Training structure
Faculty of Science
List of courses
Fluid resources reservoirs
4 creditsTEE 2 project
2 creditsUE Field placement
8 creditsGeomorphology
4 creditsTerre-Environnement
8 creditsGeodynamics
4 credits
Fluid resources reservoirs
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course aims to integrate the knowledge (geological and in terms of analytical tools) acquired up to the 5th semester of the bachelor's degree, and to apply it to the discovery of the architecture of the subsoil and the dynamics of the fluids it contains. It is structured around five axes:
Introduction of near-surface reconnaissance and characterization techniques applied to reservoirs (surface and well geophysics, hydrogeological measurements, sediment core studies);
- Application to a concrete case study: an aquifer in the Languedoc coastal zone ;
- Acquisition of part of the data on an experimental site using dedicated field measurement workshops;
- Processing, analysis and interpretation of data acquired with dedicated software as well as additional data from laboratory measurements;
- Synthesis and report/poster writing.
Hourly volumes :
CM: 6h
TD : 6h
Practical work: 18h
Field : 12h
TEE 2 project
Study level
BAC +3
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This unit involves carrying out a project on an Earth, Water and Environmental Science theme. The themes will be defined by the entire L3 teaching team, and will involve dealing with scientific issues using data acquired in the laboratory and/or in the field. Subjects will be dealt with by groups of 2 or 3 students, and will be supervised by tutors throughout the L3 year in the framework of 2 complementary UEs:
- the TEE 1 project in S5 will focus on bibliographical research on the subject and the acquisition of tools for writing a scientific report and giving an oral presentation.
- the TEE 2 project in S6 will be devoted more to processing experimental/analytical data, critiquing the results obtained and interpreting them. The final report on the study will take the form of a final report and an oral presentation before a jury.
This project unit, spread over the 2 semesters of the L3 TEE course, will give students an initial experience of working independently, which they can then transfer to their Master's course, or directly to the workplace, depending on their career plans.
UE Field placement
Study level
BAC +3
8 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is above all an apprenticeship in geological mapping in the field, built in two parts:
1 - Pre-apprenticeship in 2 days of fieldwork in the northern Montpellier region. Introduction to field mapping methods (measurement, transfer) and the survey of structural and sedimentary sections in the St Martin de Londres basin. Students are supervised in the field in small groups of 10, using project-based teaching (complementary work) and group teaching in the field (dialogue, interaction) led by a teacher who guides them in questioning, locating and transferring cartographic data.
2 - Further learning through immersion in an 8-day field course in the Alps (Digne region). Using project-based and inverted pedagogy (autonomous work alternating with supervised days, i.e. rotating small groups), students learn to map in a high-relief region where rocks are highly deformed, and field observation and spatial data are highly complementary. The total immersion of the fieldwork allows for supervised work and monitoring of the student's daily work.
Hourly volumes :
CM: 2 h (introduction to basic concepts)
TD: 10 h (3h GIS, 7h image analysis and cross-section construction)
Field: 60 h (12h in St Martin, 48h in Digne)
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
We will study the main external and internal processes involved in shaping landforms:
- Weathering process
- Wind power processes and landscapes
- River processes and river landscapes
- Glacial and periglacial processes and landscapes
- Tectonic and structural geomorphology
- Slope process
- Karst model
Hourly volume :
CM: 21h
Practical work: 9h x 2 groups
Field: 6h x 3 groups
Study level
BAC +3
8 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Earth system is often described as an association of superimposed envelopes, from the central seed to the most discrete zones at the edge of the vacuum of space. It can also be thought of as a system where rocks, water, air and life cohabit. The Earth system is first and foremost a whole, whose components are largely interconnected on all scales of time and space.
The Earth-Environment module is part of the exploration of couplings between the main components of the Earth system: solid earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. It aims to describe and explain some of the most striking interactions, and to show the extent to which these complex processes and couplings control our entire environment, right down to our daily lives, our safety (natural hazards and disasters) and the prospects for human survival on Earth.
Hourly volume :
CM: 30
TD : 30
TP: 12
i.e. 72 hours of classroom teaching. 48 blocks of 1.5 hours each (20 blocks of lectures, 20 blocks of lectures on practical subjects and 8 blocks of practical work).
The module is organized in the form of a short introduction to the module, followed by three thematic blocks which follow one another in the module's timetable:
- Internal earth
- Outer earth and geological hazards
- Outer earth, hydrosphere and risks
Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Geodynamics course presents, studies and characterizes the major processes associated with solid Earth geodynamics: mantle dynamics, plate tectonics, plate boundaries (break-ups, subductions, collisions, oceanic expansion) and intraplate domains. These systems and processes are studied using natural examples on the scale of the crust and lithosphere, with emphasis on the integration of the various data and tools used in Earth sciences (geophysics, geochemistry, structural geology, rock mechanics, petrology, etc.) NB: the hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere are not covered.
Lectures are combined with practical sessions focusing on the analysis and synthesis of documents in order to characterize geodynamic processes, drawing on the concepts covered in geosciences since S1.
Hourly volumes :
WC: 3 p.m.
TD: 21 h