Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Hydrostatics (Fundamental Principle of Hydrostatics, notion of buoyant force, Archimedes' theorem)
- Fluid kinematics (streamline, trajectory, emission line, flow rate, Reynolds number, laminar, turbulent flow)
- Hydrodynamics of perfect fluids (conservation of mass, conservation of energy with Bernouilli's theorem, case studies: Mariotte vessel, emptying a tank, Pitot tube, Venturi)
- Hydrodynamics of real fluids (origin of head losses and estimation of linear and singular head losses, generalized Bernouilli theorem with head losses)
- Hydraulic machines (pump operation, H(Q) characteristics, operating point)
- Free-surface hydraulics (hydraulic characteristics, Manning Strickler formula, weir formula, pressure curves)
Hourly volumes :
CM :10h
TD :10h
TP :16h
Provides the theoretical foundations of hydraulics. Provide tools for solving common problems such as: calculating pressures and pressure drops in pipelines with a view to sizing, selecting pumps, calculating flow rates in open or closed pipelines. Introduce the basics of free-surface hydraulics.
Teaching hours
- Hydraulics - Practical workPractical work16h
- Hydraulics - CMLecture10h
- Hydraulics - TDTutorial10h
Mandatory prerequisites
Knowledge control
- 100% CC broken down as follows :
- 1 graded TD
- oral presentation of TP methods and results in the hydraulic hall
- written exam on the entire course, TD, TP, fieldwork
- Synthetic description of TP sessions and number of hours associated with each session
- Practical work at Supagro's hydraulic hall (small channel, large channel, effect of slope on flow rate and head, load flow in pipes of different diameters and materials, flow measurement using a current meter, determination of pump characteristics).
Target skills
- apply the fundamental principle of hydrostatics to determine the pressure of a fluid at rest.
- determine the intensity and point of application of a thrust force
- apply Bernouilli's theorem in the case of a perfect fluid and in the case of a real fluid
- know how to determine head losses when flowing under load in a pipe
- know how to choose a pump according to its characteristics and the hydraulic network in which it will be used
- know how to carry out all the steps involved in sizing a water supply network (case of a simple branched network)
- know how to measure flow using a current meter (point-by-point method)