5 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Pharmacy


This E.U. introduces students to the issues associated with the various uses of water and liquid discharges, as well as the methodology to be implemented to identify the associated critical points.

- Know the regulations governing the different uses of water.
- Identify substances that may present health risks for consumers
- Know the investigation methods used in the event of health alerts related to water quality and the management of these alerts
- Know the constraints, approach and solutions associated with the management of wastewater from food processing industries.

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- Water quality and different uses in the agri-food sector - 3hCM
- Regulations governing water intended to come into contact with food - 4hCM / 3hTD
- Bottled natural mineral waters and on-site use - 3hCM / 2hTD
- Management of health alert situations and exceeding quality limits 10hCM - 10hTD
- Characteristics of food industry wastewater - 2hCM
- Constraints and regulations associated with food industry wastewater - 2hCM
- Approach and main treatment processes for food industry wastewater - 6hCM / 5hTD

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Additional information

Responsible for EU :

Frédérique Courant: frederique.courant@umontpellier.fr

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