the study of sedimentary rocks.
Hourly volumes:
CM: 15h
TD : 3h
Practical work: 12h
Field : 6h
Understand the major transfer mechanisms at the Earth's surface, based on current examples (part 1), and then try to decipher this message in ancient sedimentary series in outcrop (part 2).
Teaching hours
- Sedimentary rocks and surface transfers - TDTutorial3h
- Sedimentary rocks and surface transfers - CMLecture15h
- Sedimentary rocks and surface transfers - Practical workPractical work12h
Mandatory prerequisites
UE HAT301T sedimentary geology, tectonics and cartography
Knowledge control
100% continuous assessment (graded TD and TP, field trip report, CC exam)
- Synthetic description of the concepts covered in CM :
Part 1: 1- River systems; 2- Swell-dominated coastlines; 3- Tide-dominated coastlines. Part 2: 1- Introduction to sedimentary geology; 2- Residual rocks; 3- Terrigenous detrital rocks; 4-5- Biogenic rocks (Carbonate, Siliceous, Phosphate); 6- Evaporites; 7- Coal and oil.
- Summary description of TD sessions and number of hours associated with each session
Case studies in present-day river and coastal systems. Morphosedimentary analysis of cartographic and photo-satellite documents
- Synthetic description of TP sessions and number of hours associated with each session
Study of the macro- and microfacies of sedimentary rocks with a view to reconstructing depositional environments - Morphosedimentary analysis of cartographic and photo-satellite documents
- Description of the themes/manips covered during your field trip(s) and details of destinations/sites
Analysis of sedimentary landscapes and study of outcrops in various present-day and ancient depositional environments. Learn to analyze sedimentary facies, survey sections and draw outcrops.
Target skills
- Mobilize the fundamental concepts and technologies of sedimentology (macro- and microfacies) to reconstruct depositional environments and morphosedimentary analysis of cartographic and photo-satellite documents, in order to address a problem in the field and/or analyze a research or presentation document;
- Analyze and synthesize data for further processing;
- Develop an argument with logic and critical thinking ;