3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
A teaching module focused on the professional world, with general introductions to pre-defined themes targeting the biotechnological valorization of microorganisms (antimicrobials, microbiota, probiotics, applied virology, etc.), followed by presentations by industrialists on their background, their company and/or the development of a project. This course covers both red biotechnologies (health applications), and the other colors of biotechnologies (green/agronomy, blue/marine, white/industrial, yellow/environmental).
Introduce students to the fields in which industrial projects can be developed, give them an insight into the careers of industrialists and introduce them to the business world.
Teaching hours
- Bioproduction and enhancement of microbial biodiversity - CMLecture24h
Mandatory prerequisites
Theoretical and technical knowledge of microbiology and biotechnology
Recommended prerequisites :
Knowledge of ecology and microbial biodiversity
Knowledge control
Assessment is by continuous assessment (CCI), in the form of a project involving both oral presentations and summary sheets, and in the form of a final test.