2 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This course focuses on the specificities of healthcare applications in the field of bioprocessing. Case studies of biomedical and advanced therapy drug production are presented (e.g. clinical grade production of cell therapy products). The entire production chain is covered, with a particular focus on downstream processes (or DownStream Processing, DSP), which are particularly important for healthcare products (separation, extraction, purification and even formulation operations). Indeed, DSP represents a significant proportion of production costs, and the expectations and challenges associated with these technologies are numerous, particularly with the development of single-use technologies. UpStream Processing (USP) is covered in depth in the complementary modules of the Biomanufacturing specialization (HAV930V and HAV911V).

This course includes lectures and conferences, with numerous contributions from industry experts who will share their expertise and vision of the field with the students. In addition to technological aspects, these presentations will also cover Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), quality control and the management of economic and environmental constraints.

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At the end of this course, students will have a global and integrated vision of pharmaceutical bioprocesses, and will be able to integrate the economic and environmental constraints of bioprocesses in this field. They will be able to choose the best process to implement, for each bioproduction, with an awareness of the properties and limitations of each system.

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Teaching hours

  • Bioprocess engineering II, specific applications - CMLecture18h

Mandatory prerequisites

Fundamentals of Bioprocess Engineering (M1 level UE HAV811V "Bioprocess Engineering -BATCH" or eq.)

Recommended prerequisites: Bioprocess engineering and recombinant protein production (M2 level UE HAV930V "Bioprocess engineering -Fed-Batch and continuous" or eq. and UE HAV911V "Engineering of recombinant protein production")Basics in Immunotechnology and Protein Engineering (M1 level UEs PAM1IIMM and PAM1IIPR or eq.).

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Knowledge control

Assessment of knowledge is based on continuous assessment (CCI).

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