Study level
BAC +3
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The first sessions are devoted to reminders of the mathematical tools that will be used in the module. The teaching is then divided into three parts: geothermal energy, gravimetry and geomagnetism. The approach developed combines theoretical and practical approaches. Particular attention is paid to measuring and estimating errors during practical work.
Hourly volumes :
CM: 15
TD : 30
TP: 9
The depths of the Earth are largely inaccessible through direct observation. The aim of this module is to complement the seismological approach taught in2nd year undergraduate studies, by presenting complementary geophysical tools that provide a better understanding of our planet's internal dynamics. Near-surface imaging measurements are also presented.
Teaching hours
- Physics of the Earth - Practical workPractical work9h
- Physics of the Earth - TDTutorial30h
- Physics of the Earth - CMLecture15h
Mandatory prerequisites
Seismology and data processing
Recommended prerequisites :
Knowledge control
continuous monitoring
- Synthetic description of the concepts covered in CM :
Mathematical reminders
The Earth as a thermal machine
Heat transfer, conduction, convection
Newton's Law
Notion of geoid
Measurement and gravity anomaly
- Summary description of TD sessions and number of hours associated with each session
Derivative, integral, operator (6 h)
Steady-state heat conduction (3h)
Non-steady-state heat conduction (6h)
Earth's gravity field (6h)
Measuring gravity (3h)
Gravimetric anomalies and isostasy (3 h)
Paleomagnetism and continental drift (3h)
- Summary description of practical sessions and number of hours for each session
Pendulum oscillation, measurement of g (3h)
Error and uncertainty estimation (3h)
Relative gravimetry measurement (3h)
Target skills
Data processing, geophysical tools, multidisciplinary approach.